heart failure meds (final) Flashcards
used for vasodilation
acute decompensated HF
decreases pulm pressure, O2 demand, & pre/afterload
reduces dyspnea and anxiety
IV PUSH (1-5mg/2mins+)
causes resp. depression
have narcan on standby
ACE inhibitors
lisinopril- decreases BP, vasodilates
causes nagging cough and angioedema
counters RAAS
contraindicated w/ pregnancy
dont stop abruptly
losartan - decreases BP, vasodilates
monitor hyperkalemia
avoid sunlight
s/s otho hypertension, JVD, angioedema
blocks SNS, decreases HR and BP
assess HR and BP before admin.
hold if HR under 60 BP under 100
preferred for asthma/copd pt - less risk for bronchospasm
can mask s/s of hypoglycemia and increase BS
dont give w ADHF unless already taking it
monitor I+Os, daily weights BS
preferred in HF
can cause bronchospasm
dont give with ADHF unless already taking it
cardiac sinus node inhibitors
lowers HR, decreased risk for toxicity
hold if HR under 70
pt must be normal sinus rhythm
can be given with BB, causes a fib & bradycardia
lowers HR and makes contractions stronger
hold if HR under 60
risk for toxicity, s/s vision changes, dysrhythmias, fatigue
antidote is digibond
dont stop abruptly
diuretic, decreases BP
possible dig toxicity -hypokalemia, hyperglycemia and ototoxicity
check K+ and BP before admin.
IV PUSH SLOWLY (10-20mg/min)
kidney fxn test periodically
decreased BP (water, sodium, K+, and CL excretion)
hypokalemia, hyperglycemia risk
potassium sparing
excretion of NaCl
risk for hyperkalemia
avoid K+ foods
risk for GI bleed, caution with alertness activities
used in DM but can prevent HF
mild diuretic effect - cardiac death and hospitalization
can cause ketoacidosis and hypoglycemia
I+Os and daily weights
when should you take diuretics for HF
in the morning to avoid nocturia
r/f orthostatic hypotension
vasodilates to decrease BP
african americans
Tx of HFrEF, decreases vascular resistance and CO demand
assess for edema, angina, ortho BP
take on empty stomach, no alcohol
have to use with ACE or BB
lowers BP
use if ACE or ARB does work
blocks BNP inhibitor
monitor BP and K+
angioedema rx: wait 36 hr when transitioning from ACE
HF diet
limit sodium 2-3g/day
limit fluid to 2L/day (replace with ice chips, gum, hard candy, popsicles)
DASH DIET- fruits, vegs, low-fat milk, whole grains, fish, pulty, bean,seeds,nuts)