Heart Failure Flashcards
1. Discuss the etiology and pathophysiological mechanisms involved with right and left sided heart failure 2. Compare the different causes and symptoms systolic and diastolic heart failure also called heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HF-PEF). 3. Contrast the differences in presentation between right and left sided heart failure 4. Contrast the physical findings associated with right sided an left sided heart failure (Bates- Physical Exam text may be useful for this) 5. Summari
A clinical syndrome characterized by systemic perfusion inadequate to meet the body’s metabolic demands as a result of impaired pump function.
Heart Failure
True or False: A definitive lab test can determine/diagnose heart failure.
It is multifactorial
What is the final goal of treatment?
Improve Symptoms
Improve Survival
Shrink the Heart Down to Size
Keep them out of the Hospital
Seven Major Classes of Biomarkers Contributing to Heart Failure Profile
- Myocardial Stretch
- Myocyte Injury
- Matrix Remodeling
- Inflammation
- Renal Dysfunction
- Neurohumoral Activation
- Oxidative Stress
Etiology of Heart Failure
- Ischemic Cardiomyopathy (50-75%)
- Non-Ischemic CM
- Unknown (20-30%)
- HTN (13%)
- Valvular Dz (10-12%)
- Others: ETOH, Cocaine, OSA, Nutritional Deficiency, Viral Myocarditis, HIV, Tachycardia, Hemochromatosis, Sarcoid, SLE, etc.
When does Postpartum Heart Dz develop?
1 month before delivery
5 months after delivery
What are the two overarching forms of Heart Failure?
- Low Output
2. High Output
Which form of Heart Failure is most common?
Low Output
Definition of Low Cardiac Output
- Resulting from HTN, Ischemic Heart Dz, Valvular Dx, and CM
- Exam reveals impaired peripheral circulation: Cold, pale, cyanotic extremities with a narrow pulse pressure
Definition of High Cardiac Output
- Characteristic of thyrotoxicosis, AV fistula, anemia, pregnancy, and Paget’s Dz of Bone
- Exam reveals warm extremities with normal or widened pulse pressure
Long QRS on EKG would indicate:
Right and Left ventricles not contracting at the same time
Bad prognostic indicators of Heart Failure (5)
- Prolonged QRS
- Low Na+
- low lymphocytes
- hypotension
- poor renal fxn
What causes excess absorption of Na+ in Heart Failure patients?
Decreased perfusion to the kidneys will make it think you are dehydrated, so you will want to keep salt and therefore water.
What Diagnostic Tests would you order for suspected HF?
- 2-D Echo
- Labs (Electrolytes, CBC, Liver Enzymes, TSH, Na, Crea, BUN, Troponin)
- Cardiac Catherization
Seattle Heart Failure Model
Want to check Percent of Lymphocytes because they will be lower if there is wasting of the body due to poor nutrition.
occurs when the heart is incapable of meeting the metabolic demands of the body tissue
heart failure
In systolic heart failure that occurred as a result of ischemic heart disease, would the patient’s EF be normal or less than normal?
Systolic heart failure is “pump failure”.
EF < 55%
Is it common to have left AND right heart failure simultaneously?
YES! “Most people who have had HF from ischemia (#1 cause) will have both right and left systolic heart failure.”
If you have right systolic HF, and normal LV function, what are the potential causes?
Cause must be somewhere BETWEEN the RV and LV. So is could be the 1) pulm valve 2) lungs (pulm htn) 3) mitral valve stenosis
What are the common symptoms of right sided systolic heart failure?
JVD, peripheral edema, fatigue (fluid back up in the body)
What are the common symptoms of left sided heart failure?
congestion in the lungs (crackles, cough, dyspnea). Increased pressure in lungs quickly leads to right sided failure as well
Systolic Heart failure is caused by a problem with what?
The ventricles. “Pump problem”