Heart Failure Flashcards
Heart Failure
- An abnormal condition involving impaired cardiac pumping/filling
- Heart is unable to produce an adequate cardiac output (CO) to meet metabolic needs
- Progressive disease is characterized by myocardial cell dysfunction
- Inability of the heart to pump enough CO to meet the demands of the body
- Prevalence is high and it’s increasing; we’re living longer and are eating diets that’re full of unhealthy synthetic products & preservatives
Epidemiology - HF Risk Factors
- HTN producing LVH
- DM, hyperlipidemia
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Obesity
- Excessive alcohol use, smoking, high sodium dietary intake
Diastolic HF occurs as a result of __ __
filling failure
Systolic HF occurs as a result of __ __
pump failure
Refers to the inability of the ventricles to relax & thereby fill the chambers appropriately
Refers to the action of contraction in the ventricles or the lower chambers (emptying)
Ventricles don’t have enough systemic vascular resistance (SVR) to exert sufficient pressure & eject the blood to the body in an optimal manner to perfuse the body effectively
HF classification is based solely on measurement of ejection fraction (EF); is the % of blood that’s ejected from the ventricle w/each contraction
> Normal 55-70%; around 45% - indicates HF
HF - Pathophysiology
Characterized by
> Ventricular dysfunction
> Reduced exercise tolerance
> Diminished quality of life
> Shortened life expectancy
Compensatory Mechanisms
- Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone
- Natriuretic peptides (BNP)
SNS is activated first; you see increased HR, contractility of the heart, & peripheral vasoconstriction (why we check pedal pulses & assess the heart)
Mechanisms then start to fail as heart cannot keep up w/workload & need for O2
Kidneys act by activating the __ __ __ __. Begins ok, but then retention of fluid to maintain volume & eventually strains the overworked heart w/volume & workload
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
A neurohormonal mechanism is the body’s release of ___
BNP (brain natriuretic peptide)
- Overstretching of the heart causes this peptide to be released in r/t inc pressure & volume
- Results in natural diuresis as well as dilation of veins & arteries
- These decrease __ and __ & therefore workload of the heart
preload; afterload
- Lab can draw BNP levels and if they’re elevated, then that’s a clear indication of HF
- Pts can be given a BNP rx that mimics the effects of the body’s natural BNP neurohormonal mechanism
___ can be released w/even a minor cardiac muscle stretch
ANP (so we look at BNP if there’s a question of HF)
- Heavily dependent on hx & physical assessment as sx’s nonspecific
- Lab testing
> cardiac enzymes, serum electrolytes, CBC, UA, fasting lipid profile, LFT’s, - Rx’s
- Pulmonary edema
- Goals of HF management are manipulation of the critical components of CO (preload, afterload, contractility) and control of the compensatory mechanisms
Is an acute complication of HF characterized by rapid accumulation of fluid in interstitial & alveolar spaces of the lung, resulting from elevated filling pressures within the heart
Pulmonary edema
- Most common type
- Results from LVD
> HTN, CAD, cardiomyopathy
> Back up of blood into the left atrium & pulmonary veins - Pulmonary congestion
- Edema
Left HF
Occurs as back up of blood into right atrium and venous systemic circulation
Right HF
HF: Where’s the backflow?
Right or Left?
- Backup of blood into the right atrium and venous systemic circulation
Left - most common type
- Results from LVD (HTN, CAD, cardiomyopathy)
- Backup of blood into the left atrium and pulmonary veins
> Pulmonary congestion
> Edema
Remember: Left / Lungs (Left-sided HF classically is when the fluid is built up in the lungs)
HF Sx’s - ?
- SOB, dyspnea, fatigue
- Crackles in lung auscultation
- Poor color, weak pulses, cool extremities
- Jugular vein distention (JVD)
- Generalized dependent edema
- Hepatomegaly
- Ascites
- Left-sided HF can eventually cause right-sided HF & then sx’s can be less clear
- Severe exacerbations of HF, pt may present w/hypotension, cool extremities, decreased or no urine output, & poor or declining mentation
If this is left untreated, treatment is delayed, or the HF progresses, it can rapidly decline into an acute decompensated state such as severe __ __
Pulmonary edema
- Other complications of HF can be pleural effusions, afib (which can cause thrombus/embolus formation & inc pts risk for stroke), fatal dysrhythmias, severe hepatomegaly, renal insufficiency or failure
- As pulmonary edema progresses, it inhibits O2 & CO2 exchange @ the alveolar-capillary interface
- Orthopnea
- Dyspnea, tachypnea
- Use of accessory muscles
- Cyanosis
- Cool & clammy skin
- Cough w/frothy, blood-tinged sputum
- Crackles, wheezes, rhonchi
- Tachycardia
- Hypo- or HTN
Flash Pulmonary Edema
! Fast & sudden
* Pt is usually anxious, pale, & possibly cyanotic
* Skin is clammy & cold from vasoconstriction caused by stimulation of SNS
Diagnostic Studies | Primary goal: Determine & treat underlying cause
- History & PE
- Cxr
- Lab studies (e.g., cardiac enzymes, BNP, electrolytes, CBC, UA, lipids)
- Hemodynamic assessment
- Echo
- Nuclear imaging/stress testing
- Cardiac cath
- Ejection fraction (MUGA scans)
Below __ pg/mL indicates no HF
Levels between __ and __ pg/mL suggest HF is present
Level above __ pg/mL indicates mild HF
Level above __ pg/mL indicates moderate HF
Level above __ pg/mL indicates severe HF
- Assess K+ as diuretics might deplete
- Look at BUN as inadequate blood flow to the kidneys may impair kidney function
- H/H in anemia that could result in decreased CO
! Be aware of any National Hospital Quality Measures (6 core measures)
- Beta-blocker @ discharge
- Follow-up within 7 days >d/c
- Record of care transmitted to the next level of care within 7 days of d/c
- Documentation of advance care planning (adv dir) w/an HCP
- Documentation of adv dir within the medical record
- F/u d/c eval of pt status & treatment adherence within 72 hrs of d/c (can occur by phone, scheduled OV, or home visit)
Classification Systems
- New York Heart Association Functional Classification of HF: Classes I to IV
> Patients may progress up & back to any of the classifications @ any time during their dz, depending on treatment & response
- ACC/AHA Stages of HF: Stages A to D
> A pt can’t go backward in these stages
Class ?
No symptoms w/physical activity such as dyspnea or CP
Class I
Class ?
Marked limitation w/physical activity but comfortable @ rest
Class III
Class ?
Severe limitation & distress w/physical activity or at rest
Class IV
Class ?
Mild sx’s w/ordinary activities
Class II
Stage ?
Refractory HF eligible for heart transplant, inotropic and/or mechanical support
Stage ?
Asymptomatic w/LVH and/or impaired LV function
Stage ?
Pt’s w/risk factors but no LV impairment
Stage ?
Current or past sx’s of HF
Overall objective is to increase CO by effecting the SV (preload, afterload, & contractility)
- Morphine is also used as it decreases preload & anxiety
Improve Cardiac Output: Preload, Afterload, Contractility
Reduce ___
- Nutrition therapy
- Drug therapy
> Diuretics
> Venous vasodilators
Reduce Afterload
- Drugs
> __
> __
> __
ACE inhibitors
Human BNP
Drugs: Enhance Contractility
- Inotropic drugs
> ___ - Beta adrenergic blockers (usually short-term)
Treatments: Non-pharmacological
- Noninvasive ventilatory support (BIPAP)
- Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) or biventricular pacing
- Cardiac transplantation
- Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) therapy
- Ventricular assist devices (VADs)
- AICD - automatic internal cardiac defibrillator
- Heart transplantation - depending on the cause
Nursing Management - HF
Nursing Diagnoses
* Activity intolerance
* Fluid volume excess
* Anxiety
* Deficient knowledge
* Respiratory status
* Fluid balance
* Activity tolerance
* Anxiety control
* Knowledge of disease process