Heart Failure Flashcards


[Frank-]Starling’s law of the heart



More EDV = More Preload = More SV = More forceful contraction

The contractile function of an isolated strip of cardiac tissue can be
described by the relationship between the velocity of muscle contraction,
the load that is moved by the contracting muscle, and the extent to
which the muscle is stretched before contracting. As with all other types
of muscle, the velocity of contraction of myocardial tissue is reduced by
increasing the load against which the tissue must contract. However,
in the non-failing
heart, pre-stretching
of cardiac muscle improves the
relationship between the force and velocity of contraction (Fig. 30.5).

This phenomenon was described in the intact heart as an increase
of stroke volume (ventricular performance) with an enlargement of
the diastolic volume (preload), and is known as ‘Starling’s law of the
heart’ or the ‘Frank–Starling relationship’. It has been transcribed into
more clinically relevant indices. Thus, stroke work (aortic pressure
× stroke volume) is increased as ventricular end-diastolic
volume is
raised. Alternatively, within certain limits, cardiac output rises as pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure increases. This clinical relationship
is described by the ventricular function curve (see Fig. 30.5), which
also shows the effect of sympathetic stimulation.

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Venous return (preload)



Volume of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole i.e. EDV
We can say the amount of blood present in the ventricles just before contraction.

In the intact heart, myocardial failure leads to a reduction of the
volume of blood ejected with each heart beat and an increase in
the volume of blood remaining after systole. This increased diastolic
volume stretches the myocardial fibres and, as Starling’s law
of the heart (see p. 1025) would suggest, myocardial contraction
is restored. However, the failing myocardium results in depression
of the ventricular function curve (cardiac output plotted against the
ventricular diastolic volume) (see Fig. 10.8).

Mild myocardial depression is not associated with a reduction
in cardiac output because it is maintained by an increase in
venous pressure (and hence diastolic volume). However, the proportion
of blood ejected with each heart beat (ejection fraction) is
reduced early in heart failure. Sinus tachycardia also ensures that
any reduction of stroke volume is compensated for by the increase
in heart rate; cardiac output (stroke volume × heart rate) is therefore

When there is more severe myocardial dysfunction, cardiac output
can be maintained only by a large increase in venous pressure and/
or marked sinus tachycardia. The increased venous pressure contributes
to the development of dyspnoea, owing to the accumulation
of interstitial and alveolar fluid, and ascites with hepatic enlargement
and dependent oedema from increased systemic venous pressure.
However, the cardiac output at rest may not be much depressed,
but myocardial and haemodynamic reserve is so compromised that
a normal increase in cardiac output cannot be produced by exercise.
In very severe heart failure the cardiac output at rest is depressed,
despite high venous pressures. The inadequate cardiac output is
redistributed to maintain perfusion of vital organs, such as the heart,
brain and kidneys, at the expense of the skin and muscle.

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Outflow resistance (afterload)



Pressure required to overcome the blood pressure in the aorta
Pressure required to open the aortic valve.

Outflow resistance (afterload) (see Fig. 30.5) is the load or resistance
against which the ventricle contracts. It is formed by:
• pulmonary and systemic resistance
• physical characteristics of the vessel walls
• the volume of blood that is ejected.

An increase in afterload decreases the cardiac output, resulting
in a further increase of end-diastolic
volume and dilation of the
ventricle, which further exacerbates the problem of afterload. This
is expressed by Laplace’s law: the tension of the myocardium (T)
is proportional to the intraventricular pressure (P) multiplied by the
radius of the ventricular chamber (R) – that is, T ∝ PR.

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Myocardial contractility (inotropic state)


The state of the myocardium also influences performance. The
sympathetic nervous system is activated in heart failure via baroreceptors
as an early compensatory mechanism, which provides inotropic
support and maintains cardiac output.
Chronic sympathetic activation, however, has deleterious effects by further increasing
neurohormonal activation and myocyte apoptosis. This is compensated
by a downregulation of β-receptors.
Increased contractility
(positive inotropism) can result from increased sympathetic drive
and this is a normal part of the Frank–Starling relationship (see Fig.
30.5). Conversely, myocardial depressants (e.g. hypoxia) decrease
myocardial contractility (negative inotropism).

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Neurohormonal and sympathetic system activation:
salt and water retention


The increase in venous pressure that occurs when the ventricles fail
leads to retention of salt and water, and their accumulation in the interstitium,
producing many of the physical signs of heart failure. Reduced
cardiac output also leads to diminished renal perfusion, activating the
renin–angiotensin system and enhancing salt and water retention (see
Fig. 36.6), which further increases venous pressure (Fig. 30.54).
retention of sodium is, in part, compensated by the action of circulating
atrial natriuretic peptides and antidiuretic hormone (see p. 176).

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Myocardial remodelling in heart failure

In cardiomyopathy…


Left ventricular remodelling is a process of progressive alteration of
ventricular size, shape and function owing to the influence of mechanical,
neurohormonal and possibly genetic factors in several clinical
conditions, including myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, hypertension
and valvular heart disease.

Its hallmarks include hypertrophy,
loss of myocytes and increased interstitial fibrosis.

Remodelling continues
for months after the initial insult, and the eventual change in
the shape of the ventricle becomes responsible for the impairment
of overall function of the heart (Fig. 30.55A).

In cardiomyopathy, the
process of progressive ventricular dilation or hypertrophy takes place
without ischaemic myocardial injury or infarction
(Fig. 30.55B).

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Abnormal calcium homeostasis


Calcium ion flux within myocytes plays a pivotal role in the regulation
of contractile function. Excitation of the myocyte cell membrane causes the rapid entry of calcium into myocytes from the extracellular
space via calcium channels. This triggers the release of
intracellular calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and initiates
contraction (see Fig. 30.3). Relaxation results from the uptake and
storage of calcium by the sarcoplasmic reticulum (see Fig. 30.9),
controlled by changes in nitric oxide.

In heart failure, there is a prolongation
of the calcium current in association with prolongation of
contraction and relaxation.

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Natriuretic peptides (ANP, BNP and CNP)

Released from…
ANP induces…
ANP levels increased in…

Secreted by…
BNP levels increased in…

Limited to…


Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is released from atrial myocytes
in response to stretch. ANP induces diuresis, natriuresis,
vasodilation and suppression of the renin–angiotensin system.
Levels of circulating ANP are increased in congestive cardiac
failure and correlate with functional class, prognosis and haemodynamic

B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is predominantly secreted by
the ventricles in response to increased myocardial wall stress.
N-terminal (NT)-proBNP is an inactive protein that is cleaved
from proBNP to release BNP. Both BNP and NT-proBNP are increased
in patients with heart failure, and levels correlate with
ventricular wall stress and the severity of heart failure. BNP and NT proBNP are good predictors of cardiovascular events and
mortality, although monitoring levels are not routinely used to
guide heart failure management.

C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), which is limited to vascular
endothelium and the central nervous system, has similar effects to those of ANP and BNP.

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Endothelial function in heart failure

Plasma concentration of Endothelin (ET) in heart failure
ET’s actions contribute to…


The endothelium has a central role in the regulation of vasomotor
tone. In patients with heart failure, endothelium-dependent
in peripheral blood vessels is impaired and may be one
mechanism of exercise limitation. The cause of abnormal endothelial
responsiveness relates to abnormal release of both nitric
oxide and vasoconstrictor substances, such as endothelin (ET).

The activity of nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator, is blunted in heart
failure. ET secretion from a variety of tissues is stimulated by many
factors, including hypoxia, catecholamines and angiotensin II.
The plasma concentration of ET is elevated in patients with heart
failure, and levels correlate with the severity of haemodynamic

ET has many actions that potentially contribute to the pathophysiology
of heart failure: vasoconstriction, sympathetic stimulation,
renin–angiotensin system activation and left ventricular
hypertrophy. Acute intravenous administration of ET antagonists
improves haemodynamic abnormalities in patients with congestive
cardiac failure, and oral ET antagonists are being developed.

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Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin)

Raised in…
High ADH concentration precpitates…


Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is raised in severe chronic heart failure,
particularly in patients on diuretic treatment. A high ADH concentration
precipitates hyponatraemia, which is an ominous prognostic

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Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFREF)

Commonly caused by…


Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFREF) (ejection
fraction <40%) is commonly caused by ischaemic heart disease
but can also occur with valvular heart disease and hypertension.

It is only in this group of patients that heart failure therapies have
been demonstrated to have benefit with reduced morbidity and

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Heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction

Ejection fraction…
Diastolic heart failure…
Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF) 40-50%…



Heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (HFPEF) is a syndrome consisting of symptoms and signs of heart failure with an ejection fraction of >50%. There is increased stiffness in the ventricular wall and decreased left ventricular compliance, leading to impairment of diastolic ventricular filling and hence decreased cardiac output.

Echocardiography may demonstrate an increase in left ventricular wall thickness, increased left atrial size and abnormal left ventricular relaxation with normal or near-normal left ventricular volume.

Diastolic heart failure is more common in elderly hypertensive patients but may occur with primary cardiomyopathies (hypertrophic, restrictive, infiltrative).

Those patients in the grey zone with an LVEF of 40–50% have recently been classified as having heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction (HFmrEF).

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Right ventricular systolic dysfunction (RVSD)

May occur secondary to…
May also occur with…


Right ventricular systolic dysfunction (RVSD) may be secondary to chronic left-sided heart disease but can occur with primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular infarction, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and adult congenital heart disease.

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Clinical features of heart failure



• Exertional dyspnoea
• Orthopnoea
• Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
• Fatigue

• Tachycardia
• Elevated jugular venous pressure
• Cardiomegaly
• Third and fourth heart sounds
• Bi-basal crackles
• Pleural effusion
• Peripheral ankle oedema
• Ascites
• Tender hepatomegaly

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New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification
of heart failure


The NYHA classification of heart failure (Box 30.23) can be used
to describe the symptoms of heart failure and limitation of exercise
capacity, and is useful for assessing response to therapy.

Class & Features

Class I
No limitation. Normal physical exercise does
not cause fatigue, dyspnoea or palpitations

Class II
Mild limitation. Comfortable at rest but normal
physical activity produces fatigue, dyspnoea
or palpitations

Class III
Marked limitation. Comfortable at rest but
gentle physical activity produces marked
symptoms of heart failure

Class IV
Symptoms of heart failure occur at rest and are
exacerbated by any physical activity

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Diagnosis of heart failure

Should be based on…
Diagnosis of HF-REF & HF-PEF requires conditions to be satisfied…


The diagnosis of heart failure should be based on a detailed history,
clinical findings, natriuretic peptide levels and objective evidence
of cardiac dysfunction using measures of left ventricular structure
and function (usually echocardiography)
. The underlying cause of
heart failure should be established in all patients (Box 30.24 and
Fig. 30.56).

Box 30.24 Diagnosis of heart failure (European Society of
Cardiology guidelines)

  • *Diagnosis of HF-REF requires three conditions to be satisfied**
    1. Symptoms typical of heart failure
    2. Signs typical of heart failure
    3. Reduced LV ejection fraction

Diagnosis of HF-PEF requires four conditions to be satisfied
1. Symptoms typical of heart failure
2. Signs typical of heart failure
3. Normal or only mildly reduced LV ejection fraction and LV not dilated
4. Relevant structural heart disease (LV hypertrophy/left atrial enlargement)
and/or diastolic dysfunction

HF-REF = heart failure and a reduced ejection fraction; HF-PEF = heart failure with ‘preserved’ ejection fraction; LV = left ventricular.

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Investigations in heart failure


• Blood tests
Full blood count, serum creatinine and electrolytes, liver biochemistry, cardiac enzymes (eg troponin) in acute heart failure, BNP or NT-proBNP, and thyroid function should be measured.

• Chest X-ray
Look for cardiomegaly, pulmonary congestion with upper lobe diversion, fluid in fissures, Kerley B lines and pulmonary oedema.

Identify ischaemia, ventricular hypertrophy or arrhythmia.

• Echocardiography
Assess cardiac chamber dimension, systolic and diastolic function, regional wall motion abnormalities, valvular disease and cardiomyopathies.

• Stress echocardiography
Assess viability in dysfunctional myocardium – dobutamine identifies contractile reserve in stunned or hibernating myocardium.

**• Nuclear cardiology**
Radionucleotide angiography (RNA) can quantify ventricular ejection fraction; SPECT or PET can demonstrate myocardial ischaemia and viability in dysfunctional myocardium.

• Cardiac MRI (CMR)
Assess cardiac structure and function and viability in dysfunctional myocardium with the use of dobutamine for contractile reserve or with gadolinium for delayed enhancement (‘infarct imaging’).

• Cardiac catheterization
This technique is employed for the diagnosis of ischaemic heart failure (and suitability for revascularization) and for measurement of pulmonary artery pressure, left atrial (wedge) pressure, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure.

• Cardiac biopsy
This is used for diagnosis of cardiomyopathies, such as amyloid (see p. 1357), and for follow-up of transplanted patients to assess rejection.

• Cardiopulmonary exercise testing
Peak oxygen consumption (VO2) is predictive of hospital admission and death in heart failure. A 6-minute exercise walk is an alternative.

• Ambulatory 24-hour ECG monitoring (Holter)
This is used in patients with suspected arrhythmia, and may be employed in those with severe heart failure or inherited cardiomyopathy to determine whether a defibrillator is appropriate (non-sustained ventricular tachycardia).

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Management of heart failure

Measures to prevent heart failure…


Management is aimed at relief of symptoms, prevention and control
of disease leading to cardiac dysfunction and heart failure, retarding
of disease progression, and improvement in quality and length of life.

Measures to prevent heart failure include cessation of smoking,
alcohol and illicit drugs, effective treatment of hypertension, diabetes
and hypercholesterolaemia, and pharmacological therapy following
myocardial infarction.

The management of heart failure requires any factor aggravating
the failure to be identified and treated. Similarly, the cause of heart
failure must be elucidated and, where possible, corrected. Community
nursing programmes to help with drug compliance and detect
early deterioration may prevent acute hospitalization.

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Management of heart failure - General lifestyle advice


• Education
Effective counselling of patients and family, emphasizing
weight monitoring and dose adjustment of diuretics, may
prevent hospitalization. This is usually guided by primary care
physicians and specialist community heart failure nurses.

• Dietary modification
Salt restriction is required, and foods rich in
salt or salt added in cooking and at the table should be avoided. In
severe heart failure, fluid restriction is necessary and patients may
need to weigh themselves daily. Alcohol has a negative inotropic
and heart failure patients should moderate consumption.

• Smoking
Smoking should be stopped with help from anti-smoking
clinics if necessary (see p. 963).

• Physical activity, exercise training and rehabilitation
endurance exercise (e.g. 20–30 min walking 3–5 times per
week or 20 min cycling at 70–80% of peak heart rate 5 times per
week) is actively encouraged in patients with compensated heart
failure in order to reverse ‘deconditioning’ of peripheral muscle
metabolism. Strenuous isometric activity should be avoided.
For hospitalized patients with exacerbations of congestive cardiac
failure, limiting activity reduces the demands on the heart.
Prolonged bed rest may, lead to the development of deep vein
thrombosis (DVT); this can be avoided by daily leg exercises,
subcutaneous heparin and elastic support stockings.

• Vaccination
It is recommended that patients with heart failure
be vaccinated against pneumococcal disease and influenza (see
p. 948).

• Sexual activity
Patients taking nitrate medication should not
take concomitant phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (e.g.
sildenafil), as they may induce profound hypotension.

• Driving
Driving of cars and motorcycles may continue, provided
that there are no symptoms that distract the driver’s attention.
Symptomatic heart failure or an LVEF of less than 40% disqualifies
patients from driving large lorries and buses in the UK.


Management of heart failure - Monitoring


The clinical condition of a person with heart failure fluctuates;
lengthy and repeated hospital admissions are common, with an average inpatient stay of between 5 and 10 days. Monitoring of
clinical status is necessary and this responsibility should be shared
between primary and secondary healthcare professionals.
Essential monitoring includes assessment of:

• functional capacity (e.g. NYHA functional class, exercise tolerance
test, echocardiography)

• fluid status (body weight, clinical assessment, and serum creatinine
and electrolytes)

• cardiac rhythm (ECG, Holter monitoring).


Management of heart failure - Multidisciplinary team approach

The team should involve these specialist healthcare professionals:…


Heart failure care should be delivered by a multidisciplinary team with an integrated approach across the healthcare community.

The team should involve specialist healthcare professionals: cardiologist or physician with a specialist interest in heart failure, heart failure nurse, dietician, pharmacist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist and palliative care adviser.

Understanding the information needs of patients and carers is vital. Good communication is essential for best clinical management, and should include advice on anxiety, depression and ‘end-of-life’ issues.


Drug management

Stages of heart failure and their treatment options


Box 30.25 lists the drugs used in heart failure. (Spread throughout the other flashcards)

Fig. 30.57 shows the
stages of heart failure and the treatment options.


Drug management - Diuretics

Effect of the drugs
What should be used for Severe heart failure?
What must be monitored?



These act by promoting the renal excretion of salt and water by
blocking tubular reabsorption of sodium and chloride
(see p. 178).

Loop diuretics (e.g. furosemide and bumetanide) and thiazide diuretics
(e.g. bendroflumethiazide, hydrochlorothiazide) should be given in
patients with fluid overload.

Although diuretics provide symptomatic
relief of dyspnoea and improve exercise tolerance
, there is limited
evidence that they affect survival.

In severe heart failure patients, the
combination of a loop and thiazide diuretic may be required, including
the use of metolazone.

**Serum electrolytes and renal function must be
monitored regularly (risk of hypokalaemia and hypomagnesaemia).**

20–40 mg daily/250–500 mg daily
Monitor renal function and check for hypokalaemia and hypomagnesaemia

  • *Bumetanide**
    0. 5–1.0 mg daily/5–10 mg daily

2.5 mg daily/10 mg daily
Rarely need more than 2.5 mg daily. Reduced efficacy when eGFR<30 mL/min/1.73 m2)

2.5 mg daily/10 mg daily
Use in severe heart failure


Drug management - Angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors

Mortality effects
Also benefit patients with…
For which functional classes?
Adverse effects
Dose regulation/Monitoring



The use of ACE inhibitors in patients with heart failure has been
demonstrated in multiple large randomized controlled trials (CONSENSUS, SOLVD) to improve symptoms and reduce mortality significantly.

ACE inhibitors also benefit patients with asymptomatic
heart failure following myocardial infarction.

Thus, ACE inhibitors
improve survival in patients in all functional classes (NYHA I–IV) and
are recommended in all patients at risk of developing heart failure.

The main adverse effects of ACE inhibitors are cough, hypotension,
hyperkalaemia and renal dysfunction.

Contraindications to their
use include renal artery stenosis, pregnancy and previous angio-oedema.

In patients with heart failure, ACE inhibitors should be
introduced at a low initial dose and gradually titrated, with regular
monitoring of blood pressure and renal function.

1.25–2.5 mg daily/10 mg daily
Monitor renal function and use with caution if baseline serum creatinine
>250 μmol/L or baseline blood pressure <90 mmHg

  • *Enalapril**
    2. 5 mg daily/10 mg ×2 daily
  • *Captopril**
    6. 25 mg ×3 daily/ 50 mg ×3 daily
  • *Lisinopril**
    2. 5–5 mg daily/20–40 mg daily

2 mg daily/8–16 mg daily


Drug management - Angiotensin II receptor antagonists

Unlike ACE inhibitors, they do not…



The angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARAs; candesartan, losartan, valsartan) are indicated as second-line therapy in patients intolerant of ACE inhibitors.

Unlike ACE inhibitors, they do not affect bradykinin metabolism and do not produce a cough.

The CHARM Alternative
Trial showed that candesartan reduced the risk of heart failure hospitalization compared to placebo in patients intolerant of ACE inhibitors.

Other trials (Val-HeFT and ELITE II) have assessed other ARAs. Valsartan and a neprilysin inhibitor, sacubitril, in combination have demonstrated their promise in the treatment of heart failure.

4 mg daily/32 mg daily

80 mg daily/320 mg daily

50 mg daily/100 mg daily


Drug management - Beta-blockers

Shown to improve…
Bisoprolol and carvedilol reduce mortality in which grades of heart failure?
Nebivolol is used in the tratment of…
In patients with significant heart failure…



Beta-blockers have been shown to improve functional status and reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with heart failure.

Several trials (CIBIS, CIBIS II, MERIT-HF, COMET) have assessed the effects of beta-blockers in varying degrees of heart failure.

Bisoprolol and carvedilol reduce mortality in any grade of heart failure.

Nebivolol is used in the treatment of stable mild to moderate
heart failure in patients over 70 years old.

In patients with significant heart failure beta-blockers are started at a low dose and gradually increased, with monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure.

1.25 mg daily/10 mg daily
Use with caution in obstructive airways disease, bradyarrhythmias

3.125 mg x2 daily/50 mg x2 daily
Avoid in acute heart failure until patient is cardiovascularly stable

  • *Metoprolol succinate (CR/XL)**
    12. 5–25 mg daily/200 mg daily
  • *Nebivolol**
    1. 25 mg daily/10 mg daily

Drug management - Aldosterone antagonists

Mortality effects of Spironolactone
Spironolactone precaution
Mortality & Sudden cardiac death effects by Eplerenone


The aldosterone antagonists spironolactone and eplerenone have
been shown to improve survival in patients with heart failure.

In the RALES study, spironolactone reduced total mortality by 30%
in severe heart failure.
However,gynaecomastia or breast pain
occurred in 1 in 10 men taking spironolactone.

In EPHESUS, eplerenone
given to patients with an acute myocardial infarction and heart
failure reduced total mortality by 15% and sudden cardiac death by
21%, with no gynaecomastia.

12.5–25 mg daily/50 mg daily
Monitor renal function, check for hyperkalaemia, gynaecomastia with

25 mg daily/50 mg daily


Drug management - Angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor

Morbidity and mortality effects compared to ACE inhibitor therapy


Angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors (ARNIs) are a new class of drug that produce dual inhibition of the angiotensin (AT1) receptor and the natriuretic system.

The PARADIGM-HF trial studied sacubitril/valsartan in patients with established symptomatic heart failure and reduced ejection fraction, and demonstrated superiority over ACE inhibitor therapy in lowering morbidity and mortality.

Angiotensin receptor neprilysin
inhibitor Sacubitril/valsartan

24/26–49/51 mg x2 daily/ 97/103 mg x daily
Monitor renal function, check for hyperkalaemia. Discontinue ACE inhibitor 3 days prior to starting, discontinue ARA the day of starting.


Drug management - Cardiac glycosides

Infrequently used as add-on therapy in…
Mortality effects


Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside that is indicated in patients in atrial fibrillation with heart failure.

It is infrequently used as add-on therapy in symptomatic heart failure patients already receiving ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers. Although the DIG study demonstrated that digoxin reduced hospital admissions in patients with heart failure, a subanalysis in the ROCKET AF trial suggested that mortality may, in fact, be increased.

0.125–0.25 mg daily (reduce dose in elderly or in renal impairment)
Use with caution in renal impairment or conduction disease, and with


Drug management - Vasodilators and nitrates

Effects of combination of hydralazine and nitrates
Survival effects in patients with…


The combination of hydralazine and nitrates reduces preload and
afterload, and is used in patients intolerant of ACE inhibitors or ARAs.

The Veterans Administration Cooperative Study demonstrated that it
improved survival in patients with chronic heart failure. The A-HeFT trial showed that the same combination reduced mortality and hospitalization for heart failure in black patients with heart failure.

Isosorbide dinitrate
20–40 mg ×3 daily

  • *Hydralazine**
    37. 5–75 mg ×3 daily

Drug management - Inotropic and vasopressor agents


Intravenous inotropes and vasopressor agents (see Box 30.29) are used in patients with acute heart failure and severe haemodynamic compromise. Although they produce haemodynamic improvements, they have not been shown to improve long-term mortality when compared with placebo.


Drug management - Other medications

Oral anticoagulants are recommended in patients with…
Antiplatelet therapy and statin therapy should be continued in…
Amiodarone’s effects on heart failure

Patients with heart failure and symptomatic ventricular arrhythmias should be assessed for suitability of what?

Ivabradine MoA
Ivabradine can be used in patients in…



In hospital, all patients require prophylactic anticoagulation. Heart
failure is associated with a fourfold increase in the risk of stroke.

Oral anticoagulants are recommended in patients with atrial fibrillation and in those with sinus rhythm and a history of thromboembolism, left ventricular aneurysm or thrombus.

In people with known ischaemic heart disease, antiplatelet therapy (aspirin, clopidogrel) and statin therapy should be continued.

Arrhythmias are common in heart failure and are implicated in sudden death. Although treatment of complex ventricular arrhythmias might be expected to improve survival, there is no evidence to support this and it may increase mortality.

In SCD-HeFT, amiodarone showed no benefit compared to placebo in patients with impaired left ventricular function and mild to moderate heart failure (whereas an ICD reduced mortality by 23% compared to placebo). Patients with heart failure and symptomatic ventricular arrhythmias should be assessed for suitability for an ICD.

Ivabradine selectively decreases heart rate without affecting blood pressure by inhibiting the IF channels in the sinoatrial node (see p. 1023).

An elevated heart rate in patients with heart failure is associated with worse cardiovascular outcomes. The SHIFT study reported a reduction in cardiovascular death and heart failure hospitalization in patients in sinus rhythm with chronic heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF ≤35%).

Ivabradine can be used in patients in sinus rhythm with an elevated heart rate despite beta-blocker treatment or in those who are unable to tolerate beta-blockers.

5 mg daily/7.5 mg ×2 daily
Use with caution in sick sinus syndrome; AV block


Non-pharmacological treatment - Revascularization

Factors that must be considered before recommending surgery…


While coronary artery disease is the most common cause of heart
failure, the role of revascularization in patients with heart failure is
unclear. Patients with angina and left ventricular dysfunction have a
higher mortality from surgery (10–20%), but have the most to gain in
terms of improved symptoms and prognosis.

Factors that must be considered before recommending surgery include symptoms, age, co-morbidities and evidence of reversible myocardial ischaemia.


Non-pharmacological treatment - Hibernating myocardium and myocardial stunning

What is hibernating myocardium?
What is myocardial stunning?
How to identify hibernating myocardium?


‘Hibernating’ myocardium can be defined as reversible left ventricular
dysfunction due to chronic coronary artery disease that
responds positively to inotropic stress and indicates the presence
of viable heart muscle that may recover after revascularization. It is
caused by reduced myocardial perfusion, which is just sufficient to
maintain viability of the heart muscle. Myocardial hibernation results
from repetitive episodes of cardiac stunning that occur, for example,
with repeated exercise in a patient with coronary artery disease.

Myocardial stunning is reversible ventricular dysfunction that
persists following an episode of ischaemia when the blood flow has returned to normal: that is, there is a mismatch between flow and function.

The prevalence of hibernating myocardium in patients with coronary
artery disease can be estimated from the frequency of improvement
in regional abnormalities in wall motion after revascularization;
it is thought to be 33% of such patients. Techniques to try to identify
hibernating myocardium include stress echocardiography, nuclear
imaging, CMR and PET.

The clinical relevance of the hibernating and stunned myocardium
is that ventricular dysfunction due to these mechanisms may
be wrongly ascribed to myocardial necrosis and scarring, which
seems untreatable, whereas reversible hibernating and stunned
myocardium responds to coronary revascularization.


Non-pharmacological treatment - Cardiac resynchronization therapy or implantable cardioverter–defibrillator

What is Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT)?
Effect therapy in addition to optimal medical treatment in patients with…
Resynchronization may… (Effects)
Which NYHA class(es) benefit the most from CRT?
Patients with end-stage heart failure (NYHA IV) on ICD


Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) entails simultaneous pacing of both ventricles (biventricular pacing) using a lead placed in the right ventricle and another in the coronary sinus to pace the left ventricle (Fig. 30.58).

It is an effective therapy in addition to optimal medical treatment
in patients with significant left ventricular impairment and a prolonged QRS interval (left bundle branch block).

Resynchronization may reverse the process of ventricular remodelling, reduce functional mitral regurgitation and improve left ventricular function.

The CARE-HF and COMPANION trials reported symptomatic benefit and a reduction in heart failure events and mortality following CRT implantation in patients with heart failure in NYHA classes III and IV. Similar findings have been noted in more recent trials in patients with mild heart failure or no symptoms.

Most patients with heart failure who receive CRT also meet the
criteria for use of an ICD and should receive a combined device

Patients with end-stage heart failure (NYHA IV) or other co morbidities that may significantly reduce lifespan are generally not candidates for an ICD.


Non-pharmacological treatment - Cardiac transplantation

Treatment of choice for…
Heart allografts do not function normally, as…
Stiff heart syndrome
Transplantation of an inapproriately small donor heart…
What is the major cause of long-term graft failure and it is due to what?


Cardiac transplantation has become the treatment of choice for younger
patients with severe intractable heart failure, whose life expectancy is
less than 6 months.

With careful recipient selection the expected 1-year
survival for patients following transplantation is over 90%, and 75% at
5 years. Irrespective of survival, quality of life is dramatically improved
for the majority. The availability of heart transplantation is limited.

Heart allografts do not function normally, as cardiac denervation
results in a high resting heart rate, loss of diurnal blood pressure
variation and impaired renin–angiotensin–aldosterone regulation.

Some patients develop a ‘stiff heart’ syndrome, caused by rejection, denervation and ischaemic injury during organ harvest and implantation.

Transplantation of an inappropriately small donor heart can
also result in elevated right and left heart pressure.

The complications of heart transplantation are summarized in Box
30.26. Many (infection, malignancy, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia)
are related to immunosuppression.

Allograft coronary atherosclerosis is the major cause of long-term graft failure and is present in 30–50% of patients at 5 years. It is due to a ‘vascular’ rejection process in conjunction with hypertension and hyperlipidaemia.

There are specific contraindications to cardiac transplantation
(Box 30.27); notably, high pulmonary vascular resistance and active
malignancy are absolute contraindications.


Acute heart failure (AHF)

MoA & Symptom(s)
Poor prognostic indicators


Acute heart failure (AHF) occurs with the rapid onset of symptoms and
signs of heart failure secondary to abnormal cardiac function, causing
elevated cardiac filling pressures. This leads to severe dyspnoea, and
fluid accumulates in the interstitium and alveolar spaces of the lung
(pulmonary oedema).

AHF is the leading cause of hospital admission in
people above the age of 65 years; it has a poor prognosis, with a 60-day
mortality rate of nearly 10% and a rate of death or rehospitalization of
35% within 60 days. In patients with acute pulmonary oedema, the in-hospital mortality rate is 12% and by 12 months this rises to 30%.

Poor prognostic indicators include a high (>16 mmHg) pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, low serum sodium concentration, increased left ventricular end-diastolic dimension on echo and low oxygen consumption.


Etiologies of Acute heart failure (AHF)

5 Etiologies


The aetiology of AHF is similar to that of chronic heart failure:

• Ischaemic heart disease patients present with an acute coronary
syndrome or develop a complication of myocardial infarction,
such as papillary muscle rupture or ventricular septal defect
requiring surgical intervention.

• Valvular heart disease patients also present with AHF due to valvular
regurgitation in endocarditis or prosthetic valve thrombosis. A
thoracic aortic dissection may produce severe aortic regurgitation.

• Hypertension patients present with episodes of ‘flash’ pulmonary
oedema despite preserved left ventricular systolic function.

• Acute and chronic kidney disease both involve fluid overload and
reduced renal excretion, which will produce pulmonary oedema.

• Atrial fibrillation is frequently associated with AHF and may require
emergency cardioversion.


Clinical syndromes Acute heart failure (AHF)

6 Types & their Clinical features


Type Clinical features

Acute decompensated heart failure
Mild features of heart failure,
e.g. dyspnoea

Hypertensive AHF
High blood pressure,
preserved left ventricular function,
pulmonary oedema on chest X-ray

Acute pulmonary oedema
pulmonary crackles,
oxygen saturation <90% on air,
pulmonary oedema on chest X-ray

Cardiogenic shock
Systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg,
mean arterial pressure drop >30 mmHg,
urine output <0.5 mL/kg per hour,
heart rate >60 b.p.m.

High-output heart failure
Warm peripheries,
pulmonary congestion,
blood pressure may be low, e.g. septic shock

Right heart failure
Low cardiac output,
elevated jugular venous pressure,


Acute heart failure (AHF) - Pathophysiology


The pathophysiology of AHF is similar to that of chronic heart failure
with activation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone axis and sympathetic nervous system.

In addition, prolonged ischaemia (e.g. in acute coronary syndromes) results in myocardial stunning (see p. 1075), which exacerbates myocardial dysfunction but may respond to inotropic support.

If myocardial ischaemia persists, the myocardium may
exhibit hibernation
(persistently impaired function due to reduced coronary blood flow), whichmay recover with successful revascularization.


Acute heart failure (AHF) - Diagnosis

5 Diagnostic tools/measurements
What will each diagnostic tool identify specifially?


In a person presenting with symptoms and signs of heart failure, a
structured assessment should result in the clinical diagnosis of AHF
and direct initial treatment to stabilize the patient. Initial investigations
performed in the accident and emergency department should
include the following:

• A 12-lead ECG will identify acute coronary syndromes, left ventricular hypertrophy, atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease and left bundle branch block.

• A chest X-ray may demonstrate cardiomegaly, pulmonary oedema, pleural effusions or non-cardiac disease.

• Blood investigations should include serum creatinine and electrolytes, full blood count, blood glucose, cardiac enzymes and troponin, C-reactive protein (CRP) and D-dimer.

• Plasma BNP or NT-proBNP (BNP >100 pg/mL or NT-proBNP >300 pg/mL) is suggestive of heart failure.

• Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) should be performed without delay to confirm the diagnosis of heart failure (see p. 1038) and possibly identify the cause.

If the baseline investigations confirm AHF, then treatment should
be commenced.


Management of Acute heart failure (AHF)

Goals of treatment
Patients with AHF need regular measurements of…
Which medication do all patients with AHF require?
Initial therapy includes…
If intravenous nitrates are required…
Which drugs can be added in patients who do not respond to initial therapy?
Patients with profound hypotension may require…


The goals of treatment in a patient with AHF include:

• immediate relief of symptoms and stabilization of haemodynamics
(short-term benefits)

  • reduction in length of hospital stay and hospital re-admissions
  • reduction in mortality from heart failure.

Patients with AHF should be managed in a high-dependency
area with regular measurement of temperature, heart rate, blood
pressure and cardiac monitoring.

All require prophylactic anticoagulation
with low-molecular-weight heparin.

Individuals with haemodynamic compromise may need arterial
lines for invasive blood pressure monitoring and arterial gas
sampling, central venous cannulation (intravenous medication,
inotropic support, monitoring of central venous pressure) and
pulmonary artery catheterisation (calculation of cardiac output/
index, peripheral vasoconstriction and pulmonary wedge

Initial therapy (Fig. 30.59 and Box 30.29) includes **oxygen and
diuretics (e.g. i.v. furosemide 50 mg).**

If intravenous nitrates (e.g.
glyceryl trinitrate infusion 10–200 μg/min) are required (e.g. concomitant
myocardial ischaemia, severe hypertension), careful monitoring of the blood pressure is mandatory.

Inotropic support (see p. 222)
with **dobutamine, phosphodiesterase inhibitors or levosimendan**
can be added in patients who do not respond to initial therapy.

Nesiritide (recombinant human B-type natriuretic peptide)
can also be used in AHF as a bolus injection followed by an infusion.

Patients with profound hypotension may require inotropes
and vasopressors to improve haemodynamic status and alleviate
but these have not been shown to improve mortality.

continuous positive airway pressure/positive pressure
ventilation (CPAP/NIPPV; see p. 229) has been shown to provide
earlier improvement in dyspnoea and respiratory distress than standard
oxygen via mask; mortality is, however, unaffected.


Box 30.29 Pharmacological therapy in acute heart failure


Mechanical assist devices


Mechanical assist devices can be used in patients who fail to
respond to standard medical therapy but in whom there is either transient myocardial dysfunction with likelihood of recovery
(e.g. post anterior myocardial infarction treated with coronary
angioplasty) or as a bridge to cardiac surgery, including


Ventricular assist devices (VADs)

What is it?
Main problems with VADs


Ventricular assist devices (VADs; Fig. 30.60) are mechanical systems that replace or help the failing ventricles in delivering blood around the body.

A left ventricular assist device (LVAD) receives blood from the left ventricle and delivers it to the aorta; a right ventricular assist device (RVAD) receives blood from the right ventricle and delivers it to the pulmonary artery.

The devices can be extracorporeal (suitable for short-term support) or intracorporeal (suitable for long-term support as a bridge to transplantation or as destination therapy in patients with end-stage heart failure who are not candidates for transplantation).

The main problems with VADs include thromboembolism, bleeding, infection and device malfunction.