Heart and Hands Flashcards
What are the risks of c-sections?
Life-threatening sepsis, perforation of adjacent organs, scarring of the uterine lining that can lead to abnormal placental implantation and hemorrhage with subsequent childbearing, and development of adhesions between the uterus and other organs that can cause problems later
A prime symptom of fibroids are
painless bleeding with intercourse
Fibroids during pregnancy
tend to grow during pg and are benign. if they are internal they can cause reduced intrauterine space, disrupted placental implantation and pph
What are some urgent warning signs of pre-e?
Persistent headaches in combination with visual disturbances or epigastric (upper abdominal) pain- especially on the right side
What problems might a woman who has had a cone biopsy encounter?
scarring from cone biopsy may retard cervical dilation
What precautions might a midwife want to take with her patient who has a history of LEEP procedure?
Check their pt for cervical changes throughout pg (rule out incompetent cervix) and instruct on signs of premature labor.
What time period does assessment become especially important in pg?
During the last six weeks of pregnancy. Midwife can identify certain factors like baby’s position, growth rate, and size and relate them to the mother’s condition
what components should a midwife include in prenatal care?
knowledge of nutrition, exercise, and non allopathic healing options of herbs or homeopathy, mind and body techniques like yoga and meditation
What conditions/diseases contraindicate home birth?
Preexisting diabetes of hypertension, thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism), chronic lung disease, severe asthma, epilepsy, clotting disorders, congenital heart disease (grades 2-4), and kidney disease
Which conditions arising in pg contraindicate home birth?
Rh- with antibodies, severe anemia unresponsive to treatment, cancer and acute viral infections like rubella, cytomegalovirus, Toxoplasmosis, chicken pox or herpes