Heap and Deap Flashcards
what is Heap?
a complete binary tree based data structure that satisfies heap property. lebih MUDAH pake ARRAY
jenis heap property?
- min heap, yang paling kecil diatas
2. max heap, yang paling besar diatas
implement heap dengan?
dapat dengan linked-list, tapi lebih mudah pake array
Heap Sort complexity?
Heap applications?
Priority Queue
djikstra, prim
Heap merupakan implementasi yang efisien dari?
Priority Queue
Heap, root di index keberapa?
array implementation pada Heap. parent(x), left-child(x), right-child(x) apa rumusnya?
parent(x) = x / 2 left-child(x) = 2 * x right-child(x) = 2 * x + 1
Heap Complexity?
find-min = O(1) insert = O(log(n)) delete-min = O(log(n))
Min-Max Heap?
Root merupakan smallest element. largest element bisa sebelah kiri atau kanan anak dari root
Deap adalah?
double ended heap. mirip dengan min-max heap. algorithm lebih simple dari min-max heap
Deap properties?
- root contains no element
- left sub-tree of root is a min heap
- right sub-tree of root is a max heap
Pengaplikasian Heap?
- priority queue
- selection algorithm (finding min/max element, median, k-th largest element)
- dijkstra algorithm
- prim algorithm
- heap sort
compare current node with its grandparent value, if current node larger = swap. continue upheapmax from the granparent node
compare current node with its grandparent value, if current node smaller = swap. continue upheapmin from the granparent node
new node in min-level, INSERTION MIN-MAX?
if new node parent smaller than swap their value and UPHEAPMAX from its parent.
new node in max-level, INSERTION MIN-MAX?
if new node parent larger than swap their value and UPHEAPMIN from its parent