Healthcare provision: After War Flashcards
Why did WW2 act as a catalyst for change?
Rationing and healthy habits were enforced during the war, this helped and improved diets.
It was fundamental that the soldiers were on best form, mentally and physically.
Knowing their families and friends were being looked after and were healthy was a form of motivation.
Also, maintaining the health of the soldiers allowed for a fitter army.
When was the National Blood Transfusion Service created?
What did William Beveridge create, and what did it aim to provide?
The Beveridge Report, 1942.
It aimed to provide social insurance from cradle to grave.
Who did PM Clement Attlee appoint as Minister of Health, and why?
Aneurin Bevan.
‘Get the job done’
When Bevan put the NHS to the vote, what percentage of the doctors refused and what did they fear?
Feared losing their clinical independance and income.
Doctors in wealthy areas were also wealthy, however, the many that were poor were situated in poorer areas.
How did Bevan persuade the doctors to become part of the NHS, and when did the doctors mindsets change?
‘Stuffing their mouths with gold’
Compromised by matching their pay to what it was for private healthcare, as well as allowing them to have private consultations too.
1948, 90% of the doctors decided to join the NHS.
In the first 10 years of the NHS, by how much did TB fall?
25,000 to 5,000
What did mass immunization schemes have an effect on?
Cases of diphtheria and polio fell.
What triggered less maternal deaths?
Improved midwifery
At what date was the MMR vaccine founded, and when was it made free in the UK?
Bevan expected costs to fall after 1948 due to people being healthier. Why didn’t they/
Advances in Medical science.
‘Dandruff syndrome’ developed, where by people used time and resources due to insignificant problems.
What date was the first kidney transplant performed?
What date was the first heart transplant performed?
What incident led to Bevans resignation?
Costs were put in place for dentures and spectacles.
What led to women having greater personal freedom?
1961 Contraceptive pill
1967 Abortion act