What can only a PT do?
Interpret referrals
Perform evaluations
Make changes to POC
Discharge a pt
Perform sharp debridement
Spinal manipulations
Determine when to use a PTA
What things can a PTA do?
Treat w/in POC
Apply Kinesiotape
Provide education on HEPs
Tests and measurements
Ultrasounds/interventions w/in POC
Perform soft tissue mobilization
Can student PTA treatments be billed to medicare b? Who decides?
No, it was decided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services
Who/what determines scope of practice for PTA?
State practice act
Federal legislation
Insurance companies
List benefits of interprofessional communication
More knowledge improves education
Sharing thoughts
Reduces the risk or errors for medical
Improve the staff relationships and job satisfaction
Improves patients experiences
What is included in an organizational plan for PT?
Describes the relationship among components with the PT services and where the service is part of a larger organization
Ensures that the PT provides the clinical direction of physical therapist services
Defines supervisory structures within the services
Communication strategies for cognitive impairment
Yes/no or forced choice type of questions rather then open-ended
Short, Simple sentences
Slow speech
Personalize conversation (directly with eye contact)
Talk to patient as equal
How to communicate using and interpreter?
An interpreter converts spoken word from one language to the other. Speak directly to patient, in first person, and keep speech simple.
What factors to consider when providing pt. education?
The pts. Age, cognitive abilities, and the health status of the pt.
Who do you report suspected cases of fraud to?
When reporting a case of fraud you should begin through available internal channels before going further. If the issue isn’t resolved then you should contact state survey agency, medicare administrative contractor or Department of health and human services
Benefits of belonging to the APTA
Advocating for the PT profession
Resources provided
Networking with others
Discounts on things like access to professional journals, conferences, exams
Access to their website
Credit card benefits
Job search assistance
Knowing about changes in the field/making changes
CEU support
Educating the public on PT
Extra personal benefits of APTA membership
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Membership is tax deductible
What is the state practice act?
Constitutes the laws governing physical therapy practice within a state
Establishes penalties for violations of the law regarding provision of physical therapy
Defines the scope of practice in which physical therapists and physical therapist assistants must practice
What does it take to become a CI?
WHY would you want to be a CI?
one year of clinical experience and having a current license (PT or PTA)
What is enmeshment?
Is a description of a relationship between two or more people in which personal boundaries are permeable and unclear.
An intentional deception or intentional misrepresented that a person makes to gain a benefit for which that person is not entitled
Overutilization of services or other practices that directly or indirectly result in unnecessary costs to the healthcare system
Payment for items or services when there’s no legal entitlement to that payment. Healthcare provider has misrepresented facts to obtain payment
Values of PTA
Compassion and Caring
Continuing Competence
Social Responsibility
Define ageism
Stereotyping and/or discrimination against individuals or groups based on their age.
Musculoskeletal changes with age
Reduce strength, endurance, and joint problems
Bone loss, cartilage thinning, decreased cardiac reserve capacity, loss of muscle mass, sensory changes
These factors lead to increased risk of falls and greater incidents of household accidents
S in SOAP note
Subjective -direct quotation from the patient, patient pain rating, perceptions, functional abilities, chart review
O in SOAP note
Objective- health professional’s observations or description of the situation, obtain through measurements, interventions (transfers and exercise), patient education, data collection and patient functioning, queuing,
A in SOAP note
Assessment -the health professional’s interpretation of the situation, changes in status of intervention, change in pain, ROM, muscle strength, level assist or functional abilities, note progression or regression
P in SOAP note
Plan-actions to be taken to solve the problem presented, future sessions, communication of patient care givers, PT’s and other care providers, home exercise programs
communication type
Birth to 12 months
*Three C’s: consistency in approach, constancy of presence, and continuity of treatment
* Higher pitch and facial expressions when communicating
* Consistency
communication type
Toddlers 12-36 months
Respond quickly
Get down on their level
One to two words
Simple directions
Use play
communication type
Preschoolers: 3-6 years
Ask for more details when communicating
Encourage preschooler to talk about feelings
Pretend play
communication type
School age: 6-12
Keep engaged in life
Help them set goals and problem solve
Stay calm and give reason when correcting behavior
Encourage to express feelings