These are infections people get while they are receiving health care for another condition . They can be caused by bacteria, fungi and/or virus.
Healthcare-Associated Infections
types of healthcare- associated infections
Central line-associated bloodline infection
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections
Surgical Site Infections
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
a group of bacteria commonly found in soil and water. infections typically occur in intensive care units and healthcare settings housing very ill patients.
Acinetobacter spp.
the name for a group or “complex” of bacteria that can be found in soil and water. often resistant to common antibiotics
Burkholderia cepacia
a bacterium (germ) that causes diarrhea and an inflammation of the colon called colitis.
Clostridioides difficile
what is the common symptoms of C. diff infection.
what is the most important risk for getting C. diff.
overuse of antibiotics
a type of Gram-negative bacteria that can cause healthcare-associated infections including pneumonia, bloodstream infections, wound or surgical site infections, and meningitis.
caused by strains of bacteria found widely in the environment
infections usually occur in people in the hospital and/or with weakened immune systems.
a bacterium commonly found on the skin and in the nose of about 30% of individuals.
Staphylococcus aureus
These infections can look like pimples, boils, or other skin conditions and most are able to be treated.
Staphylococcus aureus
Biological agent capable of colonizing or creating an infection in a host. It may be bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, or prions.
Presence of a microorganism in the host tissue, where it lives, grows, multiplies, and induces an immune response in the host that generates signs and symptoms
Presence of a microorganism in the host tissue, where it lives, grows, and multiplies but does not show signs or symptoms. It may or may not induce an immune response.
capacity of the agent to cause severe disease or death.
capacity of the agent to penetrate host tissues and multiply.
capacity of the agent to cause disease through a variety of mechanisms.
Habitat in which microorganisms live, grow, and multiply. It be an inanimate object, the environment, or an animate being, either animal or human.
Manner or component by means of which the microorganism travels from the reservoir’s portal of exit to the portal of entry on the susceptible host
mode of transmission
This is the final link in the chain. Whether or not the microorganism causes infection and disease in its host will depend on a number of constitutional, genetic, immune-related, and other nonspecific factors.
susceptible host