Health Week 5 Flashcards
What does ‘weh tun’ mean?
to hurt
something hurts me
How do you say ‘my arm hurts me’ in German?
Der Arm tut mir weh
my arm hurts me
How do you say ‘my arm hurt me’ in German?
Der Arm tat mir weh
my arm hurt me
How do you say ‘my arm has hurt me’ in German?
Der Arm hat mir weh getan
my arm hurt me
What is the German word for ‘pain’?
der Schmerz
What does ‘Schmerzen haben’ mean?
to have pain/ache
How do you say ‘I have a headache’ in German?
Ich habe Kopfschmerzen
I have a headache
How do you say ‘I had a headache’ in German?
Ich hatte Kopfschmerzen
I had a headache
How do you say ‘I have had a headache’ in German?
Ich habe Kopfschmerzen gehabt
I have had a headache
What does ‘Mir ist übel’ mean?
I feel sick
What is the German word for ‘doctor’?
der Arzt
What is the German word for ‘ambulance’?
der Krankenwagen
What is the German word for ‘advice’?
der Rat
What does ‘(Verkehrs)unfall’ mean?
tie (traffic) accident
What is the German word for ‘drug counseling center’?
die Drogenberatungsstelle
What is the German word for ‘worry’?
die Sorge(n)
What is the German word for ‘injection’?
die Spritze(n)
What is the German word for ‘consciousness’?
das Bewusstsein
What is the German word for ‘hospital’?
das Krankenhaus
What is the German word for ‘medicine’?
das Medikament
What does ‘helfen’ mean?
to help
What does ‘spritzen’ mean?
to inject
What does ‘sich fühlen’ mean?
to feel
What does ‘allergisch (gegen)’ mean?
allergic to
What does ‘bewusstlos’ mean?
What does ‘hilflos’ mean?
What does ‘müde’ mean?