HEALTH TEST 5 Flashcards
The most important components of your immune system
White blood cells or leukocyte
Kill pathogens by engulfing and disposing them
Organisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses that cause disease
Condition in which capillaries become larger to allow more blood to reach the affected area
Y-shaped protein molecules that are produced by B cells
A complex network of fluid-filled vessels and chambers that helps transport the white blood cells throughout the body and aids them in cleansing the body pathogens
Lymphatic System
After the tissue fluid has entered to the lymph capillaries ,this tissue is called…
Bean-shaped organs
Lymph nodes
Special accumulations of lymphatic tissue in the throat that help defend against infections of the throat and digestive tract
Tonsils and adenoids
Similar groups of lymphatic tissue that are located on the wall of the lower small intestine
Peyer’s patches
Body’s largest lymph organ
Serves as the “boot camp” where immature T cells are matured and “trained” after being produced in the bone marrow
Elevated body temperature , especially effective weapon against many bacteria and some viruses.
Fevers are beneficials unless…
They last too long or become too high
Serves as a shield that protects the body from invading pathogens
“Ordinary doctor” that treats ordinary people with ordinary diseases and disorders
Any condition that interferes with the body’s normal functioning
The study of disease, its causes, and its treatments
Diseases that are caused by invading pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi
Infectious diseases
Diseases that result from factors such as aging, malnutrition, hormonal imbalances, genetic or developmental problems, or malfunctioning organs or systems
Noninfectious diseases
A disease that is severe but lasts only a short time or occurs suddenly
A disease that last for a long time or tends to recur often
Infectious diseases that can be spread from person to person
Infectious diseases that cannot be spread from person to person
Microscopic, single-celled organisms that are some of the most widespread organisms in all God’s creation
A tiny capsule of genetic information that can reprogram a living cell to produce new virus particles instead of the cell’s normal products
Microscopic, single-celled creatures that resemble miniature animals
An animal that transmits infection
Activated lymphocytes and antibodies that remain in your bloodstream and lymph nodes. They “remember” the encounter with the pathogen
Memory cells
A condition of resistance to a particular disease or pathogen is called…
Type of immunity that results from circulating antibodies or memory cells in your bloodstream
Acquired immunity
Helps protect infants and new borns from infections. Antibodies acquired from the mother .
Inborn immunity
Occurs because many pathogens infect only a certain type of organisms
Species immunity
The PRACTICE of introducing weakened or dead pathogens into the body to provoke the immune system into developing an acquired immunity
A SUBSTANCE that stimulates your immune system
Substances produced by bacteria, molds, and other organisms that STOP the growth of bacteria
Diseases that are not caused by pathogens are called
Noninfectious diseases
Diseases in which tissues and organs gradually lose their ability to function properly
Degenerative diseases
The most common degenerative disease in industrialized nations
Cardiovascular disease