Define Health System
The health system consists of all organizations, people and actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore or maintain health (WHO).
Other definition of Health System
It is an organization of people, institutes and resources that provide or deliver health-care services to meet the health needs of the target populations.
What does MOH stands for?
Ministry Of Health.
What is the Vision Of MOH?
A Nation of Health and Productive people.
What is the Mission Statement of MOH?
To provide equitable access to cost effective, quality health-care services as close to the families as possible.
What is the overall goal of MOH?
To improve the health status of the people of the nation, in order to contribute to increased productivity and socio-economic development of the nation.
List 8 key principles of MOH.
1.Primary Health Care(PHC). 2.Equity Access. 3.Affordability. 4.Cost-effectiveness. 5.Accountability. 6.Partnership. 7.Decentralization and Leadership. 8.Health system strengthening.
What are the two(2) national priority areas?
1.Public Health Priority. 2.Health System Priority.
Write 5 Public Health Priorities.
1.Primary Health Care. 2.Maternal, neonatal and child health, youth and adolescent health. 3.Prevention of communicable diseases, especially malaria, HIV and AIDs, STIs and TB. 4.Prevention of Non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. 5.Prevent disease outbreak and epidermic control.
Write another 5 Public Health Priorities.
1.Environmental Health and food safety. 2.Health service referral system. 3.Health promotion and education. 4.Community Health. 5.Social determinants of Health.
Write 6 Health System Priorities
1.HRH-Human Resource for Health. 2.Essential drugs and medical supply. 3.Infrastructure and equipment. 4.Health Information. 5.Health-care financing. 6.Leadership and governance.
Components of a four-level model of Health-care system.
1.Individual Patient. 2.The Care Team. 3.The Organization. 4.The political and economic environment.