Health, Safety And Hygiene Flashcards
Name four types of food poisoning
- E-col
- Salmonella
- Listeria
- Staphylococcus
What are the 10 causes of food poisoning?
- Infected food handlers
- Cross-contamination
- Food prepared too far in advance
- Not thawing frozen food properly
- Use or pre-cooked food
- Undercooking food
- Not reheating food to a high enough temp
- Hot-holding food below 63*c
- Use of leftovers
- Cooling too slowly through danger zone
Where do you get E-coli from?
Raw undercooked meat
Where do you get salmonella from?
Chicken and eggs
Where do you get Listeria from?
Soft cheeses and pâté
Where do you get Staphylococcus?
Nose and throat of humans
What are high risk foods?
Usually moist and high in protein foods
What are low risk foods?
Usually low in moisture and low in protein foods
Give examples of high risk foods
Cooked poultry, cooked meats, dairy produce, cooked rice, soups, sauces, shellfish, raw eggs
Give examples of low risk foods
Lard, butter, hard cheese, acidic and high in salt foods, dried foots, pickled foods, jams and preserves
What are the three C’s?
Cold, clean, covered
What temperature should a freezer be kept at?
What temperature should a fridge be kept at?
1c - 5c
What temperature is the danger zone?
5c - 63c
What should the temperature of hot holding foods be?
63*c +
What should the core temperature of cooked food be?
What is the temperature of hot oil (of a deep fat fryer) ?
170c - 190c
What are the regulations in regards to food premises?
Food premises- must be kept clean and well maintained, hot and cold available, good toilet facilities, clothing lockers, first aid, fire prevention, equipment in good condition, adequate storage facilities, good ventilation
What are the regulations in regards to personal hygiene?
Correct footwear, correct uniform, headwear, good personal habits, good health and high standard of personal cleanliness.
What are the regulations in regards to hygienic practices?
Food stored correctly, waste disposed of hygienically, good cleaning schedules, no animals in food areas