Health & Safety Flashcards
- What are JLL’s health and safety rules/guidance?
a. Maintain a safe working environment
b. Maintain safe work equipment
c. Ensure staff are competent – ‘Safe Person’
- What are the key points from the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
a. Employers must ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees
b. Policed by Health and Safety Executive – fines and imprisonment
c. Employer must report injuries
d. You need a written health and safety policy, and have to carry out a risk assessment if you have more than 5 employees
e. Risk assessment requires identifying hazards, identifying people at risk, evaluating the risk, recording the findings and reviewing the risk assessment regularly
- What are the key point from the RICS guidance note, surveying safely?
a. ‘Safe person’ concept – Individuals assume responsibility for their own and colleagues health and safety at work
b. Assessing and managing hazards and risks
c. Workplace health and safety
d. Occupational hygiene and health – hazardous substances, work related stress, violence, mental health etc
e. Visiting premises or sites – assess hazards and risks before visiting
f. Fire safety
g. Procurement and management of contractors – check they are competent and provide relevant info about the property to them before they commence work
- What is JLL’s lone working policy?
a. Report to line manager before and after inspection
b. Put in team diary whereabouts and contact details of anyone I’m meeting
c. Consider your surroundings
d. Research transport facilities
e. Standard vehicle check before driving
f. Do not attempt to use ladders or reach heights if alone
- What is RICS lone working policy?
a. Reduce the need for lone working
b. Ensure work is completed in daylight
c. Have emergency alarms or a buddy system
d. Consider locality of the property – unfriendly occupants or animals
e. Regular check in calls
- What is a safe person?
a. RICS considers that a safe person assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work
- What is a risk assessment?
i. Identify the hazards
ii. Identify the people at risk from the hazards, eg employees, visitors, contractors
iii. Evaluate the risk
iv. Record the findings
v. Review the risk assessment regularly
vi. Advise affected people of outcomes and precautions to minimise risk
- What is a method statement?
a. Document that details the way a work task or process if to be completed
b. It outlines the hazards involved and gives step by step guidance on completing the job safely
c. It details what measures there are to ensure safety of anyone affected by the task
- What is a health and safety policy document?
a. Document required when an organisation employs more than 5 people
b. It must contain the following points:
i. It must have a policy setting out the organisation’s commitment to H&S
ii. Details of the organisations H&S structure, with roles and responsibilities
iii. Risk assessment outlining risks and preventative measures
iv. Details of the planning, implementation and control measures of H&S policy
- What do you need before a contractor can start work?
a. A copy of their all risks and public liability insurance
- What is the ‘Six Pack’ of H&S regulations?
a. Six regulations introduced on 1 January 1993
b. They implement various European directives on H&S and clarify how employers must comply with the Health and Safety at work Act 1974
i. Management of H&S at work
ii. Display Screen Equipment
iii. Manual Handling Operations
iv. PPE at work
v. Provision and use of work equipment
vi. Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare
- What is RIDDOR 1995?
a. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
b. Employer’s must keep a record of all injuries over 3 days
c. This info can be kept for 3 years in an accident book
- What is the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007?
a. Relates to gross breaches of a duty of care by a corporate body leading to a person’s death
b. Penalties range from unlimited fine and imprisonment
- What are the PPE at work regulations?
a. PPER 1992 places a duty on every employer in Great Britain to ensure that suitable PPE is provided to ‘employees’ who may be exposed to a risk to their health or safety while at work. PPER 2022 extends this duty to limb (b) workers and came into force on 6 April 2022
- What is an External Wall System?
a. EWS1 form is designed for resi properties (student accommodation, care homes, HMOs. And mixed-use blocks), but not hotels
b. EWS1 form enables a qualified professional to confirm that the EWS has been assessed for safety, in line with government guidance
c. EWS1 forms are valid for an entire building for five years
- Explain the Building Safety Act 2022?
a. Enhances regulations for building safety
b. Ensures residents have a stronger voice
c. The act was granted royal assent in April 2022
d. Royal assent is when a monarch approves an act of legislature
e. The act introduced a new building safety regulator
- What is Asbestos
a. Insulating material which can cause health problems and diseases
b. Can release toxic fibres into lungs causing illness
- Since when has Asbestos been illegal?
a. Brown (amosite) – 1985
b. Blue (crocidolite) – 1985
c. White (chrysolite) – 1999
- What are the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012?
a. They contain new requirements for certain types of non-licensable work with asbestos on notification of work; designating areas where you are working on asbestos; medical surveillance and record keeping
b. Non-compliance is an offense
- What are the two types of Asbestos Survey?
a. Management Survey
b. Refurbishment / Demolition Survey
- What is a Management Survey (Asbestos)?
a. Locate, assess and advise on management during occupation
b. No samples are taken or analysed
- What is a Refurbishment / Demolition Survey (Asbestos)?
a. Required where premises need upgrading, refurbishment or demolishing
b. Samples taken and analysed
c. Recommendations made regarding their management
- What is a defence regarding Asbestos?
a. The duty holder took all reasonable precautions and exercised due diligence
- What are the steps to take regarding Asbestos?
a. Duty holder must undertake risk assessment
b. They must locate where it is and what condition it is in
c. They must produce an asbestos management plan – does it need encapsulating/moving?
d. They must produce an asbestos register
e. They must make the register available to all relevant parties
f. They must review the register regularly (HSE recommend 6 monthly)
- What are punishments for Asbestos related breaches?
a. Health & Safety Act 2008 enables fines up £20,000 and 12 months imprisonment
b. More serious offences are tried in higher courts with no limit on fines
- What are the different types of Asbestos?
a. Brown (amosite)
b. Blue (crocidolite)
c. White (chrysolite)
- What other info is there regarding Asbestos?
a. Licensed contractor must undertake all work
b. Dusty holder must undertake risk assessment
c. New builds require architect’s certificate confirming no presence of asbestos
d. Asbestos register mut be produced and updated
- Tell me about the RICS Guidance Note Asbestos: Legal Requirements and Best Practice for Property Professionals and Clients, 2021?
a. Contains overview of law and industry guidance regarding Asbestos
b. Sets out best practice to comply with law
c. Includes common asbestos-containing materials, how to commission asbestos survey and suggested contents of an asbestos management plan
- What are the rules for working at height?
a. Assess risk and ensure you are competent
- What are the rules for working at height?
a. Risks should be reduced to the lowest reasonably practicable level by taking preventative measures, in order of priority:
i. Elimination – EG use a drone instead of working at height
ii. Substitution – Replace materials with something less haxardous
iii. Engineering controls – Use machinery/equipment where possible
iv. Administrative controls – Reduce the need for lone working
v. PPE – Use PPE where required
- What are the punishments for breaching the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
a. Policed by HSE
b. Non-compliance is a criminal offence
c. Unlimited fine or imprisonment
- What are the Construction, Design and Management Regulations (CDM) 2015?
a. Breach of these regulations is a criminal offence, policed by HSE
b. Improves management and co-ordination of H&S during construction
c. Outlines that the duty holders are the client, the principal designer and the principal contractor
d. Projects with more than one contractor must have principal designer, principal contractor and H&S file
e. Onus on client to ensure CDM arrangements
f. Construction Phase Plan is required for all projects
- Define run-off insurance?
a. Professional indemnity insurance which covers the historic liabilities of a business and its directors when the business ceases or is acquired
- What is the Fire Safety Act 2021?
a. Reform of the Regulatory Reform Order 2005 following Hackitt Review
b. Relates to multi-occupied residential buildings
c. The act requires:
i. Inspections of lifts reported to fire and rescue services
ii. Up to date evacuation plans
iii. The provision of suitable fire safety instructions to residents
iv. Individual flat doors to comply with current standards
v. Clarity that the responsible person must manage and reduce fire risk
- What is the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957?
a. Regulates the liability of occupiers for injuries caused to visitors, as well as for the damage caused to any goods, because of dangers due to the state of the property
b. Trespassers are covered by the Occupiers’ Liability act 1984
- What is the Smoke Free Regulations 2007?
a. Illegal to smoke in all enclosed and substantially enclosed public spaces
b. No smoking signs must be displayed
c. Local authorities enforce the law
d. £50 – £2500 fines
- What is the Defective Premises Act 1972?
a. Imposes an obligation on landlord to ensure premises comply with its requirements
b. Section 4 states landlord owes a duty of care to all who could be affected
What is the building safety act 2022?
a. From the 1 October 2023, all new higher-risk buildings must be registered with the BSR. Until the new building has been registered, units must not be occupied.
b. Enhances the safety of buildings, particularly high-rise and multi-occupancy residential buildings
c. The Act aims to ensure that high-rise buildings are designed, constructed, and managed to be safe for occupants