Health Promotion And The Individual Flashcards
Nursing focus on wellness
- Assisting to maintain obtain optimal newts
-Accomplished through nursing process - nanda = nursing diagnosis
All donkeys oink perfect instruments energetically
Outcome criteria
Process criteria
Health promotion
Assegment of strengths not only deficits
Functional Health patterns Gordon’s (2016’) frame work for nanda
- concept of functional patterns and pattern interaction
- depicts individuals life style
- holism and totality of person’s interaction w environment from foundation for health
- person viewed as whole being using interrelated behavioral areas
Health promotion
Focus on nursing knowledge
Provides structure - holism = goal
Focus of patterns
_ Examine patterns overtime
- enviro influences on pattern
- age - developmental issues
Person performance of task
Influences health pattern
- Pattern / sequencing of behaviors
- role of enviro
Developmental influences
_ status as functional (strength / wellness)
- dysfunctional actual nursing diagnosis
-Potentially dysfunctional risk
_ nurses determine cause and plan remedial actions
Individuals perceived health and wellbeing
Affect on lifestyle and ability to function
Gives clues to improve or maintain health
Current health practices use of healthcare system healthcare access
Past health management
= predictor for
identify reasons failure of past interventions
5 stages of change
Precontemplation = not considering change
Contemplation = considering change
Planning and prep = planning change
Action = implementing
Maintenance = maintaining change
Nutritional metabolic pattern
24hr recall of consumption
Finances and impact on meals prep
Metabolic demand :
changes w each individual
Activity level stress
Objective indicators of nutritional metabolic patten
Mucous membranes
Elimination pattern
Regularity and efficiency of excretion of waste
- normal pattern varies from person to person
- changes in:
skin integrity
Self treatment
- close to nutritional pattern assessment
Stage of life = relevant
Activity pattern
Individuals activity level exercise leisure
Activity level = significant impact on life
- affected by environment
_ assessment circulatory system neuromuscular posture muscle tone subjective complaints exercise and fatigue
Exercise assessment
-Type frequency duration intensity
-Barriers to exercise
Assess: infant I toddler development
Sleep pattern
Deficits: stress response/ decreased immune system response l unhealthy relationships
Assessment: subjective reports of fatigue l difficult time falling asleep sleep distribarces
Sleep quality. and quantity
Interventions; counseling l medical referral / bedtime routine relaxation techniques l lastly meds
Cognitive -preceptual function
Affects how to function independently
Must be assessed w context of environment
Cognitive deficits require increase environmental controls
Developmental stage impacts
Undeveloped in children
May decline w aging
Perceptual pattern
Ability to understand and follow directions l retain info make decisions solve problems use language appropriately
Assessing cognitive
Language capabilities
Sensory deficits hearing/ vision
Use of assistive devices
Pain scales
Education memory changes learning style
Dress hygiene
Attention span l behavior
Assessment tools: Folstein mini mental state examination
Self perception
Sense of personal identity:goals emotional patterns feelings abt self bodyimage self worth
Developmental level: delays in-selfesteem block progress towards subsequent tasks
Assessment: comments believes nonverbal clues
Posture eye contact restlessness twitch anxiety mumbled o rapid speech foot shuffling tapping
Roles l relationship pattern
Position assumed by individual
Need for relationships w others is universal
Assessment: individuals perception of satisfaction w relationship
Describe pattern of relationships
family works
Structure task communication patterns decision making
Affects person:
Individuals sexual self concept methods of intimacy
Related to self perception and relationship patterns
Body image sex identity = linked to sexual identity
Sexual expression influences:
Norms with society May affect expression
Sexuality assessment
- consider continuum of sexual identity expression
- assess knowledge of sexual functioning and health practices
Ex: pap self testicular exam
Sexuality parameters
Sexual self concepts
Sexual functioning
repro patterns
Level of satisfaction
It is a learned behavior
Depicts general coping and ability to effectively manage stress
Stress = necessary part of life → growth
Problem: poor tolerance l disruption of daily activities
Not inheretient individuals perception of events
Coping perception
Related to what the individual is currently going through
What is coping
Individual behavioral response to stress
Problem solving ability
Coping assessment and interventions
Assessment: determine stress tolerance and past coping behaviors
Parameters: coping strategies l consider variety l health promotion valuel l effectiveness of the coping
Interventions: replace unhealthy coping strategies/employ stress management techniques
Spiritual values
Perceptions of right VRs wrong
Assessment: determines basis for health related decisions
Techniques for assessment: summarizing verifying obtaining info
Interventions: based on value system and health beliefs to be effective
Nursing process
Identity problem
Planning the care
Implementing plan
Evaluating effectiveness
Enduring influence on health
- individual and family
- dieting, activity, hygiene, activity coping
- fostering resilience
-individualization with in family cohesiveness
Comprehensive family assessment
- includes family as group interaction
-Home is a natural enviro for health promotion - home. Is it’s give a ton of info
- recognize patterns
- assessing potential for active positive change
Nurse role in comprehensive family assessment
- colab w fam
-provide info - decision making
- problem solving
- communicate for services
Family system theory
- Patterns of living among individuals
- values provide means for interpreting events
-System baurdories control info flow
-Changes in 1 member affect whole family - family assessment = too to foster health promotion
Duvall and miller identify stages of family life cycle
Critical family developmental task
Middle class homogeneity
Criticized for lack of diversity in family forms
Overall family pattern
Each family performs tasks in a unique manner
What happens it someone fails to accomplish developmental task
A negative consequences
Family developmental stages Duvall and miller
Married couples - no children
Childbearing fam’s - birth to 30 months
Families w preschool children 2.5 yrs - bars
Family w school children - 6- 13 yrs
Family w teens -13-20
Fam’s launching young adults
Middle aged parents
Aging family members
Family structure
Refers, to family composition including roles and relationships
Family function
Consists of the process within systems from exchange of energy and info
Where does info and energy exchange occur
between family and their environment
Family risk factor categories
Life style ex: overeating/ drug dependence smoking
Environmental : . stress polution
Social physiological cultural spiritual : crowding isolation
Health care system: overuse lack of access
. Epidemiology uses
Mortality and morbidity as indirect evidence of health
Risk estimates
Calculates differences btw groups with risk and not
Family assessment functional health patterns
Systems approach with emphasis on developmental stages and risk factors
Evaluation: of dysfunctional patterns in families
Risk factors :predict potential dysfunction
Nursing process assessment of functional health patterns
Family assessment : history
Nursing diagnoses
Associated ecological factors and influencing factors
Gordon 2016
Heath perception
Nutritional - metabolic pattern
Elimination pattern
Activity exercise pattern
Sleep-rest pattern
Cognitive perceptual pattern
Self perception
Relationships pattern
Sexuality reproductive pattern
Nutritional metabolic pattern
Family’s typical Food and fluid intake
-Growth development l eating patterns l risk factor ed l obesity l pregnancy diabetes
Metabolic assessment parameters
Food diary
Shared meals
Types of food
Fam attitude toward food
Age specific elimination pattern
Toilet training
Changes from usual pattern
Elderly: constipation incontinence: pee accidents
Exercise pattern
Families attitudes beliefs abt exercise
Exercise pattern assessment patterns
Types of daily activities
Fam members involvement
Amt of tv time
Frequency type of exercise
Fam fun activities
Perceptual pattern assessment parameter
Family access interpretations abt health
How decisions are made abt health in fam
Choices about lifestyle
Types of cure used whether traditional or nontraditional
Coping stress tolerance pattern
Ability to cope determines fam success
Relationships: support coping versus increased stress
Life events : provoke stress mobilize
Eviromental factors l assessment parameters
Home neighborhood community -
Adequacy of rooms lighting l waterl sanitation/ sleeping arrangements
Presence of infestation
Neighborhood enviro factors
- industry pollution
Public transportation access
Community environmental factors
Available resources
Available health facilities