Health Promotion Flashcards
What is the social ecologic theory?
Behaviour affects and is affected by multiple levels of influence. (individual, interpersonal, institutional, community and policy)
What is the health belief model?
Focuses on the perceived threat of a health problem, the benefits of avoiding the threat and barriers to doing so.
What is the stages of change model?
Behaviour change is a process not an event.
What is the theory of meaningful learning?
Behaviour change is a unique process that each person must learn on their own.
What is the information processing model?
States that individuals must be exposed to, comprehend, retain, and retrieve pertinent information in order to make a decision and engage in behavior change.
What is social cognitive theory?
Posits that whether a person will change a health behavior depends on (1) self-efficacy, (2) goals, and (3) outcome expectancies
Name the 5 approaches to health promotion.
Medical Behaviour change Educational Client-centred Societal
What are the main areas discussed in the Ottawa Charter?
Strengthening community action Develop personal skills Create supportive environments Reorient health services Enable, mediate, advocate
What are the steps in the project planning cycle?
- Needs assessment
- Writing objectives
- deciding indicators
- Implementation
- Evaluation
8 steps to grow an advocacy movement
- develop a united consistant message.
- Chose focussed issues
- build alliances accross sectors.
- Involve role-players at all stages
- Use EBM for education
- Evaluate outcomes of step 5
- Build on existing initiatives
- Find health champions!
Advocacy strategies