Health Policy Provisions, Clauses, and Riders 14% Flashcards
Which law established standard provisions that are to be included in all individual health insurance policies?
The Uniform Individual Accident and Sickness Policy Provisions Law (developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (naic) )
What are the purpose of provisions?
To define rights and duties of both insurer and policyholder
Which provision states that the health insurance policy, together with a copy of the signed application and attached riders and amendments, constitutes the entire contract?
Entire Contract
Which provision prevents lapses of the policy during a period of time after the due date of a premium if payment has not been made (and can be made within that time period)?
Grace Period
What are the different Grace Periods in different policies?
7 days- for weekly premium policies (industrial)
10 days- for monthly policies
31 days- for all other modes
Which policy stipulates under which certain conditions a lapsed policy may be reinstated if failure of premiums paid after grace period?
What provision allows the policy owner to change beneficiary at any time by providing written request to the insurer, unless stated otherwise.
Change of Beneficiary
Which beneficiary designation can be changed without consent of the beneficiary?
Which beneficiary designation needs the beneficiaries written consent for change?
Which provision spells out the insureds duty to provide the insurer with reasonable notice in the event of a loss?
Notice of Claims provisions
When should a notice of claim be submitted?
within 20 days of loss or as soon as reasonably possible (notice to agent = notice to insurer)
When should a claimant submit proof of loss after a loss occurs?
within 90 days or as soon as reasonably possible, not exceeding one year limit (unless claimant is not legally competent to comply with provision)
Which provisions specifies that claims are to be paid immediately upon written proof of loss?
The Time of Payment of Claims
What are the different policies dates specified in different policies for payment of claims to be made? Unless claims involve disability incomes
60 days, 45 days, or 30 days
for disability incomes, benefits must be paid not less frequently than monthly
Which provision specifies to whom claims payments are to be made?
Payment of Claims
To whom will the payments of claims me made to in event of the claimants death? All the steps
Beneficiary, if beneficiary dies, goes to insureds estate, unless stated otherwise to a hospital or doctor who rendered services
Which provision, if allowed, gives insurers the right to expedite payments of urgently needed claims funds and pay up to a specified limit in benefits to a relative or individual who is considered to be equitably entitled to payment?
Facility of Payment
Which provision gives the insurer the right to examine the insured (at own expense) as often as reasonably necessarily while a claim is pending?
Physical Examination and Autopsy
Which provision states that no statement or misstatement (except fraudulent) made in application at time of issue will be used to deny a claim after the policy has been in force for 2 years.
Time limit on certain defenses
similar to incontestability clause (found in life insurance)
Which provision limits the time in which a claimant may seek recovery from an insurer under a policy?
Legal Actions
What is the time period the insured must wait after proof of loss before legal action can be brought against the company?
60 days but no later than 3 years
What would happen to the benefits in a policy if the insured misstated her age or gender at time of application?
Benefits would be adjusted according to what the premium paid would have been purchased at the correct age
Which provision allows the insurer to adjust benefits if the insured changes occupation?
Change of Occupation
What would happen if insured changes to a more hazardous occupation and also to a less hazardous occupation?
More hazardous occupation- benefits reduced to that which premiums paid would have been in this occupation
Less hazardous occupation_ the insured is entitled for a rate reduction
Which provision states that liability will be denied if insured is injured while committing an illegal act or engaged in illegal occupation?
Illegal Occupation
Which provision allows the insurance company to limit the insured’s benefits to his/her average income over the last 24 months?
Relation of Earnings to Insurance
Which policy is a general statement that identifies the basic agreement between the insurance company and the insured usually on the first page?
Insuring Clause or Insuring Provision
What is stated in the Insuring Clause provision?
It identifies the INSURED and the INSURANCE COMPANY and states what kind of loss (peril) is COVERED
Which provision allows the insured a period of several days to look over the policy, and if dissatisfied for any reason, may return it for a full refund?
Free Look (right to examine)
What is the common period of time for a Free Look provision from the date of policy delivery?
10 days but may vary for different types of policies
Mandated provision
What provision makes it clear that both parties to the contract must give some valuable consideration, usually located on first page?
Consideration Clause
What are the considerations for both the applicant and the insurer?
Applicant- payment of the premium & statements in the application
Insurer- promise to pay in accordance with the contract terms
Which provision states that a period of time must lapse before coverage for specified conditions goes into effect?
Probationary Period
Where does the Probationary period apply to?
common in disability income policies
applies to new employees who must wait a certain period of time before they can enroll in group plan
What is the main purpose of the probationary period clause?
to avoid unnecessary administrative expenses in cases of employee turnover
What type of deductible states that a period of days must expire after the onset of an illness or occurrence of an accident before benefits will be payable?
Elimination Period
What happens if the elimination period is longer?
The lower the cost of average
What provision/rider provides that in the event of permanent and total disability, premiums will be waived for the duration of the disability?
Waiver of Premium
What are the qualifications for waiver of premiums provision/rider?
insured must be totally disabled for a specified period of time, usually 3 to 6 months, during which premium is still paid, but refunded later
When does the Waiver of Premium expire?
When insured attains age 65 unless insured becomes disabled prior to age 65, premiums continued to be waived for duration of disability
What are Pre-existing conditions?
conditions for which the insured has received diagnosis, advice, care, or treatment during a specific time period prior to application for health coverage
Even with ACA eliminating restrictions of Pre-existing conditions restrictions in individual and group health plans, where do the limitations still apply for the conditions?
in Medicare Supplement policies and Long-term care insurance
Which provision specifies the period of time that must lapse between two illnesses in order for a new set of benefits to be available for the second illness?
(In health insurance or disability income)
Recurrent Disability
Why is it to the insureds benefit to consider any relapse as a continuation of the prior claim in recurrent disability?
Any elimination period or deductible would not have to be satisfied again
Which provision, in most major medical policies, provides for the sharing of expenses between the insured and the insurance company?
What is the purpose of the Coinsurance provision?
for the insurance company to control costs and discourage over utilization of the policy
What is the purpose of a stop-loss limit?
It is a specified dollar amount beyond which the insured no longer participates in the sharing of expenses. Company pays 100% of expenses that are above the specified limit
What is a deductible?
A specified dollar amount that the insured must pay first before the insurance company will pay the policy benefits
What is the purpose of a deductible?
to have the insured absorb the smaller claims, while coverage provided under the policy will absorb the larger claims
What happens when the deductible is larger?
Lower premiums to be paid
What is an annual deductible?
calendar year deductible paid once a year regardless amount of claims in that year
What is a Individual Deductible?
insured is personally responsible for a specified deductible amount each year
What is a Family deductible?
annual deductible is satisfied if two or more family members pay a deductible in a given year, regardless of the amount of claims incurred by additional family members
What is a Per occurrence deductible / flat deductible?
insured is required to pay for each claim, possibly resulting is more than one deductible being paid in a given year
What is a common accident provision?
when more than one family member is injured in a single accident, only one deductible applies for all family members involved in same accident
What is a integrated deductible?
amount of the deductible may be satisfied by the amount paid under basic medical expense coverage
What is a carry over provision?
states that if the insured did not occur enough expenses during the year to meet the deductible, any expense incurred during the last 3 months may be carried over to the next policy year to satisfy the new annual deductible
What do disability income and long-term care policies have in the form of a elimination period?
Time deductible
What are exclusions?
will specify for what the insurer will not pay, are causes of loss that are specifically excluded from coverage.
What are reductions?
are decrease in benefits because of certain specified conditions.
What are the most common exclusions in health insurance plans?
War, military duty, self-inflicted injury, dental expense, cosmetic expenses, eye refraction, care in governmental facilities,
When would coverage of a health insurance be suspended?
while an insured resides in a foreign country or while serving the military
What are eligible expense?
medical expenses covered by a health insurance plan, specified in a policy
Which provision has a set dollar amount that the insured will pay each time certain medical services are used and that the insured shares part of the cost of services with the insurer?
What must an insured do to be sure that the policy will cover the expenses of medical?
insured must obtain insurers approval before the procedure, test, or hospital stay
What is a benefit schedule?
states exactly what is covered in the plan and for how much
What is Usual/Reasonable/Customary (URC)?
insurance company will pay an amount for a given procedure based upon the average charge for that procedure in that specific geographic area
What is a maximum benefit and the 3 limits it can be expressed as?
the largest benefit amount a policy will pay.
Expressed as a lifetime limit, annual limit, or per-cause limit
What is a lifetime limit?
specifies a benefit amount that is the most a policy will pay during the lifetime of the insured
What is an annual limit?
most a policy will pay each year that the policy is in force
What is a per-cause limit?
the most a policy will pay for expenses incurred from the same or related causes.
What is a rider?
a provision added/attached to a contract
Which rider may be attached to a contract for the purpose of eliminating coverage for a specifically defined pre-existing condition (like a back injury)?
Impairment (exclusion) riders
What would happen if an exclusion rider is attached?
would exclude coverage for a condition that would otherwise be covered.
Also may be the only means to purchase an insurance at a reasonable cost if the insured has an existing impairment
Riders are attached insurance for some additional coverage and sometimes there is extra cost, when would happen if the exclusion rider is added since it takes something away?
Nothing, there would be no extra charge nor is there any reduction like a premium reduction to reflect
Which policy rider allows the insured to purchase additional amounts of disability income coverage without evidence of insurability?
and the 2 other referred names?
Guaranteed Insurability rider
a.k.a Future Increase Option or Guaranteed Purchase Option
The insured is usually allowed a certain option date for the Guaranteed Insurability rider, but at what age will the insured not be able to exercise this rider?
usually age 50
What will the premium on the guaranteed insurability rider be based on?
the insureds attained age at the time of purchase
What must the face page of an individual health insurance contract clearly state?
under what conditions the policy may be renewed
What is a noncancellable policy?
an insurance company cannot cancel this type of policy nor can the premium be increased beyond what is stated in the policy
When is the only time there can be an increase in a certain year in a noncancellable pollicy?
when it is clearly stated in the original contract
In a noncancellable policy, at which time is the right to renew coverage guaranteed?
when the insured reaches 65 at which time they are eligible for Medicare
When is the only time a noncancellable policy be renewed beyond age 65?
for disability income insurance if the insured has proof of working a full time job
Which provision allows the insurer to cancel the policy at any time, or at the end of the policy period, is not very common, and is even illegal in many states?
Cancellable provision
What must the insured do in a cancellable provision in case on cancellation?
The insurer must provide insured with proper written notice of cancellation and a refund of any unearned premiums paid.
Which policy allows for the insured to have a unilateral right to renew the policy for the life on the contract?
Guaranteed Renewable
What happens to the premiums in a Guaranteed Renewable provision?
The insurer can increase the premiums on a CLASS-BASIS only and not on an individual policy
What is the age limit that the guaranteed renewable provision may not be renewed beyond?
65 years of age
What type of provision is Medicare Supplements and Long-term Care policies written as and cannot be cancelled beyond?
Written as Guaranteed Renewable contracts
and not cancellable beyond age 65