Health is global: a UK Government strategy for 2008–13 (Primarily et al, 2009) Flashcards
A global-health strategy is needed because health is a global issue…
The ease with which we can travel to all corners of the world has brought immense opportunities. But the rapid spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome and the constant threat of pandemic influenza highlight the risks of our global interconnectivity.
The current global economic crisis further highlights our interdependence. All too often global threats have the greatest consequences for poor countries—for those least able to cope, they can be catastrophic for health.
Health is global describes five areas for action.
They are health security, strong and fair systems for health, more effective international health organisations, freer and fairer trade, and strengthening the way we develop and use evidence to improve policy and practice.
Health is global sets a course for:
increasing finance for health systems for universal health-care coverage; supporting stronger health sys- tems through the International Health Partnership;7 addressing the global shortage of health-care workers; fairer and safer access to medicines, technologies, and innovations, with improved safety for patients worldwide; emphasising sexual, reproductive, and maternal health; and increasing our focus on preventing and treating non-communicable diseases and injuries.