Health Hx Flashcards
Hi! My name is [student’s name] and I’m a nursing student here @ OSU. What’s your name?
What brings you here today [patient’s name]?
Are there any secondary issues, fears, concerns that caused you to seek care today?
- Onset (gradual or acute)
- Location
- Duration (recent or chronic)
- Characteristics
- Aggravating factors
- Relieving factors
- Treatments (previous tx, dose, duration, and reason d/c’d)
- Severity
Before we get started, I need to collect some basic information for your medical record.
- Age: How old are you?
- Race/ethnic origin: How do you identify yourself racially or ethnically?
- Relationship status: Are you married?
- Occupation: Are you currently working outside of the home or enrolled in school?
Next, I’d like to learn more about your health hx to date so that I can get a better sense of your current health needs. How would you describe your general health up until now?
Did you ever experience any illnesses or conditions as a child?
- Mumps
- Whooping cough
- Chicken pox
- Scarlet fever
- Rheumatic fever
Have you ever experienced an accident or injury as either a child or adult?
- Organ damage
- Spinal injury
- Fractures
- Type: What happened?
- Outcome: Did you experience any long-term disability as a result?
- Age: How old were you when this happened?
#__: Allergies
Do you have any allergies?
- Drugs
- Food
- Environmental
What type of reaction do you have?
- Rash
- Anaphylaxis
- Course of pregnancy
- Delivery date 2. Length of pregnancy 3. Length of labor 4. Baby’s weight & sex 5. Delivery type (vaginal or cesarean) 6. Complications 7. Baby’s condition
- CV system
- Precordial or retrosternal pain (front of ❤️ or behind sternum) 2. Palpitations (rapid, fast, or irregular ❤️ beat) 3. Cyanosis (blue skin) 4. Dyspnea on exertion (difficult, labored breathing, or SOB) –> amount of exertion 5. Orthopnea (# of pillows @ night) 6. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (wake up @ night coughing or gasping for air) 7. Nocturia (# of times wake up @ night to pee) 8. Edema 9. Hx of heart murmur (turbulent blood flow w/in ❤️) 10. HTN (⬆️ BP) 11. CAD (aka atherosclerosis, plaque build ⬆️ in ❤️’s arteries) 12. Anemia (weakness and paleness c/b by too - RBCs or hemoglobin in blood) HP: Date of last EKG or other ❤️ test & results!
- Family hx
Now for this next part of your health history, I want to know not just about you but you family as well b/c some health conditions are genetic or tend to run in families. By identifying them now, we can work together to reduce your risk. So please let me know if you, your parents, or grandparents have or had any following medical conditions. 1. ❤️ dis 2. ⬆️ BP 3. Stroke 4. Diabetes 5. Blood disorders 6. Breast/ovarian cancer 7. Other cancers 8. Sickle cell 9. Arthritis 10. Allergies 11. Asthma 12. Obesity 13. Alcoholism or drug addiction 14. Mental illness 15. Suicide 16. Seizure dx 17. Kidney dis 18. TB Do you or family members have any other conditions that I didn’t mention? Or, did I cover everything?
- General constitutional symptoms
- Temperature (fever, chills, or sweats) 2. Weakness or fatigue 3. Weight –> normal, current, recent +/- by what means
- GI system
- Appetite 2. Food intolerance (feel ill or have pain p eating particular foods) 3. Dysphagia (difficulty or discomfort c swallowing) 4. ❤️ burn 5. Indigestion (pain or discomfort p eating) 6. Pain associated c eating 7. Other abd pain 8. Pyrosis (burning @ esophagus [throat] & stomach + sour stomach) 9. Vomiting –> character 10. Vomiting blood 11. Hx of abd dis (ulcer, liver, GB, jaundice, appendicitis, colitis) 12. Flatulence (gas) 13. Frequency of bm (normal or recent 🔼) 14. Stool characteristics 15. Constipation or diarrhea 16. Black stools 17. Rectal bleeding 18. Rectal conditions (hemorrhoids, fistula [pain/swelling @ rectum) HP: Use of antacids or laxatives!
- Hair
- Recent hair - 2. 🔼 in texture
- Hospitalizations
- Dx 2. Outcome 3. Age @ 4. Duration 5. Hospital name