Health & General Insurance Flashcards
What are the charectersitics of Income protection insurance (IPI) - select all that apply.
- Based around illness.
- Covers 4 occupations *clerical *hairdresser *physical work farmer *Labourer.
- Premiums set at outset and reviewed.
- Deferred periods - time stated to wait for payment. Longer the period the cheaper the payment.
- % income protection 50-60% typically
- Tax free.
- Paid until retirement
- Individual plans
All of the above
What is critical illness policy
- Paid in a lump sum.
- Term plan 20- 25 years.
- Great for mortgage payment.
- Can use money to adapt house or car etc
General Insurance - overview
What are the risks, name 3
- Renewed annually.
- House.
- Valuables.
- Neglegence - if you dont give the right advice.
- Business risks
- Business interuption insurance
4 phrases for general insurance.
- Indemnity.
- Double insurance.
- Average clause.
- Excess.
What do they mean
- Indemnity - tv stolen (new tv or money to cover).
- Double insurance - More than 1 policy on same risk - dont get double the claim (insurance companies share the cost).
- Average clause - will affect buildings and contents insurance. If under insured insurance company wil average it out. Dont under insure yourself.
- Excess - If you have a claim you pay the first small amount
What is business Interuption Insurance.
Name the 5 types
- Paid out if there is interuption in a business i.e Covid.
- Property insurance - fire, flood etc
- Liability loss - employer or professional indemnity (if giving advice and neglegent then people can claim against you).
- Personal loss - people loss (key man or key person insurance)
- Pecuniary loss - Customers or creditors defaulting
- Business interuption - floods/ covid/ cyber attacks
Mortgage payment protection (PPI) or ASU
What does it do?
- Pays mortgage payment +25%
- Covers sick, accident and redundancy
- 18-64 year olds
- Need to wait 90 days before you take it out
- Not expensive
- typically will pay 1-2 years
- Its a general insurance (GI)
Asu - Better for self employed
What is better ASU or IPI
Both tax free
ASU - covers payments
covers up to 2 years
Standard deferred period (how long until payment)
Covers redundancy
General insurance
PPI - covers all payments
IPI covers your income
Covers until you retire
Can tayor the deferred period
Covers illness
Long term care plan - what is it?
People save into long term care plan.
Claim on the policy to fund their care.
More income than £23,250 - must pay for care home .
PAys out when you cant
Moving around the house
If you cant do any 3 of the above the plan will pay out.
Lump sum pays out - you buy an annuity and that pays you monthly
(immediate care annuity) This the goes straight to care home - tax free.
Purcahsed annuity - some of this is taxed (interest taxable). Capital part is non taxed.