Health equity Flashcards
Describe Pareto efficiency
When for a given set of consumer tastes, resources and technology, it is impossible to change resource allocation to make people better off without making anyone worse off.
What is the link between Pareto efficiency and perfect competition?
If every market in the economy was functioning as a perfectly competitive free market, the equilibrium would be Pareto efficient.
Who devised the notion of the ‘Invisible Hands’
Adam Smith
What is a distortion?
When society’s marginal cost of producing a good is not equal to society’s marginal benefit from consuming the good.
Why does market failure occur?
It occurs when the unregulated equilibrium is inefficiently allocated. This may occur due to imperfect competition, social priorities, externalities or missing markets.
Describe what welfare economics is.
A branch of economics that deal with normative issues. It describes how well the economy works.
What is the difference between equality and equity?
Equality is everyone having or being treated the same.
Equity is having what is fair
What is horizontal equity?
The identical treatment of identical people.
What is vertical equity?
The different treatment of different people in order to reduce the consequences of their innate differences.
What is equity in the financing of healthcare?
The extent to which individuals with unequal ability to pay make appropriately unequal payments.
What is the difference between progressivity, regressivity and proportionality in terms of financing healthcare?
Progressivity: Where the proportion of income paid rises as income rises
Regressivity: Where the proportion of income paid falls as income rises
Proportionality: Where the proportion of income paid is constant
How is progressivity of healthcare financing systems measured?
Using progressivity indices, such as the Kakwani index (1977). This measures the extent to which health care financing departs from proportionality.
Draw an example concentration curve for income.
The 45 degree (brown) curve represents equality in payments. The CCYY (blue) curve denotes the cumulative proportion of income of the population against cumulative income. The CCPY (pink) curve denotes the cumulative income of the population agains cumulative health payments.
Describe how the Kakwani index can be derived from a concentration curve for income and healthcare payments.
The Kakwani index (K) is equal to the concentration index for payments (IP), minus the concentration index for income (IY).
IP is twice the area between the payment line and the 45 degree line
IY is twice the area between the income line and the 45 degree line
What options are there for equitable distribution of healthcare?
- Equal expenditure per capita
- Equality of health care according to need
- Equality of access
- Equality of health
- Utility