Health Effects Flashcards
Minor Physical Anomalies
Lombroso said offenders more likely to have some of these
low seated ears, furrowed tongues, big head, abnormal toe gap, single palmar crease, etc
indirect indicators: something went wrong during 3rd/4th month of gestation that affected brain and these
Birth Complications
birth complications (forceps, pre-eclampsia, long duration, bleeding, etc) x maternal rejection: at age 18, kids were more violent if they had both
low iq mediates birth complication/ASB relationship
Cigarette Smoking
dose response curve for amt of nicotine mom consumes and % of kids who become violent as adults (even when controlled for ses, mother’s education, obstetric factors, etc)
nicotine reduces uterine blood flow, increases testosterone in males, impacts hippocampus, reduces later attn, memory, processing speed
active smokers decreases by month 3 of pregnancy, but by month 9, 75% of smokers are tob dependent
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
flat face, wide eyes, growth retardation, CNS dysfunction, 8% brain vol reduction, poorer executive functioning
1 FAS: 3 FAeffects, together make 1% of pop, lower iq, half have ASB, base rate of FAE in ASB kids is 22%
baby goes through withdrawal at birth which contributes to cell death
argument that if you drink while you’re pregnant, you could be a bad mother and contribute to bad social enviro, but study showed that adopted away FAS/E babies were more likely to have ASB than non-FAS adopted babies (but maybe because babies inherit an unsocial gene from mom)
Heavy Metals
Lead: boys more delinquent/aggressive, 40% increase in arrests for 5 microg of lead, lead explains 90% of variation in assaults in cities
Cadmium: higher cadmium in hair of offenders, explains 13% of aggression in schoolkids, smokers have 5x cadmium levels
Manganese: higher manganese in hair of violent offenders, 15 studies report higher aggression/hostility/etc in manganese workers
Second-Hand Smoking
70% of chinese men smoke, 37% of Chinese cohort mothers reported smoke exposure during pregnancy, externalizing behavior was 16% for unexposed and 25% for exposed
Protein deficiency: famine during 1st/2nd tri increases APD risk by 2.5 times compared to non-famine regions
Omega-3: boys w behavior probs, cocaine addicts, callous-unemo kids all had low omega-3, no fish = higher hostility, omega-3 enhances neurite growth which makes better connections
Malnutrition: 3 yos in Mauritius assessed for low hemoglobin/thin hair/angular stomatits - malnourished ones had higher aggression and hyperactivity and cd, dose-response relationship for externalizing behavior, controlling for iq abolishes effect (iq mediates)
Seafood consumption: correlation, low fish consumption = high homicides
micronutrients: zinc, iron, amino acid deficiencies = asb
hypoglycemia: low blood sugar linked to aggression, brain needs glucose
kids w externalizing behavior problems more likely to have “western diet”
Depriving someone of sleep makes them more irritable/aggressive (causation)
Sleepier kids at 15 more likely to commit crime at 24
Brain: sleep deprivation = 60% increase in amygdala activation, reduced pfc connectivity w amygdala, increased limbic response to rewards