Health economics lec and workshop Flashcards
What is meant by scarcity costs?
Allocating funding when their is limited resources, gain for one resource often results in loss for another
The NHS has a limited budget and an ageing populations, patients have high expectations and always expect more
What is meant by efficiency cost in terms of the NHS?
The acts of saving money by changing a process or product to act in a certain way
What is meant by an opportunity cost in context of the NHS?
Every treatment that is funded might mean that another treatment is not funded
Who should decide what patient group is in more need of treatment.
What is the purpose of an economic evaluation by NICE?
Promote efficient use of healthcare resources
Maximise total benefit derived from finite resources available
Compares the costs and consequences of new and existing treatment
Has consistent and fair methods for all disease types
Has methods to consider societal preferences
What is the incremental approach to economic evaluation?
Comparison of option A and option B, considers the costs and differed in consequences ( both positive and negative)
What is modelling in terms of economic evaluations?
A mathematical repressentation of a disease pathway
Combines input from multiple sources to estimate cost effectiveness
For example may include, unit cost, mortality, resource use, diagnostic accuracy etc.
What are the benefits of model over a clinical trial in calculating the cost of a treatment?
Models extend trial length
Is less expensice to calculate
Can add any outcome considered appropriate
Can include an infinite number of comparators.
Allow us to explore uncertainty.
What are the different categories of cost from an intervention?
Direct costs
1) health and social care service and resource use cost NICE
2)Non- health service resource use such as patient transportation and informal care
Indirect costs - wider cost implications to society such as loss of production
What are the different outcomes from an intervention?
Proxy outcomes - an indirect measure of a desired outcome but is highly correlated with outcome, e.g change in cholesterol level
Condition specific measures
Generic Measures
Natural units - blood pressure, HR etc
How is QoL determined by NICE in order to calculate a QALY?
Use Euro-QoL 5 dimensions
Considers mobility, self care, usual activities, pain/discomofrt, anxiety/depression
Each dimension has three options for a multiple choice answer, each of the three answers is associated with a score.
An equation converts the combined score into a utility value
Utility value of 1 indicates perfect health, 0 death and less than 0 is worse than death.
How does NICE calculate QALYs gained during economic evaluation?
Use QoL score to calcuate QALYs
QALYS gained = QALY with treatment - QALY without treatment
What does the value of an ICER indicate?
How much addition resource is required for an additional unit of health
This unit of health used by NICE is a QALY
What factors can be applied if an ICER score is too high but NICE would like to approve the drug?
Patient Access Schemes
Cancer Drug FUnd
Innovative Medicine Fund
Decision modifiers
What is meant by a cost effectiveness plane?
Horizontal plot for effectiveness of treatment
Vertical plot originating from the middle of the horizontal line for cost. Intersection of both lines has value of zero
A diagonal line is then drawn (upward slant to right) help indicate what treatments would be approved (often is below the line)
What is meant by a dominated and dominant treatment in NICE economic evaluation?
Dominated - more costly and less effective
Dominant - more effective and less costly.