Health Economics Flashcards
Definition of economic evaluation
Types of cost: Direct and Indirect
Comparative analysis of alternative courses of action in terms of both cost and consequences.
Health and social services resource use- treatment, drugs, in-patient stay
Non- health service use- patient transport, informal care
Wider cost implications- lost production
QALY formula
What does it combine?
How is QoL measured?
Questionnaire used to self assess QoL?
What are the 5 dimensions within?
QUALYs gained=
QALY = { ((length of life) x QoL)
Quality and length of life
Max value of 1 (perfect health) and value of 0 is equivalent to death
EQ-5D -> out of 3 in each dimension
1) Mobility
2) self care
3) usual activities
4) pain + discomfort
5) anxiety/ depression
The difference in QUALYs between two interventions
Cost- effectiveness plane
Less effective + more expensive =
More effective + cheaper =
Somewhere across the middle =
ICER -> Incremental Cost- Effectieness Ratio
ICER Formula
3 main types of Economic evaluation
1) 1,2 decision rule, results measured in
2) 1,2 decision rule, results measured in
3) 1,2
New cost-current cost/-(new QUALY-Current QUALY)
1) Cost- effectiveness analysis (CEA)
Must choose one single outcome eg. Cost for inc. survival
Consequences are in natural or physical units
Decision rule: dominant or dominated plane
Results in cost per unit effect eg cost per life saved
2) cost- utility analysis (CUA) Measured in QUALYs! Easy to compare treatments Decision rule: dominance or CU ratio Results always cost per QUALY gained
3) Cost- benefit analysis
Used with money + costs
Measured in mandatory terms
NICE believe a new rear,eg. I’d cost effective if….
Other factors considered if between… such as….
What is it?
2 types:
2 types of rationing
1) 4 Ds
Cost per QUALY is LESS THEN £20,000
£20,000- £30,000 such as cancer treatments and rare conditions
Fairness in distributing health care and health outcomes
1) Horizontal equity-> those with equal needs receive equal access to health care irrespective of demographic
2) vertical equity -> those with unequal need should be treated in order of differential need.
It’s obvious but difficult to implement
Rationing 1) implicit rationing Denial- ineligibility/ postcode lottery Delay- waiting lists Deterrence- side effects Dilution- dec. time with patients
2) explicit rationing
Efficiency side via NICE