Health Drugs And alcohol Flashcards
a drug that causes the nervous system to become more active so that a person feels more energy and mental excitement
A drug that relieves pain
loss of feeling in a person’s body or part of the body through the use of drugs
any of various drugs that are used to calm people or to make them sleep
any of the preparations (as marijuana or hashish) or chemicals (as THC) that are derived from the hemp and are psychoactive
Carbon monoxide
a poisonous gas that is formed when carbon is not completely burned and especially when gasoline is burned in car engines
a substance that can cause cancer
a serious disease of the liver that can be caused by drinking too much alcohol
a powerful drug that is used in medicine to stop pain or is taken illegally for pleasure, derived from the coca plant.
Crystal meth (methamphetamine)
highly concentrated meth amphetamine which is a highly addictive stimulant effecting dopamine levels in the brain causing a high that lasts 8 to 12 hours.
to cause (someone) to stop using drugs or alcohol by providing special help and treatment
neurotransmitter that is responsible for pleasure impulses in the brain
DXM (dextromethorphan)
active ingredient in cough medicine that is sometimes over used to create impairment
illegal drug that causes extreme feelings of pleasure and increased sensory perception.
a disease in which the lungs become stretched (alveolar sacs) and breathing becomes difficult