Health Coach Certification Flashcards
Devices that monitor movement and acceleration; can be used to monitor intensity of physical activity
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR)
The range of intake for a particular energy source that is associated with reduced risk of chronic disease while provided intakes of essential nutrients
Appreciating and respecting the inherent worth and potential of each individual ; also known as unconditional positive regard. This is one of the four key interrelated elements that constitute the spirt of motivational interviewing
Acceptance-based strategies
Approaches intended to help individuals accept things as they are.
to physiologically adapt to an unfamiliar environment and achieve a new steady state. For example, the body can adjust to a high altitude or a hot climate and gain an increased capacity to work in those conditions.
Accountable care organization
Groups of doctors, hospitals. and other healthcare providers who come together voluntarily to provide coordinated high-quality care to their shared patients.
The stage of the transtheoretical model of behavior change during which the individual is actively engaging in a behavior that was started less than six months ago.
Active listening
Mode of listening in which the listener is concerned about the content, intent and feelings of the message
Activities of daily living (ADL)
Activities normally performed for hygiene, bathing, household chores, walking, shopping, and similar activities.
Descriptive of a condition that usually has a rapid onset and a relatively short and sever course; opposite of chronic.
The devotion or surrendering of oneself to something habitually or obsessively.
Adequate Intake (AI)
A recommended nutrient intake level that, based on research, appears to be sufficient for good health.
The extent to which people follow their plans or treatment recommendations. Exercise adherence is the extent to which people follow and exercise program.
A fat cell
A hormone related to energy metabolism regulation that facilities the action of insulin by sending blood glucose into the body’s cells for storage or use as fuel, thus increasing the cell’s insulin sensitivity or glucose metabolism.
Adipose tissue
Fatty tissue; connective tissue made up of fat cells
The state of being fat, fatness; obesity
Adult learning
Formal or informal learning activities undertaken by adults following their initial education; recognizes that adults come with prior experiences and knowledge upon which they can build to learn new information.
A supplement is considered adulterated if it, or one of its ingredients, presents a “significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury” when used as directed, or under normal circumstances.
Aerobic Exercise
Exercise that increases the need for oxygen to fuel the effort
A positive statement to accentuate a client’s strengths or effort.