Health Care Delivery System in the US Flashcards
How did man respond to disease in the primitive times?
Looked to nature for answers
Looked to supernatural powers for answers
Looked to offended the spirits of gods or the dead
How did man treat diseases in the primitive times?
Religious Ceremonies
Medicinal Herbs
Doctors of the primitive times
Medicine man or shaman
How were fractured bones treated in the primitive times?
stiffened mud, bandages or tree branches.
recognized figures among primitive peoples
God of medicine
How were physicians punished for malpractice?
Hamurabi Code
Between what centuries were there little advancements in medicine?
6th to 16th century
What occurred at the end of the16th century
What were the advancements made during the renaissance
Clinical observations of disease
Bed-side teaching methods
Specific remedies
Communication methods in the primitive times
Societal view of health care in primitive time
Healthcare providers during the early civilization
Physicians under authority of gods
Communication methods during the early civilization
Early writings
Societal view of health care in early civilization
Magic/Religious approach
Healthcare providers during the Greek civilization
Physicians such as hippocrates
Communication methods during the Greek civilization
Codification of early medical practice
Societal view of health care in Greek civilization
Rational/Scientific approach
healthcare providers in 1776-1900
independent physicians
limited number of hospitals
healthcare providers in 1900-WW1
improved physicians
new hospital services
healthcare providers in WW1-1980
development of medical specializations