Health and Welfare-List 2 Flashcards
la farmacia
the pharmacy
la farmacéutica
the female pharmacist
el farmacéutico
the male pharmacist
las medicinas
the medicines
la aspirina
the aspirin
el jarabe
the cough syrup
la píldora
the pill
la vitamina
the vitamin
la receta
the prescription
la salud
la fiebre
el resfriado
the cold
la gripe
the flu
el síntoma
the symptom
la diagnosis
the diagnosis
el paciente/el enfermo
la paciente/la enferma
the patient(m/F)
el enfermero/la enfermera
the male nurse/the female nurse
el doctor/la doctora
the male doctor/the female doctor
el médico/la médica
the MD (male/female)
el hospital
the hospital
el consultorio/la oficina
the examination room/office
la indigestión
estar bien
to be well
estar mal
to be bad
estar grave
to be ill/critical
estra débil
to be weak
estar delicado
to be delicate
estar mareado
to be dizzy
estar con dolor de…
to be in pain of…
to have
tener dolor de…
to have pain of…
to need
to prescribe
to take/to drink
tomar medicina
to take medicine
guardar cama
to rest in bed/stay in bed
to rest
tengo que
I have to…