Health and Safty Flashcards
What is the structure of surveying safely second edition 2018?
- personal responsibility for RICS members and firms
- Assessing hazards and risks
- Workplace health and safety
- Occupational hygiene and health
- Visiting premises and Sites
- Fire safety
- Residential property surveying
- Procurement and management of contractors
Surveying safely - Key areas of advice include? 
RICS regulated firms must ensure they provide:
- A safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
Health and Safety at work act 1974?
Main points
- Duty of employee to ensure health and safety of all employees
- Policed by HSE
- Must undertake records and review risk assessment
- Must report injuries and dangerous occurrences
What is your firms loan working policy?
What is the concept of a safe person
Each individual assumes individual behaviour responsibility for their own their colleagues and others
Breach of the health and safety at work act 1979?
A criminal offence with fines and or imprisonment
When are organisations required to carry out documented health and safety risk assessments? 
When employing more than five staff
What is in a risk assessment?
- Identify the hazards present
- Identify the people at risk from the hazards e.g employees
- Evaluate the risk considering the likelihood and severity of any accidents existing precautions in place should be identified and evaluated
- Record the findings on a suitable form
- Review the risk assessment regularly
- Advise those affected of the outcome of the risk assessment and the methods of work and precautions to minimise or eliminate risk
RIDDOR stands for?
Reporting of injuries diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) 
What does RIDDOR outline?
- The trigger date for reporting injuries is over seven days incapacitation
- Such an injury must be reported to HSE within 15 days from the date of the accent
- employers to keep a record of three day plus injuries in an accident book kept for a minimum of three years after the injury
The six pack of H&S regulations
- Management of health and safety at work
- Display screen equipment
- Manual handling operations
- PPE at work
- Provision and use of work equipment
- Work place health & safety and welfare
What is a method statement
A document the details the way a work task or process is to be completed and prior approved
Should outline the hazards involved and how to do the job safely
it must detail the control measures that have been introduced to ensure health and safety
Defective premises act 1972
The act imposes an obligation on the landlord to ensure that the premises complies with its requirements
What are the three types of asbestos? 
When banned and name
1. Brown (1985) - Amosite
2. Blue (1985) - Crocidolite
3. White (1999) - Chrysotile
What are the asbestos regulations?
The control of asbestos regulations 2012
Noncompliances is a criminal offence
Obligations to the duty holder and employer
The duty holder is the owner of the premises If vacant or tenant if holding repairing lease
Non-licensed work with asbestos needs to be notified the HSE
There are two types of asbestos survey
-  Management survey
To locate assess and advise on management during occupation no sampling of materials - Refurbishment/Demolition
Required for works
Sample of materials suspected taken
Recommendations are made regarding the management

RICS guidance on asbestos
RICS guidance note - asbestos legal requirements and best practice for property professionals fourth edition 2021
Five steps to take if you identify asbestos
- The duty holder must assess if there is asbestos in the building
- Assess the risk produced in asbestos management plan
- Produce an asbestos register
- Make sure the register is available to all relevant parties who may disturb it
- Review the register regularly HSE recommend six monthly

CDM regulations
Fire safety
Fire risk management regulatory reform order 2005 (Non-domestic)
Must be fire precautions in place full of risk assessment
Risk assessmen, Fire policy and procedures and training for staff
Regular review of assessments as required
Reasonable fire precautions such as fire detection warning systems signage suitable fire exit doors
The fire safety act 2021 (domestic) 
- to assess manage and reduce fire risk posed by the structure of external walls
- Regular inspections of lifts
- Insuring residents are provided a suitable fire safety instructions
- Ensuring individual flat entrance doors comply with current standards