Health And Safety - Level 2 Flashcards
What legislation are you aware of relating to Health and Safety?
1) Health and Safety Act 1974
2) CDM 2015
3) RIDDOR 1995
4) Building Regulations
What is the Health and Safety Act 1974
•Primary piece of H&S legislation in the UK
•Key aims are to place (1) Duty on Employers for the H&S of the Employees (2) Duty on Employees for the Health and Safety of Others
•The act is regulated by the Health and Safety Executive, who have the power to stop works unannounced.
What is CDM 2015?
•Legislation which seeks to improve Health and Safety on Construction projects
•Key aims are to:
(1) Focus the Project Team on H&S throughout the lifecycle of a building
(2) Improve planning and management of projects to identify dangers early
(3) Places responsibility upon those best placed to deal with H&S duties
What is RIDDOR 1995?
•Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation
•Stipulates a requirement to report to the HSE if someone’s dies or is injured due to a work related incident, as well as if someone is sick for more than 7 days
What are Building Regulations?
•Set of standards that ensure the safety, health, and welfare of people in and around buildings
•Structured as a set of recognised documents which outlines how buildings are to be constructed as a minimum
How do Health and Safety Standards affect the design and construction process?
•CDM is a piece of legislation which ensures that H&S is considered at all phases of a project
•Building Regulations are minimum standards that must be met in the construction and maintenance of a building
How can you ensure that H&S is considered and maintained in the design phase?
•Employ a Principal Designer as required under CDM. Ensure they attend Design Team Meetings
•Appoint Access Consultants
What is the role and responsibility of the Client under CDM regulations (2015)?
•Employ the necessary duty holders
•Ensure the Relevant Documents have been produced
•Ensure enough time and resource has been provided
•Ensure welfare has been provided
What is the role and responsibility of the Principal Contractor under CDM regulations (2015)?
•Plan, Monitor, Manage and Coordinate H&S in the Construction Phase
•Liaise with the other Duty Holders
•Prepare the Construction Phase Plan
•Ensure site inductions are in place
•Coordinate subcontractors
What is the role of the Principal Designer under CDM Regulations (2015)
•Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate H&S in the Pre-Construction Phase
•Seek to identify and eliminate foreseeable risks
•Ensure designers carry out their duties
•Prepare and Provide Key information to other Duty Holders
What is the Role and Responsibility of Designers under CDM?
•Eliminate, reduce or control foreseeable risks
•Provide information to other members of the team to help fulfil their duties
What is the Project Managers Role under CDM Regulations 2015
•No specific duty under the Regulation, however there may be in the Contract
•Ensure that the team are aware of their duties and that H&S is championed on the project
•Ensure that the Client complies with their CDM responsibilities
What is an F10?
•Notification issued by the Client to the HSE of a projects commencement
When are projects notifiable?
•When they last longer than 30 days and have more than 20 workers on site
•Exceeds 500 working person days
What is a Construction Phase Plan?
•Prepared by the Principal Contractor
•Document that is used to plan and manage construction projects in a safe manner.
•Includes a project description, health and safety, risk register, induction information etc.
•It must be produced prior to works commencing and updated regularly.
What is a Health and Safety File?
•Document that is produced by the Principal Designer, which provides a record of information for the Client / End User for all H&S information, including
•Description of works, residual risk register, key structural information, hazardous material, cleaning and maintenance.