Health and safety Flashcards
What is the RICS guidance on H&S?
Guidance Note: Surveying Safely 2018
What does Surveying Safely cover?
- Responsibilities of members and firms
- Assessing hazards/risks
- Workplace H&S
- Visiting premises/sites
- Fire safety
What are the responsibilities of firms under Surveying Safely 2018?
- Safe working environment, equipment and systems of work
- Competent staff
What is a ‘safe person’?
An individual assuming personal responsibility for their own and others’ health and safety
Key legislation on H&S?
Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
What are your duties under the H&S at Work Act?
- Duty of care to my own and public’s safety
- Report injuries and dangerous occurrences
- Undertake, record and review a risk assessment
- Consider H&S information on site
Who is the H&S act policed by?
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
What is the 6 step approach to risk assessments?
- Identify hazards
- Identify people at risk
- Evaluate risk
- Record findings
- Review risk assessment regularly
- Advise those affected of the assessment
How is Asbestos obtained?
Naturally-occurring mineral fibre mined mainly in Canada, Russia and Zimbabwe
What are the 3 main types of asbestos?
Brown (amosite)
Blue (crocidolite)
White (chrysotile)
When was asbestos banned in the UK?
Blue and Brown – 1985
White – 1999
Who is the duty holder if asbestos is identified?
The owner of the property if vacant or a tenant if holding a repairing lease
What is Asbestos?
An insulating, fire-resistant material which can cause serious health problems if fibres are inhaled
Does the RICS provide a guidance note on asbestos?
Guidance Note, Asbestos: Legal Requirements & Best Practice for Property Professionals & Clients, 2021
How would you identify asbestos?
- Check asbestos register or historic building documents suggesting potential for ACMs
- Look for it on inspection
What would you do if you noticed some potential asbestos?
- Safely investigate extent
- Record - photos/notes and file
- Check asbestos register
- Inform client
- Recommend specialist advice
What are the two types of asbestos survey?
- Management survey
– Locate, assess and advise on management during normal occupation
- No sampling or analysis - Refurbishment/demolition survey
- Where refurb or demolition works are required
- Samples taken
- Management recommendations
What are the statutory obligations of a commercial/residential property owner?
- Asbestos management
- Contamination
- Fire safety
- Health and safety
- Legionnaires
- Waste management
What is your employers responsibility under the H&S act 1974?
- Appropriate equipment
- Training
- Information on the potential hazards and risks
What H&S procedures would you undertake if you were going to inspect a development/construction site?
- Pre-inspection due diligence
- Charged phone
- Inform colleagues (diarise, who you are meeting and location)
- Don’t enter without site manager
- Sign in & out of site + receive a site induction
- Lone working policy
What are the penalties for breaching the H&S at Work Act?
Criminal offence - fines and/or imprisonment
What is a hazard?
Anything with the potential to cause harm
What is a risk?
The probability of someone being harmed and severity