Health and safety Flashcards
What health & safety legislation are you aware of?
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - defines how employers and employees must maintain standards of health and safety for their employees, colleagues and visitors. Ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of their employees.
How do you ensure that you comply with this legislation? (H&S at Work)
I ensure I comply with the H&S at Work Act 1974 whenever I undertake site visits by ensuring I set out the key risks of the site to visitors, and ensure they bring the correct PPE for me to allow them to enter the site.
What are the penalties under current health & safety legislation?
Penalties include fines, imprisonment and disqualification (Directors and managers found guilty of health and safety offenses may face disqualification from acting as company directors for a specified period.)
Community orders (community service,), compensation orders
Is it a criminal offence to breach the H&S at Work Act 1974?
Yes. Health and Safety law gives rise to both civil and criminal liabilities. A breach of the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, and/ or a breach of Regulations, is a criminal offence punishable by a fine or imprisonment, or both.
Tell me about your employer’s health & safety policy?
I’m aware that each Berkeley division produced a health and safety policy statement that aligns with the overarching Berkeley Group H&S Policy Statement:
Consultation with the workforce
Appropriate information and training
Recognition of H&S legislation as a minimum standard that needs to be exceeded
What are your health & safety duties as an individual surveyor?
Working client side, my duties include
- Other Duty Holders appointed
- Sufficient time and resources are allocated
- Relevant information is prepared and provided to other duty holders (pre-construction information)
- Principle Designer and Principal Contractor carry out their duties
- Welfare facilities are provided
What guidance does the RICS produce about H&S?
RICS Guidance Note, Surveying Safely 2nd Edition, 2018
Tell me something you understand from reading Surveying Safely.
Th note sets out good practice principals for the management of health and safety for RICS regulated firms and RICS members.
Key areas of advice include:
I’ve used it to understand lone working guidance and undertaking risk assessments prior to visiting sites (tell someone where you are going, and wear appropriate PPE such as hardhat, high vis, boots, protective jacket, goggles)
RICS firms must ensure: a safe working environment, safe equipment, safe systems of work, competent staff
RICS also explains the concept of a ‘safe person’ - to mean an individual assumes individual behaviourla responsibility for their own, their colleagues and others’ health and safety whilst at work
It seeks to ensure individuals accept responsibility for their own actions and they have the tools to do their job safely.
Requirement for up-to-date personal and corporate responsibility for property professionals (including relevant law, employers liability insurance and public liability.
When was Surveying Safely last updated?
Came into effect 22 January 2019 - replaced the 1st edition
What are the key changes? (RICS surveying safely)
The RICS have introduced the ‘safe person’ concept. This is when ‘each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work’.
There is also a greater emphasis on ensuring the competence of individuals, including their responsibility to ensure the use of safe work equipment and safe systems of work for themselves and others.
Furthermore, RICS Regulated Firms must ensure they provide:
- A safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
What is the safe person concept?
Introduced in the RICS Surveying Safely, the safe person concept is when ‘each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work’.
What must Regulated Firms provide in line with the RICS Surveying Safely Guidance?
RICS Regulated Firms must ensure they provide:
- A safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
What happened in the case of Suzy Lamplugh?
She was acting as an estate agent in Fulham
Attended a visit by herself and was abducted and never found again.
Why is the case of Suzy Lamplugh important for surveyors?
It demonstrates the importance of taking a mobile phone with you, undertaking a risk assessment, potentially going with someone, and letting people know where you are going and your plans
What is a risk assessment?
A legal requirement for firms of more than 5 staff
Carry out a documented health and safety risk assessment of all their significant hazards.
Identify hazards
Identify those at risk
Evaluate the risk
Record the findings
Review regularly
Advise those affected of the outcome & precautions
What is a risk and what is a hazard
A hazard is anything that could cause harm. And, risk, is a combination of two things – the chance that the hazard will cause harm and how serious that harm could be
How would you undertake a risk assessment before attending site?
- Identifying any potential hazards (greenfield- livestock, site condition. Property- asbestos, unauthorised people
- Assess the risk- Decide who might be harmed and how
- Evaluate the risks and decide on control measures.
What is asbestos?
Insulating material which can cause serious health problems and fatal diseases. (corrugated roofing/ plastic floor)
Small toxic fibres released can lodge in the lungs and cause illness
What legislation are you aware of in relation to asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
Places legal duties on duty holders to manage asbestos and prevent risk exposure to employees who carry out works in a building
What guidance are you aware of in relation to asbestos?
Asbestos: Legal requirements and best practice for property professionals professional statement (2021)
What do you understand by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012?
Places legal duties on duty holders to manage asbestos and prevent risk exposure to employees who carry out works in a building
The Regulations came into force on 6 April 2012, updating and replacing the previous 2006 law. They contain new requirements for certain types of non-licensable work with asbestos on notification of work; designating areas where you are working on asbestos; medical surveillance and record keeping.
Who is the duty holder?
In construction, a duty holder is any person who is appointed to be responsible for a specific aspect of a building or project. Their responsibility is usually to maintain an overall standard and quality that is conducive to good health and safety and quality of work
In regard to asbestos - the duty holder is owner of the premises if vacant or a tenant if holding a repair lease.
What are the two types of asbestos survey?
Management Survey- to locate and assess Asbestos during normal occupation
Refurbishment/ demolition- Samples of materials expected of containing Asbestos are taken and analysed
When was asbestos banned?
Brown and Blue- 1985
White- 1999
All buildings constructed post 2000 should not have asbestos.
Explain the key principles of the new RICS guidance relating to asbestos.
Asbestos: Legal requirements and best practice professional statement (2021)
Aims to ensure compliance with legislation
Al surveyors should have asbestos awareness training
An asbestos register should be available to anyone liable to disturb the asbestos present
Where organisation owns premises - they are the duty holders and have obligation to manage asbestos
What is occupational health?
occupational health or occupational safety, is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work.
Why is occupational health important?
The aim of occupational health is to prevent work-related illness and injury. Occupational Health looks at potential health concerns and wellbeing. Think of Safety as an employee’s physical well-being, and Health as everything else, including mental health.
What are the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015?
Main set of health and safety regulations for managing health, safety and welfare of construction projects
When were CDM regulations last updated?
2015 - previous publication was2007
What changes were made when the CDM regulations were last updated?
Structural simplification of the regulations to make them easier to understand.
The replacement of the Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) with more targeted guidance.
Replacement of the role of CDM coordinator with a new role of ‘principal designer’.
What is a notifiable project?
A project that is notifiable to the HSE. A project is notifiable when the construction will:
1) last more than 30 days onsite
2) have more than 20 people on site per day
3) Exceed 500 person days
What are the BSI competence requirements (PAS) that relate to the CDM roles?
Summary of competence:
Legislative and regulatory - must have understanding of the law
Management of design work - be able to manage other designers and reach consensus that design work is compliant with building regulations
Technical framework - principal designer should understand technical guidance, codes of practice and standards so that they can assess design compliance
Tell me about your understanding of fire safety?
Fire safety is the set of practices intended to reduce destruction caused by fire. Fire safety measures include those that are intended to prevent the ignition of an uncontrolled fire and those that are used to limit the spread and impact of a fire.
What is the key fire safety legislation?
Fire Safety Act 2021
- Following Hackett Review 2018 - independent review into building regulation and fire safety
- Relates to multi-occupied buildings
- Requires responsible persons to assess, manage and reduce fire risks posed by the structure
- Grenfell Tower killed 72 people in June 2017
What is the key fire safety legislation? and who is a responsible person
Fire Safety Act 2021
* Following Hackett Review 2018
* Relates to multi-occupied buildings
* Requires responsible persons to assess, manage and reduce fire risks posed by the structure
* Responsible person must update their fire risk assessment to include an assessment of the
building’s structure, external walls, and flat entrance doors
* Grenfell Tower killed 72 people in June 2017
Who is responsible person?
* Employer if workplace is under their control
* The person in control of a premises
* Where person has tenancy obligations to repair
update their fire risk assessment to include an assessment of the building’s structure, external walls, and flat entrance doors
Tell me about your understanding of the Equality Act 2010.
The Equality Act 2010 legally protects the characteristics of individuals and groups of people from discrimination in the workplace
Explain what RIDDOR is.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
RIDDOR is the law that requires employers, and other people in charge of work premises, to report and keep records of: work-related accidents which cause deaths. work-related accidents which cause certain serious injuries (reportable injuries) diagnosed cases of certain industrial diseases
What is a CSCS card?
CSCS is the leading skills certification scheme within the UK construction industry.
CSCS cards provide proof that individuals working on construction sites have the appropriate training and qualifications for the job they do on site
What is COSHH?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)
What changes have recently been made to COSHH?
From 1st January 2021, there will be changes to chemical classification, labelling and packaging (CLP).
Explain any recent changes to Part B that you are aware of.
Revision of the ban of combustible materials in and on the external walls of buildings: There is now a complete ban on the use of the type of metal cladding was used on Grenfell Tower in all buildings of any height, not just tall buildings
New requirements for residential buildings with a storey 11m or more in height to have secure information boxes containing key fire safety plans.
New recommendation for evacuation alert systems in blocks of flats with storeys over 18m.
Explain your understanding of the Fire Safety Act 2021.
- Following Hackett Review 2018 - independent investigation into building regulations and fire safety
- Relates to multi-occupied buildings
- Requires responsible persons to assess, manage and reduce fire risks posed by the structure
- Grenfell Tower killed 72 people in June 2017
What is the role of the Building Safety Regulator?
The Building Safety Regulator sits within the HSE and is responsible
Overseeing the safety and standards of all buildings.
helping and encouraging the built environment industry and building control professionals to improve their competence.
leading implementation of the new regulatory framework for high-rise buildings (7 storeys and above)
Explain your understanding of the Building Safety Act 2022.
The Building Safety Act 2022 - gives residents and homeowners more rights, powers and protections so homes across the UK are safer.
Key provisions include protections for leaseholders from the costs associated with remediating historical safety defects such as flammable classing.
Dutyholders such as the Principal Designer and Principal Contractor under the Act will be required to manage building safety risks, with clear lines of responsibility during the design, construction and completion of all buildings.
Accountable persons will need to demonstrate that they have effective, proportionate measures in place to manage building safety risks in the higher-risk buildings for which they are responsible.
What are the requirements of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)?
Under LOLER, lifting equipment must be:
Strong and stable enough to be used as intended
Marked to display its maximum load capacity
Regularly inspected and maintained to ensure it remains in good condition, with any defects recorded and reported
Stored correctly to ensure its longevity
How often should a lift be inspected under LOLER?
6 months, for lifting equipment and any associated accessories used to lift people. 6 months, for all lifting accessories. 12 months, for all other lifting equipment.
What changes were brought in by the Personal Protective Equipment at Work (Amendment) Regulations 2022?
PPE now needs to be provided to limb (b) workers where it did not need to before, i.e. people who are casually employed onsite
Must provide suitable PPE to any employees who may be exposed to health and safety risks while at work
Why might tagging be used on scaffolding?
By tagging equipment, workers know if the scaffolding is safe to use and that it has been inspected and to a high standard. On these safety tags, they can also record information about the last inspection, such as the date, as well as any modifications that have taken place to the scaffold structure