Health and Safety Flashcards
How do you safeguard employees working at height?
- Comply with WAH Regulations 05
- make sure work is properly planned, supervised and carried out by competent people.
- avoid work at height where it is reasonably practicable to do so;
- ensure workers can get safely to and from where they work at height;
- ensure equipment is suitable, stable and strong enough for the job, maintained and checked regularly;
- make sure you don’t overload or overreach when working at height;
- take precautions when working on or near fragile surfaces;
- Use the right ladder
- provide protection from falling objects (safety nets, railings);
- consider your emergency evacuation and rescue procedures.
What dangers does working at height pose?
- falling from a ladder or roof
- falling through a fragile surface
- falling through a void
- dropping something that falls on someone
Who to WAH regulations apply to?
Employer or if you control work at height
How do you make sure somebody is competent enough to work at height?
For low risk; ensure employees receive instruction/training e.g. how to tie a ladder properly
For high risk e.g. scaffolding; there are training and certification schemes by trade associations to demonstrate competence
What is collective protection?
Protection for everyone else at risk, e.g. temporary guard rail to stop things falling
What is personal protection?
Protection to the individual at height, e.g. harness correctly worn and connected
What should you consider when working at height?
- Weather
- Check roof etc is safe
- Stop materials from falling
- Store materials and objects safely so they don’t injure people if it collapses
- Plan emergency and rescue procedures
How can you avoid working at height?
- extendable rods
- drones
- lowering things to ground level
If you return to site after a big storm, what should you do before returning to WAH?
Do an inspection every time something happens that may affect the safety or stability of the equipment, eg adverse weather, accidental damage.
You are required to keep a record of any inspection for work equipment. What equipment does this include?
- Guard rails
- toe boards
- barriers
- working platform eg scaffolding or MEWP
- ladder
How often should working platforms be inspected?
- after assembly in any position
- after event liable to affect the stability
- at intervals not exceeding 7 days
What are employees responsibilities when WAH?
- report hazard to employer
- use equipment and safety devices properly
Where can you find guidance on WAH?
HSE “Working at Height - A brief guide”
What is asbestos?
A group of naturally occurring minerals used in many products
Why was asbetsos used?
Strengthens materials
Fire and chemical resistance
Why is asbestos dangerous?
Asbestos fibres are microscopic. They can become stuck in lungs causing asbestosis/cancer
Kills over 100k people/year
What are the most commonly known asbestos types?
- Chrysotile (white)
- Amosite (brown)
- Crocidolite (blue)
When was asbestos banned in the UK?
Crocidolite - 1970 (voluntary industrial ban)
Amosite - 1985
Chrysolite - 1999
EU banned remaining uses of chrysolite in 2002
WHen might you come across asbestos?
- Maintenance work
- refurbishment
- demolition
Where can asbestos be found?
- Spray coatings to steel beams
- Laggings to insulate pipes etc
- Insulating boards
- Asbestos yarn in fire protecting clothing
- Fibre cement for wall cladding, roofing (ACM)
- Textures coatings and paints
How can you work to manage asbestos?
1 Know where it is 2 Record where it is 3 Complete a risk assessment 4 Create a management plan 5 Planning to work on ACMs 6 Inform those who are potentially exposed 7 Train workers 8 Investigate asbestos incidents
What should you do if a building constructed pre-2000 was to be demolished?
- Asbestos survey
- Specialists will remove asbestos from building before demolition
What is the Health & Safety at work act 1974?
Primary legislation covering occupational health and safety in the UK
Defines the general duties of everyone from employers (section 2) and employees (section 7,8) to owners, managers and maintainers of work premises (etc) for maintaining health and safety within most workplaces.
Who enforces the HSWA?
What does the HSWA require workplaces to provide?
- Safe working environment
- Appropriate working environment (ventilation, lighting)
- Welfare provisions (toilets, wash basins)
- Comfort and sanitation
- Training to ensure H&S procedures understood
- Suitable provision of relevant information, instruction and supervision
- Written record of H&S policy
What are the DSE regulations?
Display Screen Equipment Regulations
- Carry out workstation assessments
- Allow regular breaks
- Provide free eyesight tests
- Provide training
What are the PPE Regulations 2018?
Duty of the employer to provide workers with Personal Protective Equipment to reduce risk of harm
What is included in PPE?
- Steel toe capped boots
- High vis clothing
- Safety helmets
- Eye protection
- Gloves
- Safety harnesses
- Respiratory protective equipment
Why might PPE requirements vary on different projects?
PPE Regulations state that there must be suitable provisions.
For example, safety goggles may not be suitable/required on a site with no hot works
What is the duty of the employee w/ regards to PPE?
TO use PPE in accordance with instruction and training
To report damage, defects or loss of equipment
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
Whilst it’s paramount to take reasonable measures to prevent death, injury or illness in the workplace, if any of these incidents do arise from work-related activity, it’s also a requirement, under RIDDOR regulation, that they are reported formally.
What are the punishments for failing to comply with HSWA?
- max 6 months imprisonment or an unlimited fine or both.
- On indictment, the maximum penalty is 2 years imprisonment or a fine or both.
What does surveying safely cover?
- Personal responsibilities for RICS members and corporate responsibilities for RICS regulated firms
- Assessing hazards and risks
- RICS members place of work
- Occupational hygiene
- Visiting site
- Fire safety
- General procurement and management of contractors
When can you take PPE off?
When you leave the site/are no longer in danger
What must you do when you arrive on site?
- PPE on
- Sign in
- Site induction if I haven’t already had one
Who is responsible for my H&S?
Everyone including me/employers
How many people died on construction sites last year?
April 2018 - March 2019
What is the biggest killer in the workplace?
Falls from height
What CSCS test must you take?
CITB Managers and Professionals Health, Safety and Environment Test
What does PPE protect you from?
Depends on which type
Makes you more visible, hitting your head, protecting your eyes, protecting your toes
What would you do if you saw somebody not wearing appropriate PPE?
Remind them of their duty under the HSWA
Inform the contractor
Why would you let your team secretary know if you were off to site?
They are always office based (generally) so if anybody in the office wants to know there will be somebody there that knows where I am
It’s important somebody knows I’ve gone
Who else would you tell when you’re leaving the office
- My boss
- My team
- The person I am going to visit
What are the key sections in the HSWA?
a. Section 2 – general duties of Employer to their Employees
b. Section 3 – Duty of employer to non-employed persons i.e. contractors
c. Section 4 – obligations on control of non-domestic premises
d. Section 7 – duty of employees to take reasonable care of their own safety
What regulations underpin the HSWA?
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999)
- Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences (1995)
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (2002)
- Building Regs
- CDM Regs 2015
When must a company have a H&S policy?
a. When they have five or more employees
What must a company’s H&S policy include?
a. Policy statement signed by senior member of company
b. Details of the organisation’s H&S structure
c. Arrangements for H&S
d. Arrangements to audit H&S protocols
What should a company’s H&S policy allow for?
a. Risk assessments
b. Reduction or elimination of risk
c. Providing a safe place to work
d. Provide appropriate protective clothing
e. Provide H&S training
f. Insure against accidents and ill health
What are the key principles of CDM 2015?
- CDM regs ensure that H&S principles are properly considered during a project’s development, to reduce risk.
- The HSE must be notified (F10) where the construction work is likely to last longer than 30 working days and have more than 20 workers working simultaneously at any point, or exceed 500 person days.
- F10 is formal written notice, must be displayed in site office.
- PD prepares a H&S file for the project.
What’s the purpose of cdm?
- To ensure that H&S is considered in the earliest stages of design.
- Projects are designed to highest H&S standard.
What are the roles under CDM?
Principle Contractor
Principle Designer
What are the requirements if a project is NOT notifiable to HSE?
- Over one Contractor on site, Client has to appoint PC and PD.
- Pre-Construction information
- Construction phase plan
What’s the clients role under CDM regs?
- Notifies HSE – 30 working days and 20 workmen or 500 person days.
- Appoints PC and PD
- Provides pre-construction information to tenderers.
- Ensure welfare facilities are in place before work starts.
What’s the PDs role under CDM regs?
- Plan, manage and monitor H&S in pre-con phase.
- Prepare a health and safety file.
- Must be appointed if there is more than one trade contractor on site.
- Designer must be a designer and have control of PC phase.
- Coordinate all of the designers.
What’s the PCs role under CDM regs?
- Prepare Construction Phase Plan before construction commences (review and amend).
- Manage H&S in construction phase.
- Ensure all workers have site induction, PPE, work in accordance with H&S principles.
What is the QSs role in CDM regs?
- We are considered designers, as defined by CDM (above).
* Designer is someone who has the ability to influence the design.
What is the H&S file?
• Contains relevant H&S info to be taken into account during any subsequent work such as maintenance, refurbishment or demolition.
• Must be regularly updated to take account for changes.
• Information including:
o Description of the works.
o Hazards that have not been eliminated through design and construction, and how they have been addressed.
o Structural principles.
o Hazardous materials used.
o H&S info about equipment that needs maintaining.
o Services locations.
o As-built drawings.
What is COSHH
• Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regs 2002
• Requirements for employers to protect employees / other persons from hazardous substances.
• Must carry out a risk assessment and prevent or control exposure.
• Types of hazard
o Chemicals
o Fumes
o Dusts
o Vapours
o Gases
What does COSHH not cover?
Who are the key dutyholders under CDM?
- Clients. (see CDM 2015 client duties)
- Principal Designers (see CDM 2015 designer duties)
- Designers. (see CDM 2015 designer duties)
- Principal contractors. (see CDM 2015 principal contractor duties)
- Contractors. (see CDM 2015 contractor duties)
What are the 5 parts of CDM Regs?
Part 1 - Commencement, interpretation and application
Part 2 - Client duties
Part 3 - Health & Safety Duties and Roles
Part 4 - General requirements for all construction sites
Part 5 - General
What are the key sections of Surveying Safely?
1) Personal and corporate responsibility
2) Legal considerations
3) Assessing hazards and risks
4) Property professional
5) Occupational health
6) Visiting premises and site
7) Procurement and management of contractors and work
Can you explain to me what is outlined in the Visiting Site Section
- Before visiting premises or sites (identify hazards, bring PPE)
- Checklist of matters to consider (incl condition of property, lone working)
- Arriving and during visits to premises or at sites
Can you explain to me what is outlined in the Occupational health section
- Stress – ways of identifying stress and ways to deal with it.
- Manual handling – risk assessment, implement policy.
– risk assessment will need to carried out on following - Asbestos (explanation, tells to instruct survey etc)
How does the guidance note define competence?
a. Having sufficient knowledge, experience and ability to carry out duties
What needs to be provided at a ‘Place of Work’?
a. Toilet facilities
b. Drinking water
c. Temperature control
d. Fresh air
e. Light
f. Emergency arrangements
What arrangements need to be incorporated into a H&S management system?
a. Stress
b. Alcohol and drug misuse
c. Manual handling
d. RSI
e. Noise
f. Asbestos
Who must issue pre-construction information?
Who runs site induction on construction site?
Site H&S manager or site manager. Someone familiar with policy and has experience
Which CSCS test should we take?
CITB Managers and Professionals in Health Safety and environment. Red card pre-APC, white post-APC.
Describe what you would do prior to visiting a new site that you hadn’t been to before?
- Tell people I’m leaving (boss/sec/contractor)
- Find out where it is on a map, how to safely get there
- Take PPE
- Take phone
If conducting an on-site valuation on your own you noticed that there was no edge protection next to a walkway and a steep drop what would you do?
Report it to a senior member of staff such as site manager to get them to fix it
Make everybody aware of the hazard (labourers in the area)
What is the Principal Designer responsible for under CDM regulations?
- Plan, manage and monitor the pre-construction phase
- Coordinate matters relating to health and safety, so that the project can be carried out without risks to health or safety
- Ensure designers comply with CDM duties
- Assist the client in the provision of the pre-construction information
- Provide pre-construction information to every designer and contractor appointed, or being considered
- Prepare a health and safety file, and ensure it is appropriately reviewed, updated and revised due to any changes that have occurred
Who issues Pre Construction Information?
Client, usually issued by the Principal Designer on behalf of the client
What is it called when somebody has in place provisions for the death or incapacity of a sole practicioner?
Locum agreement
Do you need PI insurance when you retire?
Yes, you will need some form of run-off cover whether provided by the firm or yourself.
It is the professional’s responsibility to ensure they are covered after retirement
Why is cover required after you retire?
Because PI insurance policies are written on a ‘claims made’ basis – this means that it is the policy in force at the time a claim is notified that is the relevant policy, rather than the policy in force at the time the work was performed or the incident occurred.
Do you have a case law example of run-off cover?
Merrett vs Babb
Babb’s firm had gone bust, claim made against Babb
What’s the difference between CMD 07 and 15?
CDM coordinator no longer exists, PD instead
What is a construction phase plan?
The client ensures that a construction phase plan is drawn up by the contractor if there is only one contractor, or by the principal contractor if there is more than one contractor.
Construction phase plan (CPP) records arrangements for managing significant health and safety risks associated with the construction of the project and is the basis for communicating those arrangements to those involved in the construction phase.
What is H&S file?
Must include relevantinformationthat will be of help whenplanningfutureconstruction workand must be in a convenientform, clear, concise and easily understandable.
What is a pre-cons pack?
Client must provide info on the following asap:
- The project.
- Planning and management of the project.
- Health and safety hazards, including design and construction hazards and how they will be addressed.
- Information in any existing health and safety file’.
What’s the biggest killer resulting from asbestos?
What are the risk levels defined in surveying safely?
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Engineering controls
- Administrative controls
- Personal protective clothes and equipment
What are the 6 pack of regulations released in 1992?
- Management of H&S work 1998
- PPE regulation
- Manual Handling Operations Regulations
- Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations
- Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations
What are RICS requirements for firms on H&S?
- safe working environment
- safe working equipment
- safe systems of work
- competent staff
What PPE did you wear on your Central London project?
Steel toe capped boots, hard hat and high vis
What PPE did you wear on your Dulwich project?
Steel toe capped boots, hard hat and high vis, gloves, goggles
How long does your CSCS card last?
5 years
As a QS what will you do under CDM?
I’m classed as a designer.
Removing/flagging project risks in meetings
What types of surveys are their for asbestos?
- Management
- Demolition/Refurbishment survey
What height must barriers be when working at height?
1.1m min
What does CSCS stand for?
Construction Skills Certification Scheme
Will you need to retake your CSCS test when you qualify?
Yes because I’ll be professionally qualified so need that card
How often will you need to renew your CSCS card?
Once every 5 years. I’m aware different cards have different expiry dates
Generally what age of buildings are we concerned about when talking about asbestos?
Pre-2000 buildings
What does CITB stand for?
Construction Industry Training Board