HeadandNeck1 Flashcards
Define Alopecia
Hair loss
Angular Cheilosis
reddish inflammation of the lip or lips and production of fissures that radiate from the angles of the mouth
absence of the sense of smell. It may be due to lesion of the olfactory nerve, obstruction of the nasal fossae, or functional, without any apparent causative lesion
Branchial cleft cyst
a congential lesion due to the incomplete involution of the branchial cleft which is usually located in the lateral neck
Bulging fontanel
a condition of the fontanel that may indicated increased intracranial pressure.
microbial destruction or necrosis of teeth
the soft, brownish yellow, waxy secretion (a modified sebum) of the ceruminous glands of the external auditory meatus.
inflammation and cracking of the lips
a mass of keratinizing squamous epithelium and cholesterol in the middle ear, usually caused by chronic otitis media, with squamous metaplasia or extension of squamous epithelium inward to line an expanding cystic cavity that may involve the mastoid and erode surrounding bone.
premature closure of sutures of the skull in an infant
Cholasma (mask of pregnancy)
a common facial discoloration seen in pregnancy
a neural tube defect with protrusions of brain and membranes that cover the openings in the skull
bleeding from the nose
Epstein pearls
multiple small, white, epithelial inclusion cysts found in the midline of the palate in newborn infants
Fordyce spots
ectopic sebaceous glands of the buccal mucosa appearing as small yellow-white raised lesions found on the inner surface and vermillion border of lips
small fold of tissue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth
Inflammation of the gingiva (gums)
Overactivity of the thyroid gland
underactivity of the thyroid gland
Koplik’s spots
small red spots with bluish-white centers on the buccal mucosa opposite the molar teeth, appearing in the prodromal stage of measles.
circumscribed, firmly attached, thick white patches on the tongue and other mucous membranes, often occuring as a precancerous growth. Often this is associated with pipe smoking and snuff.
abnormal smallness of the head
the size and shaping of the head of a newborn in accommodation to the birth canal
area of throat that located between the mouth and nasopharynx
formation of bone tissue
Otitis externa
inflammation of the external auditory canal, usually due to bacterial or fungal infection; swimming, cerumen accumulation, foreign body, and trauma may all be predisposing factors.
Otitis media
inflammation/infection of the middle ear, or tympanum
deposits of bone resulting in the immobilization of the stapes
Peritonsillar abscess
deep infection in the space between the soft palate and tonsil
inflammation/infection of the mucous membrane underlying parts of the pharynx
projecting shell-like structure of the side of the head, auricle. outer ear Yo.
the impairment of hearing due to aging
inflammation of the nasal mucosa
a thin watery discharge from the nose
Thyroglossal duct cyst
a palpable cystic mass in the neck due to incomplete closure of the thyroglossal duct
an auditory sensation in the absence of sound heard in one or both ears, such as ringing, buzzing, hissing or clicking.
small, whitish uric acid crystals along the peripheral margins of the auricles in persons who may have gout
abnormal contraction of the neck muscles resulting in an unnatural positioning of the head (“wry neck”)
Torus mandibularis
a bony protuberance on the lingual aspect of the lower jaw in the canine-premolar region
Torus Palatinus
a bony protuberance in the midline of the hard palate
the formation of dense connective tissue in the middle ear, often resulting in hearing loss when the ossicles are involved.
conical projection of the posterior margin of the soft palate
illusion of rotational movement in a patient that is often associated with an inner ear disorder.
excessive posterior cervical skin that is often associated with chromosomal anomalies
dry mouth