Headaches - Contraindications Flashcards
What are the red flags for headaches?
mention a few:
new headache onset
after age 50
new/different headache
thunderclap headache
HTN/pregnancy-induced HTN
seizure or LoC
signs of infection with HA + neck rigidity
worsens over time or with coughing/straining
neurological changes
new HA if they have cancer or HIV
Someone comes in with an active headache. What modifications apply to ANY headache type?
No prone position
Swedish always AWAY from head
No deep/aggressive techniques
Someone comes in with an active migraine. How will you modify treatment?
no bright lights or music no fragrance use no heat on head or neck no prone swedish away from the head no deep/aggressive techniques
Someone comes in with some form of active headache. What are some likely treatment goals?
mention a few:
- promote relaxation/decrease SNS firing
- decrease TrPs (gently, slowly)
- decrease FID of headache
- decrease existing headache
- improve posture
- decrease hypertension of head/neck muscles
What would likely be appropriate homecare to give someone who’s prone to headaches?
strengthen scapular retractors chin tucks stretch + heat for upper traps chest opening stretches relaxation/meditation diaphragmatic breathing self-massage techniques
Which muscles commonly have TrP referrals implicated in tension headaches?
trapezius SCM lev scap suboccipitals mms of mastication occipitofrontalis semispinalis capitis splenius capitis splenius cervicis
Your client is experiencing pain up the side of their neck, behind and then around the ear, and at their temple. Where might there be a TrP?
upper trapezius
Your client is experiencing pain in a stripe from the back of their head to the lateral border of their eye, which muscles may have Trps?
Your client is experiencing pain/discomfort over their eyebrow, near the zygomatic arch, and the upper-lateral portion of their head. They also have had some soreness in their upper teeth. Where might there be a Trp?
Which head of the SCM can have a TrP that refers pain to the back of the head and above/around the eye?
Which head of the SCM can have a TrP that refers pain in and around the ear, and across the forehead?
What would be appropriate homecare for someone with cluster headaches?
cold compress for pain relief
contrast showers to improve circulation –> can work to abort vascular-type headaches though initial heat may increase pain at first
What special tests can be used when someone comes in with a headache?
Spurling’s, compression, distraction, VAT, kernig/soto hall/brudzinski’s