headaches Flashcards
tension HA cause
maybe abnormal, heightened neuronal sensitivity
tx of tension
ASA, tylenol, NSAID,
- can use ketorolac in severe HA
- local heat and muscle relaxants
- antidepressants +/- psychotherapy
Migraine PP
intracranal vasospasm followed by extracranial vasodilation
maybe dysfxn of trigeminovasuclar systme–> pervascular release of substance P that leads to neurogenic inflammation
what other dz can migraines be associated w?
sz disorders, essential tremor, tourette syndrome, depression, anxiety, sroke
tx of migraines
abortive therapy: asa, acetominophen, NSAIDs, triptan, isometheptnee
triptans MOA/ADR
sumatriptan, zolmitriptan, etc
selective serotonin agonist-produces vasoconstriction
dizziness, vertigo, flushing, chest tightness, sweating
serotonin syndrome
ergotamine MOA
stimulates alpha adrenergic receptors–> producing peripheral vasoconstriction and decreased blood flow, also has serotonin antagonistic properties
cafergot adr
N, V, intermittent claudication, photosensitivity
migraine prophylaxis
BB (propanolol, metoprolol), tricyclic antidepressants, CCB, Valproic acid, topiramate
CI to using triptans
basilar migraine (looks like a stroke)
-liver dz, uncontrolled HTN, hx of ischemic cardiac, cerebrovascular or peripheral vascular sndromes
St. Anthony’s fire/ergotism
HA, V, D, gangrene
life threatening ischemia!!
what meds do you need to watch when giving ergotamines?
mcrollides and protease inhibitors
what can be used to tx a menstural migraine