Headache & Migraines Flashcards
migraine characteristics + treatment
all of the following:
- lasting 4-72hrs
- at least 2 of the following: unilateral/ pulsating/moderate-severe intensity/ aggravation by or causing avoidance of routine
- during headache at least nausea or vominting OR photophobia and phonophobia
- not attributed to another disorder
- cheese/chocolate
- Caffeine
- anxiety
- periods
- alcohol
- analgesia 1st line eg. NSAIDs
(pregnancy. - paracetamol) - 2nd line triptans
prophylactic for symptoms >3m = propranolol / amitryptalline
migraine + OCP = absolute contraindication
cluster headache characteristics + treatment
- autonomic features: teary, red eye, ptosis/ miosis, nasal symptoms, facial flushing
- occurs in clusters
- unilateral
- orbital +/- supraorbital pain
common risk factors\
- smoker
- male
-100% o2 via non-rebreathe for 15mins
and triptans subcutaneous
prophylaxis = verapamil (CCB) or topiramate
trigeminal neuralgia
male >50, asian
pain over the temporal area
- cold weather
- spicy food
- caffeine
- citrus fruits
- shaving/eating
mostly unilateral
treated with anti-epileptics: carbamezapine 1st line
• Headache lasting a few weeks
• Tender, thickened, pulseless temporal arteries: tender on combing hair
• Jaw claudication: painful jaw especially on eating
• Sudden bilateral visual loss can occur
-Fever, weight loss or malaise
check ESR 1st
diagnostics = temporal artery biopsy
management = high dose of steroids, prednisolone
closely related to PMR (females, weakness or pain in shoulders, neck, pelvic)
thunderclap headache
1stline = ct (asap , sensitivty decreases) diagnostic = LP - xanthochromia (after 12 hrs)
emergency surgery
- coiling endovascular, by neuroradiologists
- surgery to clip by neurosurgeon
- rebleed - common
- vasospasms - give nimodipine
- acute hydrocephalus (extra ventricular drain)
- hyponatraemia
- seizures
IAH (intracranial hypertension)
obese young women
- papilloedema
- peripheral fields, loss in colour vision, increased blind spots
- severe: decreased visual acuity
diagnostic = measuring the pressure of CSF
- weight loss
- LP
- shunting
always consider cerebral venous sinus thombosis as a cause!!!!!!