Headache Flashcards
bilateral tight, band-like discomfort. The pain typically builds slowly, fluctuates in severity, and may persist more or less continuously for many days.The headache may be episodic or chronic (present >15 days per month). A useful clinical approach is to diagnose TTH in patients whoseheadaches are completely without accompanying features
Tension type headache
For chronic TTH, what is the only proven treatment
The pain of TTH can generally be managed with simple
analgesics such as acetaminophen, aspirin, or NSAIDs
No use of Triptan in pure TTH
unilateralpain for 8–10 weeks a year; this is usually followed by a pain-freeinterval that averages a little less than 1 year. Px tend to move about during attacks, pacing, rocking, orrubbing their head for relief; some may even become aggressive during attacks.
Cluster headache
The pain is deep, usually retroorbital,often excruciating in intensity, nonfluctuating, and explosive in quality
is associated with ipsilateral symptoms of cranial parasympathetic autonomic activation: conjunctival injection or lacrimation, aural fullness, rhinorrhea or nasal congestion, or cranial
sympathetic dysfunction such as ptosis.
The essential features are unilateral; very severe pain; short-lasting attacks(2–45 min); very frequent attacks (usually >5 a day); marked autonomicfeatures ipsilateral to the pain; rapid course (<72 h); and excellentresponse to indomethacin.
Diagnosis requires at least 20 attacks, lasting for 5–240 s;ipsilateral conjunctival injection and lacrimation should be present. Insome patients, conjunctival injection or lacrimation is missing, and thediagnosis of SUNA can be made.
SUNCT : The most effective treatment for prevention is
lamotrigine, 200–400 mg/d
Short-term prevention with IV lidocaine can be effective.
Recurrent headache disorder manifesting in attacks lasting 4–72 hours Typical characteristics of the headache are unilateral location, pulsating quality, moderate or severe intensity, aggravation by routine physical activity and association with nausea and/or photophobia and phonophobia
Migraine without aura
At least 5 attacks require