head, neck & trunk Flashcards
name the bone
what is the foramen magnum the passage for?
spinal cord
what is the action of the trapezius?
extends the neck
what is it called when you turn a bone along its own long axis?
what is this suture called?
squamous suture
what is the insertion of the orbicularis oculi?
skin of the eyelids
what do you call the movement of the forearm so the palm faces forwards or upwards & the radius & ulna are parallel?
what is this suture called?
sagittal suture
what is another name for the mandibular condyle?
condylar process
what is the missing label on this diagram?
vertebral foramen
identify this muscle
orbicularis oris
name the landmark
zygomatic arch
what do the ribs articulate with posteriorly?
the 12 thoracic vertebrae
what is the insertion of the external intercostal muscles?
superior border of the rib below
name the structure
costal cartilage
how many coccygeal vertebrae are there & what do they make up?
identify this muscle
what are the movements of the atlanto-occipital joint?
(of the neck)
what do you call the movement of the forearm so the palm faces downwards or backwards & the radius crosses over the ulna?
name the bone
name the bone
what level does the second costal cartilage join the sternum?
manubriosternal joint
what is this movement called?
what is the action of the orbicularis oculi?
closes the eye
label the diagram
true ribs (1-7)
name the landmark
vertebral body
what is the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid?
mastoid process
what is this suture called?
lambdoid suture
what is the action of the masseter?
elevation of the mandible
name the landmark
vertebral foramen
what is another name for maxilla?
upper jaw
what does the mandibular condyle articulate with & what does it form?
temporal bone
joint of the jaw (temporomandibular joint)
what do the ribs run anteriorly towards?
what is the origin of the internal intercostal muscles?
superior border of rib below
what is the origin of the buccinator?
maxilla & mandible
label the diagram
12th rib
what is the insertion of the temporalis?
what movement can the vertebral column do?
bend laterally
identify this muscle
identify this muscle
rectus abdominis
what does the maxilla contain?
what is it called when you turn a bone along its own long axis away from the midline?
lateral rotation
name the part of the sternum
xiphoid process
what is the insertion of the trapezius?
acromion of the scapula
spine of the scapula
name the joint
sternal angle
the zygomatic arch is formed from the process’s of which 2 bones?
zygomatic bone
temporal bone
what is this suture called?
coronal suture
what is another name for the jugular notch?
suprasternal notch
what does the sternal angle allow?
sternal body to move anteriorly during inhalation
identify this muscle
“as the bone or limb moves, it describes a cone while its end describes a circle”
what is this called?
what do you call up-&-down movements? (2 answers)
up = elevation
down = depression
what are between the vertebral bodies & what do they consist of?
intervertebral discs
fibrocartilage w/ gelatinous centres
how is the atlanto-occipital joint formed?
between the occipital condyles at the base of the skull, & the first cervical vertebra “atlas”
the intervertebral joint between C1 & C2 is what kind of joint?
what does the superior end of the sternum support?
label the diagram
linea alba
label the diagram
external intercostal muscles
“the sole of the foot is turned medially”
what is this called?
what the sternum articulate with?
first 7 pairs of ribs
what is formed by the joining of processes from the temporal & zygomatic bones?
zygomatic arch
what is it called when you turn a bone along its own long axis towards the midline?
medial rotation
what is another name for the mandible?
lower jaw
what is the action of the external intercostal muscles?
lifts rib cage up & out (elevates)
what is the insertion of the buccinator?
fibres of the orbicularis oris
what are sutures interlocked by?
ossified fibrous connective tissue
identify this muscle
what is the insertion of the trapezius?
acromion of the scapula
spine of the scapula
what is the origin of the orbicularis oris?
maxilla & mandible
how many lumbar vertebrae are there?
how many thoracic vertebrae are there?
what is the missing label on this diagram?
spinous process
how many cervical vertebrae are there?
what is the origin of the masseter?
zygomatic arch & zygomatic bone
what 3 structures pass through the diaphragm?
inferior vena cava
what is the action of the diaphragm?
moves inferiorly
what do you call the reverse of abduction?
where do the external intercostal muscles run?
what is the action of the internal intercostal muscles?
moves rib cage down & in (depresses)
what is the insertion of the diaphragm?
a central tendon
what are the movements of the mandible?
side to side
name the landmark
external acoustic meatus
what is the action of the buccinator?
compresses the cheek
label the diagram
internal intercostal muscles
the last 2 ribs do not reach the sternum anteriorly (true/false)
what is the missing label on this diagram?
vertebral body
what is the origin of the diaphragm?
lower ribs
xiphoid process
first lumbar vertebra
how many sacral vertebrae are there & what do they make up?
label the diagram
floating ribs (11,12)
what is another name for zygomatic bones?
name the part of the sternum
what is the origin of the rectus abdominis?
pubic bone (superior surface)
name the bone
what sinuses does the frontal bone contain & what is their functions?
air-filled sinus
reduce weight of skull
occipital condyles serve for articulation with what?
first cervical vertebra (atlas)
what does the jugular notch consist of?
superior border of manubrium
medial ends of clavicle
how do the last 2 ribs end?
in muscles of the abdominal wall at the side
name the bone
what is it called when the sole of the foot is turned laterally?
what 4 things does each temporal bone include?
external acoustic (auditory) meatus
mastoid process
temporomandibular joint
zygomatic arch
what do you call the space between ribs?
intercostal spaces
what are 2 other names for the sternal angle?
manubriosternal joint
angle of louis
how are the first 7 ribs articulated to the sternum?
costal cartilages
label the diagram
lumbar vertebra
what does the occipital bone contain?
foramen magnum
occipital condyles
what is the action of the rectus abdominis?
flexion of the trunk
name the landmark
spinous process
what carries the upper row of teeth?
identify this muscle
orbicularis oculi
what does the upper part of the maxilla form?
floor of the orbits (eye sockets)
name the landmark
mandibular condyle
name the bone
what is the action of the temporalis?
elevation of the mandible
retraction of the mandible
what is the insertion of the rectus abdominis?
costal cartilage of ribs 5 - 7
xiphoid process
what do you call the movements of a bone, forwards & backwards in the same horizontal plane?
forwards: protraction
backwards: retraction
define muscle origin
attachment site that connects a muscle to a bone that does not move during contraction
name the landmark
transverse process
what is the lifting of the foot at the ankle called?
what is the insertion of a muscle?
attachment site that connects the muscle to a bone that moves during contraction
what level is the superior border of the manubrium on?
2nd thoracic vertebra
what is the origin of the external intercostal muscles?
inferior border of rib above
in the infant, the skull bones are connected by unossified fibrous connective tissue called:
what does the lower part of the maxilla form?
hard palate
name the landmark
mastoid process
what is this movement called?
label the diagram
costal cartilage
name the part of the sternum
what do you call a movement of a bone away from the midline?
what is the insertion of the internal intercostal muscles?
inferior border of rib above
what does the contraction of the diaphragm cause?
increase in intra-abdominal pressure
what is the joint that has articulation with the mandible?
temporomandibular joint
what happens when the internal intercostal muscles contract, what does this reduce & what is this important for?
ribs are depressed
volume of thorax
forced expiration
what is the action of the orbicularis oris?
closes the lips
what is the pushing of the foot downwards to point the toes called?
plantar flexion
what is a bending movement that reduces the angle at a joint called?
where does the linea alba run from & to?
xiphoid process > pubic symphysis
label the diagram
name the landmark
jugular notch
what is the origin of the orbicularis oculi?
medial margin of the orbit
identify this muscle
occipital condyles are part of the attachment (origin) of what muscle?
label the diagram
false ribs (8-10)
what is the action of the sternocleidomastoid?
flexion of the neck
what is the insertion of the orbicularis oris?
skin at the corner of the mouth
where do the internal intercostal muscles run?
what do you call a movement which increases the angle between bones?
label the diagram
xiphoid process of sternum
how many ribs are on each side?
what does the linea alba connect?
right & left rectus abdominis muscles
how are ribs 8, 9 & 10 connected to the sternum?
indirectly, through costal cartilages
what is the insertion of the masseter?
label the diagram
central tendon
name the bone
what is the origin of the temporalis?
temporal bone
what happens when the external intercostal muscles contract, what increases & what is this important for?
ribs are lifted
volume of thorax
what is the origin of the trapezius?
base of the skull (occipital bone)
thoracic vertebrae
cervical vertebrae
the body of what bone carries the lower row of teeth?
what is C1 & C2 called?
what is the origin of the sternocleidomastoid?
sternal end of clavicle
what does the diaphragm separate?
thoracic & abdominal cavities
how many pairs of intercostal muscles are there between the ribs?
where can the cartilage of the costal margin be palpated from?
xiphoid process laterally to the bone of the 10th rib