Head Neck Thorax Abdomen Flashcards
Origin: Temporal Fossa of Parietal bone
Insertion: Coronoid Process of the Mandible
Innervation: V3 Mandibular Nerve
Function: Mastication
Medial Pterygoid
Origin: Deep head - medial side of lateral pterygoid plate
Superficial head - pyramidal process of th palatine
Insertion: Medial Angle of Mandible
Innervation: Mandibular Branch of CN5 Trigeminal
Function: elevates mandible, closes jaw (mastication)
Origin: Inferior Mental Spine line on the mandible
Insertion: Inferio
Innervation: V3 mandibular
Function: Elevation of hyoid (swallowing)
Origin: hyoid bone
Insertion: manibrium of sternum
Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis (C1-C3) superior branch
function: depresses the hyoid (swallowing)
origin: spinous processes of vertebrae C1-T12
insertion: superior fibres- external occipital protuberance, nuclei line of occipital bone
Middle fibres - lateral 1/3 of scapula
inferior fibres - acromion and spine of scapula
Innervation: Accessory nerve
Function: Rotation, retraction, depression and elevation of the scapula
Pectoralis major
Origin: Clavicular head - anterior border of medial part of clavicle
Insertion: inter tubercular groove of humerus
Innervation: Lateral and Medial pectoral nerves
Function: Adducts and medially rotates the humerus
Origin: Styloid process
Insertion: Hyoid
Innervation: CN 7 Facial
Function: Elevates hyoid (swallowing)
Origin: Spinous processes of vertebrae C1- T12
superior fibres - Exernal occipital protuberance (occipital bone), lateral 1/3 of clavicle
Middle fibres - acromionof scapula
inferior fibres - spine of scapula
Innervation: Accessory Nerve
Function: Rotation, elevation and depression of the scapular
Pectoralis Minor
Origin: third to fifth ribs
Insertion: Coracoid process of scapula
Nerve: Medial pectoral nerve
Function: Inspiration
Origin: mylohyoid line on the mandible
Insertion: Hypoid bone
Nerve: V3 Mandibular
Function: Elevation of the hyoid (swallowing) and tongue
origin: manibrium of clavicle
insertion: mastoid process of the temporal bone
Nerve: Motor- CN11 Accessory Nerve
Sensory- Cervical Plexus C1-C4
Unilaterally - cervical rotation to opposite side
Bilaterally - cervical flexion
Origin: inferior mental spine (genial tubercle) on mandible
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Nerve: C1
Function: elevates hyoid bone, swallowing
Origin: Anterior belly- diagastric fossa of the mandible
Posterior belly - mastoid process of temporal bone
Insertion: intermediate tendon on hyoid bone
Function: Anterior belly: V3
Posterior belly: V7
Function: Opens the Jaw
Origin: manibrium of sternum
Insertion: thyroid cartilidge
Nerve: Ansa Cervicalis
Function: Depresses the thyroid cartilage
Origin: Thyroid cartilidge
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Nerve: Ansa Cervicalis
Funciton: Elevates the thyroid and depresses the hyoid
Origin: Upper border of the scapula
Insertion: Hyoid Bone
Nerve: Ansa Cervicalis
Function: Depresses hyoid bone, Also carries hyoid backwards and to the side
Origin: Zygomatic arch of Maxilla
Insertion: Ramus of mandible
Nerve: Mandibular V3
Function: Retraction of mandible, elevation of mandible (closing the mouth)
Epicranius or occipialfrontalis (fronal belly)
Origin: Gala Apaneurotica
Insertion: Orbicularis occuli
Nerve: Facial CN7
Actions: Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
Epicranius or occipitalfrontalis (occipital belly or occipitalis muscle)
Origin: Superior Nucal line on occipital bone, mastoid process of the temporal bone
Insertion: Gala aponeurotica
Nerve: CN7
Actions: Moves the scalp back
Origin: Nasal bone
Insertion: Skin between the eyebrows
Nerve: CN7
Action: Frowing
Orbicularis Occuli
Origin: Frontal bone, lactimal bone
Insertion: Lateral palpebral raphae (eyelid)
Nerve: CN7
Action: Closes eyes
Origin: Alveolar processes of maxilla
Insertion: fibres of orbicularis Doris
Nerve: CN7
Action: Mastication
Origin: Parotid fascia
Insertion: Modiolus
Nerve: CN7
Action: Draws back angle of mouth
Orbicularis Oris
Origin: Maxilla and Mandible
Insertion: Skin around the lips
Nerve CN7
Action: Blowing, puckering
Origin: Anterior mandible
Insertion: Chin
Nerve: CN7
Action: elevates and wrinkles skin of the chin, protrudes lower lip
Rectus Capitis Anterior
Origin: Atlas
Insertion: Basilar part of occipital bone
Nerve: C1-2
Action: Flexion of neck at Atlanto-occipital joint
Rectus Capitis Lateralis
Origin: transverse process of the Atlas
Insertion: Occipital bone
Nerve: C1-C3
Action: Stabilises Atlanto-occipital joint
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Origin: Spinous Process of the Atlas
Insertion: Inferior Nuchal Line of the Occipital bone
Nerve: C1
Action: Rotation of the head
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Origin: Spinous Process of the Atlas
Insertion: Inferior Nuchal Line of the Occipital bone
Nerve: C2
Action: Rotation of the head
Oblique capitis inferior
Origin: Spinous proces of the Axis
Insertion: Lateral mass of the Atlas
Nerve: C1
Action: Extension of head
Obliquus capitis superior
Origin: Lateral mass of the Atlas
Insertion: Inferior Nuchal Line of the occipital bone
Nerve: C1
Action: Extension of head
Longus Capitis
Origin: Transverse processes of Cervical vertebrae 3-6
Insertion: Posterior part of the occipital bone
Nerve: Ansa Cervicalis
Action: Flexion of the head (pulls neck backwards)
Longus Colli
Origin: Transverse processses C5-T3
Insertion: Anterior Arch of the Atlas
Nerve: C2 C6
Action: flexion of neck and head
Origin: Orbicularis oris, mandible
Insertion: Clavicle
Nerve: CN7
Action: Tightens skin of neck, corners of mouth
Serratus Anterior
Origin: Ribs 8 and 9
Insertion: Medial Border Scapular
Nerve: Long Thoracic Nerve
Action: Protraction Scapular
Rhomboid Major
Origin: C7 to T5 spinous processes
Insertion: Medial Border of the Scapula
Nerve: Dorsal Scapular
Action: Retracts and Rotates Scapula
Rhomboid Minor
Origin: C7 T1 Spinous processes
Insertion: Medial Border of the Scapula
Nerve: Dorsal Scapular Nerve
Action: Retracts and rotates scapula
Rectus Abdominis
Origin: Crest of Pubis
Insertion: Xiphoid process and costal cartilage 5-7
Nerve: Thoraco-abominal Nerves T7-T11
Action: Flextion of the lumbar spine
Internal Oblique
Origin: Inguinal Ligament and Iliac crest
insertion: Linea Alba (via conjoint tendon)
Nerve: Thoraco-abdominal nerve T7-T11, Ilioinguinal L1
Action: Compresses abdomen
Unilateral action - rotates vertebral column to same side
External Oblique
Origin: Ribs 5-12
Insertion: Pubic Crest and Tubercle, Linea Alba
Nerve: Thoraco-abdominal nerve
Action: Contralateral rotation of torso
Origin: pubic Symphesis and pubic crest
Insertion: Linea Alba
Nerve: T12
Action: tenses the linae alba
Origin: Inguinal Ligament
Insertion: Tunica Vaginalis
Nerve: Genital Branch of genito-femoral nerve
Action: Raises and lowers the scrotum
Intercostal Muscles
External Intercostal
Internal Intercostal
Innermost Intercostal
Origins: ribs 1-11
Insertions: ribs 2-12
Innervations: Intercostal Nerve (branch from internal thoracic)
Functions: Elevation or depression of the ribs
Extrinsic muscles of the tongue
Genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus, palatoglossus
Intrinsic muscles of the tongue
Superior longitudinal, inferiot longitudinal, transverse, vertical
Masticatory muscles
Temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid, masseter
Scalene muscles
Anterior, middle and posterior Origin: Cervical Vertebrae 3-6 Insertion: first and second ribs Nerve: C3-C6 Actions: elevates first and second ribs
Semispinalis capitis
Origin: Transverse processes of lower cervical and higher thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: Between Inferior and Superior Nuccal lines occipital bone
Nerve: Occipital Nerve
Actions: Extension of the head (moves it backwards)
Semispinalis cervicis (semispinalis collis)
Origin: Transverse processes of Thoracic vertebra T1-6
Insertion: Spinous processes of Cervical vertebae, Axiz-C5
Transversospinalis group
Semispinalis thoracis
Semispinalis Cervicalis
Semispinalis Capitis
Origins: Transverse processses
Insertions: Spinous processes O
Action: Extension of vertebral column (arching of the back)
Splenis Capitis
Action: Moves head from side to side