Head & Neck - Basic Anatomy Flashcards
What 3 parts can the skull be divided up into?
What type of joint are sutures?
What are the eight cranial bones?
Frontal x1 Occipital x1 Ethmoid x1 Parietal x2 Temporal x2 Sphenoid x2
What are the fourteen facial skeleton bones?
Frontal x1 Vomer x1 Maxilla x1 Mandible x1 Parietal x2 Sphenoid x2 Temporal x2 Nasal bone x2 Zygomatic bone x2
What are the three main sutures in the brain and what bones are they between?
Saggital - Two parietal bones
Coronal - Frontal and parietal
Lambdoid - Parietal and Occipital
What bone are the mastoid and styloid process part of?
What two bones form the zygomatic arch?
What is the hole in the floor of the skull called and what structures pass through it?
Foramen Magnum
Spinal Cord, R+L Vertebral arteries, Accessory nerve & CN VI
Where are the ear ossicles found?
The petrous part of the temporal bone
What are the five layers of the scalp?
Skin Connective tissue Aponeurosis of the occipital-frontal muscle Loose connective tissue Pericranium
What are the boundaries of the scalp?
Anteriorly - Until the supraorbital margins of the frontal bone
Posteriorly - Until the superior nuchal lines
Laterally - As far as the zygomatic arches
In what layer of the scalp are blood vessels found?
Loose connective tissue
What two nerves innervate the anterior and posterior parts of the scalp?
Anterior - Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
Posterior - C2 & C3
What are the branches of the Trigeminal nerve (CN V)?
Top – Opthalmic (V1) Middle – Maxillary (V2) Bottom (Jaw) – Mandibular (V3)
What branches of CN V are purely sensory and which one contains both sensory and motor fibres?
V1 & V2 are purely sensory
V3 contains sensory and motor fibres
What are emissary veins?
Veins that transverse diploe and they have no valves so infection can spread intracranially
What is the Superficial Temporal Artery a branch of?
External Carotid Artery (ECA)
At what level does the CCA branch?
Upper part of the thyroid cartilage - C4
What does the ICA not do in the neck and where is it positioned?
Give off branches
Slightly more lateral than the ECA
What does the EJV do and where does it run?
Drains part of the face and neck
On the outside
What are the two terminal branches of the ECA?
Superficial temporal artery
Where does the IJV arise and emerge?
Jugular venous sinus
Jugular foramen
Where is the jugular foramen found?
Posterior cranial fossa
What does the EJV drain into?
Subclavian vein
What are the main four muscles of facial expression and where an they be found?
Orbicularis oculi – Orbits around the eye Helps for blinking
Orbicularis oris – Surrounds the mouth
Occipitofrontalis – Forms third layer of the scalp
Buccinator – Found in the depths of the cheek
What help to reduce the weight of the weight of the skull?
Air sinuses and sacs
What nerve innnervates all the main muscles of facial expression?
Facial nerve
Where does the Facial nerve emerge onto the side of the face?
Stylomastoid foramen
What are the four main glands of the face?
What type of gland is the parotid gland?
What is the difference between exocrine and endocrine glands?
Exocrine glands have ducts
What are the five branches of the Facial nerve?
Buccal Cervical Mandibular Temporal Zygomatic
Where does the parotid duct open into the oral cavity?
Bilateral at the upper 2nd molar
What cranial nerve innervates the parotid gland?
CN IX - Glossopharyngeal
What bone does the facial artery wind round to reach the face?
What vein do the facial and superficial temporal vein drain into?
Where does the phrenic nerve lie?
Posterior and proximal to the carotid sheath
What is the vertebra prominens?
C7 and it is the only cervical vertebrae palpable through the skin
What is special about the cervical spinous process?
It is bifid
What is the curvature of the cervical spine?
What are the root values of the cervical vertebra?
What are the ansa cervicalis?
Loops of nerves that are part of the cervical plexus
What are the boundaries of the anterior triangle of the neck?
Superiorly – Mandible
Posteriorly – Sternocleidomastoid
Inferiorly – Midline
What are the boundaries of the posterior triangle of the neck?
Anteriorly – Sternocleidomastoid
Posteriorly – Trapezius
Inferiorly – Clavicle
What are the four further subdivisions of the anterior triangle of the neck?
What are the contents of the anterior triangle of the neck?
CCA IJV ICA ECA Facial artery/vein Vagus nerve
What are the contents of the posterior triangle of the neck?
Accessory nerve Cervical nerve plexus Occipital artery EJV Lymph nodes
What nerve innervates the sternocleiodmastoid and trapezius muscles?
What do the ventral rami of the lower cervical spinal nerves form?
Left and right brachial plexuses
What are the parts of the thyroid gland?
Left and right lobes
Where does the isthmus of the thyroid gland lie?
At the 2nd and 3rd tracheal rings
Where does the thyroidgland lie in the neck?
Visceral compartment
What are the four suprahyoid muscles and what are they innervated by?
Myohyoid - CN V3
Digastric muscles - CN V & CN VII
Stylohyoid - Facial nerve
Geniohyoid - C1 fibres
What are the four infrahyoid muscles and what are they innervated by?
Sternohyoid – C1-C3 via ansa cervicalis
Sternothyroid – C2 & C3 via ansa cervicalis
Thyrohyoid – C1 (Reaches it by hitching a ride on the hypoglossal nerve [CN XII])
Omohyoid – C1-C3 via ansa cervicalis
What does the sternohyoid do?
Depress the larynx
What does the thyrohyoid do?
Elevates the larynx
What are the different parts of the mandible?
Condyle Coronoid Mandibular foramen Angle of the mandible Mental foramen Body
What vessels pass through the mandibular canal?
Inferior alveolar artery
Inferior alveolar vein
Inferior alveolar nerve
What are the total number of deciduous incisors, canines and molars?
Incisors - 8
Canines - 4
Molars - 8
What are the total number of permanent incisors, canines, premolars and molars?
Incisors - 8
Canines - 4
Premolars - 8
Molars - 12
What type of joint is the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)?
Synovial modified hinge joint
What five movements occur at the TMJ?
Elevation Depression Protrusion Retrusion Side to side movements
What are the four muscles of mastication?
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid (deep) - Any muscle going towards the TMJ is this
What muscle is a large fan shape on the side of the head?
Temporalis muscle
What two processes form the TMJ?
Mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
Condylar process of the mandible
What are the two bony attachments of the temporalis muscle?
Coronoid process of the mandible
Temporal fossa
What are the two bony attachments of the masseter?
Zygomatic bone
Outer surface of the ramus and coronoid process of the mandible
Where does the lateral pterygoid muscle attach to?
Lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
Medial to medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
What happens when the two lateral pterygoid muscles contract?
Mandible depression
What happens when the two medial pterygoid muscles contract?
Mandible elevation
What muscles cause mandible elevation?
What muscles cause mandible depression?
What muscle causes mandible protrusion?
What muscle causes retraction?
Horizontal fibres of temporalis
What muscle causes side to side movements?
What are the four functions of the nose?
Traps dirt
Olfaction (Smell)
What makes up the floor of the nasal cavity?
Palatine processes of the maxillae
Palatine bones which forms the hard palate