Head Areas & Indications Flashcards
Paralysis of lower limb (opposite side)
Lower Limb and Trunk Area - Motor Area
Paralysis of upper limb (opposite side)
Upper Limb Area - Motor Area
Upper motor neuron paralysis of face (opposite side), motor aphasia, dribbling saliva, impaired speech
Facial Area (includes Speech #1) - Motor Area
Low back pain (opposite side), numbness or paresthesia in that area, occipital headache, stiff neck, vertigo
Sensory Area - Lower Limb, Head, and Trunk Area
Pain, numbness or other paresthesia of upper limb (opposite side)
Sensory Area - Upper Limb Area
Migraine headache, trigeminal neuralgia, toothache (opposite side), arthritis of the temporomandibular joint
Sensory Area - Facial Area
Paralysis, pain, or numbness of lower limb, acute lower back sprain, nocturnal urination, prolapsed uterus
Leg Motor and Sensory Area
Syndenham’s chorea, tremors, palsy and related syndromes (i.e. - Parkinson’s)
Chorea(tics) and Tremor Control Area
Superficial edema, hypertension
Blood Vessel Dilations and Constriction Area
Tinnitus, vertigo, diminished hearing, Menier’s Syndrome
Vertigo and Hearing Area
Nominal aphasia
Speech #2
Receptive aphasia
Speech #3
Apraxia (involuntary movement)
Voluntary Movement Area
Cortical blindness
Vision Area
Loss of balance due to cerebellar disorders (ex. whiplash)
Balance Area
Discomfort in upper abdomen; (sometimes causes vomiting when injured or hit)
Stomach Area
Pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen and/or right rib cage; chronic hepatitis
Liver/Gallbladder Area
Asthma, chest pain, intermittent supraventricular tachycardia
Thoracic Cavity Area
Abnormal uterine bleeding, combined with Leg Motor Area for prolapsed uterus
Reproduction Area