Head And Neck Neurovascular Bundle Flashcards
Supraorbital neurovascular fascicle (a., v., n.supraorbitalis) –
exit projects at the upper orbital margin, corresponding to the midpoint between medial and middle thirds
Frontal neurovascular fascicle (a., v., n. frontalis)
Aka Supratrochlearis a v n
exit point corresponds to crossing of upper orbital margin with vertical line which goes through medial angle of the orbit
Superficial temporal vessels and auriculotemporal nerve
project at the line going vertically 1cm to the front from external acoustic meatus
Posterior auricular vessels and nerve (a., v., n. auricularis posterior)
is projected at the line connecting the soft tissues of back part of the ear to temporal bone
Occipital artery (a. occipitalis)
projected onto occipital region in the middle of the line that connects external occipital prominence and back part of the base of mastoid process
Greater occipital nerve (n. occipitalis major)
projected at the level of the upper cervical line, at a distance of 2 cm outward from the median line and lies inside of the occipital artery
Lesser occipital nerve (n. occipitalis minor)
projected in the occipital region 3-3,5 cm posteriorly from the upper end of the root of the auricle
Upper sagittal sinus (sinus sagittalis superior)
is projected at sagittal line connecting the base of the nose with external occipital prominence.
Transverse sinus (sinus transversus)
projected at the line connecting external occipital prominence with upper back part of mastoid process. The line mostly corresponds to linea nuchae superior (
Sigmoid sinus (sinus sigmoideus)
projected onto the mastoid crest – back of the Shipo`s triangle
Connection of sinuses (confluence sinuum)
projects at external occipital prominence
Parietal emissary veins (vv. emissariae parietales)
projected on each side from sagittal suture on 2-2,5 cm anteriorly from its posterior margin.
Mastoid emissary vein (v. emissaria mastoidea)
projected at the level of the posterior base of the mastoid process
Infraorbital neurovascular fascicle (a., v., n.infraorbitalis)
projects in the middle of lower orbital margin 0,5-1cm to the below towards fossa canina
Mental nerve (n. mentalis)
the exit point is on a vertical line passing through the supraorbital foramen and infraorbital foramen at the mid-height of the mandible