Head and Neck Flashcards
Name the bones of the cranium
How many of each do you have
- Frontal
- Parietal (x2)
- Temporal (x2)
- Occipital
- Zygomatic (x2)
- Ethmoid
- Sphenoid
- Nasal (x2)
- Vomer
- Palatine
- Maxilla (x2)
- Inferior conchae (x2)
Name the jaw bone
What is the bone with no articulations?
Hyoid bone
Name the sutures of the cranium
- coronal suture
- sagittal suture
- All other bones are joined by sutures
List the features of the frontal bone
- Supraorbital foramina (notches)
- Frontal sinus
- Orbital plates (roof of orbits/floor of anterior cranial fossa)
List the features of the ethmoid bone
Crista galli
Cribriform plate (with anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina)
Superior concha
Middle concha
Ethmoid air cells
Perpendicular plate
List the features of the sphenoid bone
Optic canals
Superior orbital fissure
Foramina rotundum, ovale & spinosum
Pituitary (hypophysial) fossa
Right and left medial & lateral pterygoid plates
(right & left pterygoid processes)
Sphenoid sinus (within the body of the sphenoid)
List the features of the parietal bones
The temporal lines
List the features of the occipital bone
Foramen magnum
Jugular foramen (between occipital and temporal bones)
Hypoglossal canal
Occipital condyles
External and internal occipital protuberances
Grooves for dural venous sinuses
List the features of the temporal bone
Internal & external acoustic meatuses
Squamous and petrous parts
Styloid & mastoid processes
Stylomastoid foramen
Glenoid (mandibular) fossa
Carotid canal
Zygomatic process
Grooves for middle meningeal arteries
Describe the zygomatic arch
Zygomatic process of the temporal bone forms zygomatic arch with the temporal process of the zygomatic bone
List the features of the maxillae
Palatine process
Alveolar process
Floor of the orbit
Infraorbital canal (or groove) and foramen
Opening for nasolacrimal duct
Maxillary sinus (clinically called the “antrum”)
List the features of the zygomatic bones
Lateral wall of the orbit
Floor of the orbit
Temporal process
Zygomatic arch
List the features of the zygomatic arch
Zygomatic process of temporal bone
Temporal process of zygoma
Articular tubercle
Name the bones of the nasal septum
Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
List the auditory ossicles
List the features of the cervical vertebrae
Body (except C1 vertebra)
Spinous process (except C1 vertebra)
Transverse processes
Transverse foramina
Vertebral foramen (canal)
Superior and inferior articular facets on superior and inferior articular processes
Intervertebral discs (except between C1-C2)
List the features of the atlas vertebra (C1)
- Attachment points (approximate) for the transverse ligament of the atlas (holds odontoid process in place)
- superior articular facets for the occipital condyles (atlanto-occipital joints)
- inferior articular facets for the superior articular facets of the atlas (atlanto-axial joints)
- anterior arch (no body) for articulation with the odontoid process of the axis
- posterior arch (no spinous process) The axis (C2 vertebra)
- The odontoid process (dens, peg)
- superior articular facets for the inferior articular facets of the atlas (atlanto-axial joints)
What joints connect the vertebrae and cranium?
Craniovertebral joints:
- atlanto-occipital
- atlanto- axial
What joints connect the mandible and cranium?
Temporomandibular (right and left)
List the 3 cranial fossa
- Anterior cranial fossa
- Middle cranial fossa
- Posterior cranial fossa
Define a foramen
A hole in a bone that allows for a nerve or vessel
Define a fossa
A depression, usually in a bone
Name the foramina the each cranial nerve
Ethmoidal foramina - CN I
Optic canal - CN II
Superior orbital fissure - CN III, IV, V1, VI
Foramen rotundum - CN V2
Foramen ovale - CN V3
Internal acoustic meatus - CN VII & VIII
Jugular foramen - CN IX, X & XI
Hypoglossal canal - CNXII