Head and neck Flashcards
Splenius Capitus
O- inferior 1/2 of ligamentum nuchae and sp of c7- t4
A- uni) rotate head and neck to ss and laterally flex head and neck to same side
Bilat) extend head and neck
I- mastoid process and lateral portion of nuchal line
N- cervical
O- tp of c4 - t5
A- extend vertebral column and head
I- between superior and inferior nuchal lines
N- cervical
Splenius Cervicis
O- sp of t3-t6 A- uni) rotate head and neck to ss and laterally flex head and neck to ss Bilat) extend head and neck I- tp of c1-c3 N- cervical
Longus Capitus
O- tp of c3-6
A- uni) laterally flex head and neck to ss and rotate head and neck to ss Bilat) flex head and neck
I- inferior surface of occiput
N- c 1,2,3,
Longus Colii
O- c5-t3 and tp c3-5
A- uni) laterally flex head and neck to ss and rotate head and neck to ss Bilat) flex head and neck
I- tubercle on anterior arch of c1,3,4
N- c2-7
Anterior Scalene
O- tp of 3-6 cervical
A- uni) flex head and neck to ss, rotate head and neck to opp side
Bilat) elevate ribs in breathing and flex head and neck
I- 1st rib
N- c(3), 4-8
Middle Scalene
O- tp 2-7 cervical
A- uni) lat flex head and neck to ss, rotate head and neck to opp s
Bilat) elevate ribs when breathing and flex head and neck
I- 1st rib
N- c (3) 4-8
Posterior scalene
O- tp of 6-7 cervical A- uni) laterally flex head and neck to ss, rotate head and neck Bilat) elevate ribs, flex head and neck I- 2nd rib N- c(3), 4-8
O- manubrium A- uni) lat flex head and neck to ss, rotate head and neck to opp s Bilat) flex neck, elevate rib cage I- mastoid of temporal bone N- c 1,2,3