Head Flashcards
O;alveolar process of maxilla and mandible
I;orbicularis oris
A;compresses cheeks
Orbicularis oris
O;maxilla and mandible
A;compresses,purses lips
O;Fascia surroudning parotid salivary gland
I;angle of mouth
A;draws corner of mouth to side
Depressor anguli oris
O;mandibular body
I;skin at angle of mouth
A;depresses corner of mouth
zygomaticus major
O;zygomatic bone
I;angle of mouth
A:elevates corner of mouth
Zygomaticus minor
O;zygomatic bone
I;upper lip
A;retracts and elevates upper lip
occipitofrontalis(frontal belly)
O;epicranial aponeurosis
I;skin of eyebrow and bridge of nose
A;raises eyebrow
occipitofrontalis(occipital belly)
O;occipital bone
I;epicranial aponeurosis
A;tenses and retracts scalp
O;superior thorax
A;tenses skin of neck