HE Set2 Flashcards
Issues and trends in health education
. Emerging Trends in Health Care in USA
● The patients are being discharged “quicker and earlier” due to:
→ New “healthcare economics”
→ Advances in medical technology
Today, nurses are required to have greater involvement in:
. Emerging Trends in Health Care in USA
Is a word that was derived from the old English for heal which is HAEL. It means whole because health concerns the whole
Is holistic and it includes the different dimensions of health taking into account the separate influences and interaction of these dimensions
Defines health as a “state of complete physical, mental and social being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”.
WHO, 1946 definition:
8 Individual dimensions of health:
Physical health
Mental health
Emotional health
Social health
Spiritual health
Sexual health
Environmental health –
the state of one’s body like its fitness and not being ill.
Physical health
the positive sense of purpose and underlying belief in one’s own worth (self-esteem) like feeling good and feeling able
to cope.
Mental health
the ability to express one’s feelings appropriately and to develop and
sustain relationships. Example: the feeling of
being loved.
Emotional help
involves the support system that is available from family members and
friends. Having friends to talk to and being
involved with activities in the community or
school contributes to social health.
Social health
refers to the acceptance of and the ability to achieve a satisfactory
expression of one’s sexuality.
Sexual health
refers to the physical environment where people live; it involves housing, transport, sanitation, pollution and pure water facilities.
Environmental health
Is the biological integrity of an individual where there is optimum functioning of his physical and physiological abilities and freedom from any disease or disability.
Physical health
(psychological health and emotional health) Is subjective sense of well-being, may also refer to intellectual capabilities.
Mental health
Is the ability to interact effectively with other people and the social environment, development and sustenance of satisfying interpersonal relationships, and, effective and efficient role fulfillment.
Social health –
–It may be concerned with one’s belief in a transcending, unifying force (whether its basis is in nature, scientific law, or a godlike source. It has also been associated with concept of self-actualization and concern for issues which
affect one’s value system.
Spiritual health or personal health
→Refers to the “Optimum Level of Functioning” (OLOF) of individuals, families and communities which is affected by several factors in the ecosystem.
Modern Concept of Health
Political factors
‘ behavioral factors
Healthcare delivery system
Environmental influences
Social economic influence
→ Involve power and authority to regulate the environment or social climate.
Political factors
→Refers to a person’s level of functioning and is affected by certain habits, their lifestyle, healthcare and child rearing practices which are determined by one’s culture and ethnic heritage.
→Examples of this includes:
Culture, Habits, Mores, Ethnic customs
Behavioral factors
→Refers to the understanding genetically influenced diseases and genetic risks. It includes congenital defects, strengths and health risks which can be familial, ethnic orracial.
→Primary health care is a partnership approach to the
effective provision of essential health services that
are community-based, accessible, acceptable, sustainable and affordable. The focus of health care
→is in the promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care.
Health care delivery system
→The menace of pollution, communicable diseases due to poor sanitation, poor garbage collection, smoking, utilization of pesticides, lack or absence of
proper and adequate waste and sewerage disposal system and management, urban/rural milieu, noise,
radiation, air and water pollution are just some of the factors or
situations which exert negative effects on the environment and which put a tremendous strain on
and destruction of the environmental resources.
Environmental influences
→Families in lower income group are the
ones mostly served. →Examples:
Employment, Education
Socio-economic influence
Health as a basic human right is embodied in
‘Universal declaration of human rights article 25, section 1
Philippine constitution of 1987 article 8, section 11
World, health organization, 1995
“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control”.
. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Art. 25, Section 1
→“The state shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach to health development which shall endeavor to make essential goods, health and other social services available to all the people at affordable cost. There shall be
priority for the needs of the underprivileged sick, elderly, disabled, women, and children. The State shall endeavor to provide freemedical services to paupers”.
- Philippine Constitution of 1987, Art. XIII, Sec. 11,
→Believes that governments have a responsibility for the health of their people which can be fulfilled only by the p
- World Health Organization (1995)