HDN Flashcards
Describe the pathophysiology of HDN
- HDN / HDNB / HDFNB (F= foetus)
- jaundice: elevated (>300 uM) &/or rapid inc. (>8.5 uM/hr) serum bilirubin w/in 24hr or 14+ days post partum
- Positive DAT: maternal Ab bound on Bb’s RBC
- severe HDN -> kernicterus, hydrops fetalis
Which antibodies commonly cause HDN?
IgG Aby reactive @ IAT
- Anti-c, -K, ABO
- Rhesus, Kell, Duffy, MNS, Kidd, ABO
Summarise the serological testing required during the ante and post natal periods.
- Ante-: @ first trimester visit: ABO & Rh(D) typing & Ab screen
- Retest in 28 weeks for ABO & Rh(D) type and Ab screen if neg.
- Post-:
• Mum have ABO & Rh(D) and Ab screen (if not done already)
• Bb: if mum is Rh(D) neg or has CSig. Ab = do ABO/Rh(D) group, DAT, Hb, Bilirubin, elution studies on baby - IF DAT positive => Ab screen
What are the requirements for blood products used in intrauterine transfusions?
- <5 days old
- ABO/Rh compatible w/ mum & foetus OR O neg cells
- *K neg
- Ag neg to maternal Ab (not want to give blood that’ll lyse bc from mum’s Aby)
- CMV neg
- Irradiated
- HCT ≥70% (bc not want vol. overload)
- XM compatible w/ maternal or infant plasma
2 test for determining foetal anaemia is baby @ risk of HDN (e.g. bc baby K+)
- Quantification/titration
- Middle cerebral artrey (MCA) Doppler ultrasound:
• non-invasive
• Velocity of blood flow in MCA
• inc blood flow = anaemia
In which scenarios are CMV-negative blood products required for transfusion?
- CMV-seroneg
- at-risk patients:
• Transplant recipients
• immunosuppressive chemo
• intrauterine transfusion
• neonate
• preg. women
In which scenarios are irradiated blood products required for transfusion?
- HLA-matched transfusions
- Intrauterine transfusion
- Newborns
- Immunodeficiency
What are CMV-negative blood componenets
- negative to cytomegalovirus - carried from WBC
What is irradiated blood components & it’s purpose
- RBC, plts treated w/ 25-50 Gy y-radiation
- prevent transfusion-assoc graft-vs-host disease
• prevent proliferation of donor T-lymphocytes
Describe why it is important to differentiate anti-D+C and anti-G in the management of HDN.
- bc someone producing anit-G (OR anti-G +C) can receive Rh(D)Gg
- BUT someone producing anti-D + C is not bc already produce/have immune anti-D
- differentiate using G- or D- differnetiation
Describe how serological testing of the father is beneficial in management of HDN
- perform XM w/ maternal plasma & paternal RBC
- bc father may produce low incidence Ag => baby inherits => will sensitize mum
- consider when there’s HDN w/ pos DAT but neg Aby screen for mum & ABO compatibility b/w mum & baby
Treatment options for HDNB
- phototherapy
- Exchange transfusion: intrauterine
how can you determine if a person has acquired or immune anti-D?
- probs prophylactic if anti-D quant is low
- immune: if quant. is stable or rising
Differentiate Rh(c) HDN w/ Rh(D) HDN
- Rh(c): present similar to HDN to Rh(D) incompatibility
- note: there’s is no prophalactic anti-c
Describe the G Ag
- An Ag on Rh blood group
- Present on C & D Ag = C+ and/or D+