HCLP Flashcards
Topics covered - The GDC, Referrals and writing to patients, Indemnity CPD and Appraisals, Common problems and sources of help,
List the 9 GDC Standards?
- Put patients interests first
- Communicate effectively with patients
- Obtain valid consent
- Maintain and protect patients information
- Have a clear and effective complaints procedure
- Work with colleagues in a way that is in the patients best interests
- Maintain, develop, and work with your professional knowledge and skills
- Raise concerns if patients are at risk
- Make sure your personal behaviour maintains patients confidence in you and the dental profession
Outline the GDC complaints procedure?
- Complaint filed
- You receive letter from GDC Caseworker alerting you of the complaint - do not respond to letter
- You contact your indemnity company
- GDC Caseworker will ask several questions - only respond when asked to do so by indemnity company
- Once info has been provided and initial triage will take place - some cases excluded and others investigated by 2 case examiners (1 lay person and 1 registrant)
- With the record and radiographs etc. the GDC will then decide what to do - neither you or the complainant attends the hearing.
What do the Interim Orders Committee do?
They can assign orders such as conditions or suspension in order to protect the public, public interest or interests of the person concerned.
These orders can be assigned for up to 18 months.
What are the 3 different practice committees?
Professional Conduct Committee
Professional Performance Committee
Health Committee
What are the outcomes that can result from a case following fitness to practice 2 stage test? (8 marks)
- No misconduct found
- No case to answer
- No impairment - has been misconduct however issue resolved
- Reprimand - stays on fitness to practice record
- Conditions on register - up to 3 years
- Suspension from register - up to 12 months
- Erasure
- Can appeal - must be done within 28 days
How might you demonstrate insight to the GDC following a FTP complaint?
By admission of deficiencies and reflective learning
How might you demonstrate remediation to the GDC following a FTP complaint?
Proof of CPD
Awareness of guidelines
Peer review and mentor
PDP/reflective log improvement in records
List 6 examples of non-clinical issues considered by the GDC:
- Criminal charges
- Illegal practice
- Dishonesty
- Operating out with scope
- Professional disputes
- Behaviour on social media
When should you refer?
- When you don’t know what to do
- When there’s something that’s very worrying
- When you mess something up
- When the patient wants another opinion
- When guidelines tell you to
How can you refer?
- Electronically
- By letter
- By phone call
- By secure email
- Combination
- Dialling 999
List 6 reasons why you may make an urgent referral:
- Cancer is suspected
- Potentially airway threatening swelling
- Life-threatening sepsis
- Medical emergency in surgery
- Major child/adult protection issue
- Suicide risk
Who can you refer to?
- Dental Hospital
- District General Hospital
- Another GDP
- Private dental specialist
- General Medical Practitioner
- Other health professionals
- Medical specialist
List the 4 different types of indemnity providers:
- Discretionary indemnity providers
- Insurance based indemnity providers
- Crown indemnity providers
- Corporate Schemes
Name 3 different examples of discretionary indemnity providers:
- MDDUS - Medical & Dental Defense Union of Scotland
- DPL - Dental Protection Limited
- DDU - Dental Defense Union
Give 2 examples of insurance based indemnity providers?
- BDA - British Dental Association
- TDS - Taylor Defense Services