hc 2 Flashcards
Joining groups: Personality Group-Fit
- Extraversion
- Agreableness
- Openess
- Conscientiousness
- Neuroticicm
- Extraversion: Team-oriented, cooperation
- Agreeableness: Cooperation, avoid aggressive and competitive
- Openness to new experiences: More likely to join a spiritual movement than traditional religious group
- Conscientiousness: Detail- and task oriented, more likely to join the Navy SEALS
- Neuroticism: Provide stability, more likely to join a gang
Joining groups: gender differences
• Score(slightly)higher on relationality
• Seeksmaller,informal, intimate groups
• Seeklarger, more formal, task-focused groups
–> These differences are likely due, in part, to gender roles and sexism (rather than biological differences)
Joining groups: social motivation (3)
- Need for affiliation
- Need for intamicy
- Need for power
Genes in loners and joiners
There are loners, but because of evolutionary purposes the genes that seeked groups (affiliation) survived and are way more people than the loners now.
Self-esteem evolution
Self-esteem is not the evolution of your worth, it is an indicator how well you are included in social groups
Joining groups depends on.. (5)
- Personality
- Gender differences in what groups
- Social motivation
- Anxiety and Attachement
- Attitudes, experiences and expectanties
Affiliation in joining groups.. (3)
- Social Comparison
- Stress and Affiliation
- Social Comparison and the Self
> Depends on the situation (e.g., ambiguous, tasks)
Attraction for joining groups.. (2)
- Principles of Attraction
- The Economics of Membership
> Depends on attraction between people, for groups form when individuals find they like one another.
Affiliation becomes more likely in some situations and less likely in others.
People tend to affiliate in
• uncertain and bewildering conditions
• stressful circumstances
• fearful or embarassing circumstances
By joining a group they can gain the information and social support they need to help them cope with difficult circumstances.